2 votes

I want to show standard report on LWC component. Is there any way to achieve this using report id?

To my knowledge, you can't display the report directly in a LWC. But here's what you can do: Have a matrix or summary report with a chart. Have a Visualforce page: <analytics:reportChart ...
Felix van Hove's user avatar
1 vote

How to make a dashboard which compares data of 2 different reports like comparing monthly data of FY 2023 with monthly data of FY 2024

you would need one report of FY 2023 and FY 2024 data then summarize by year or month to get the years on different bars. Then if you want to get fancy you can use report summarizes to compare the ...
Dan Wooding's user avatar
  • 3,538
1 vote

Can we use encrypted fields in Report Filters with Platform Encryption

The correct answer is now "Yes, but". You can use "Platform Encryption" fields in report filters but with the following limitations: You must select Deterministic encryption type. ...
NSjonas's user avatar
  • 10.2k

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