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2 votes

How to filter the opportunity "owner ID" field in a report using Apex?

If you try to add opportunity owner as report filter, the list of suggested fields are opportunity owner, alias, email, phone, etc. but none is Owner Id. So filtering by OwnerId is not allowed in ...
Shamina's user avatar
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Simple Account report returns duplicate Accounts, should be impossible

As this report was so simple, I just created a new report, with exactly the same filters. And this new report shows just four Accounts. I guess the old report was corrupt, in some way or another.
Sander de Jong's user avatar
0 votes

Custom Object is not visible in report making option

If reports is enabled on the custom object and still not showing, check if the custom object is a child in a master-detail relationship. The master record is also required to have reporting enabled I'...
Dan's user avatar
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1 vote

How two Data Model objects can be related in Data Cloud to be used in a report?

On the Child DMO it is possible to create a new Relationship in the Relationship Tab. Cardinality N:1 can be selected. Then the relationship will become visible for the custom report type. https://...
Patlatus's user avatar
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'Unique count' on reports is counting blank values

For my use case I needed to include the rows that had blank values. This only works correctly if your dataset will always have blank "unique" values. I created a summary formula that checks ...
Morey Jones's user avatar

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