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6 votes

How to archive & restore Custom Objects in Big Objects

Thank you for posting such an interesting question. Btw, Big Objects API name ends with __b, So archived Big Object API name could be ArchivedMyObject__b. Should restored records be deleted as Big ...
Santanu Boral's user avatar
4 votes

How to Archive All Metadata

If you added all the metadata to the unmanaged package you can extract all of its content using the workbench as a zip file. To do so here are the steps Log into the workbench(https://workbench....
Mohith Shrivastava's user avatar
2 votes

Pulling archived tasks when refreshing sandbox

Not copying over the archived activities is documented here you can export the archived activities via the dataloader ...
Benjamin Pirih's user avatar
2 votes

Archiving salesforce records

After Salesforce archives activities, you can view them in exported data and in certain locations in Salesforce Classic. Activities are archived regardless of whether you use Salesforce Classic, ...
Mahmood's user avatar
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2 votes

Archived content documents not found in SOQL

Looking at the docs for ALL ROWS, you have to place it at the end of your query, and is 2 keywords. For it to work, update your query to: SELECT Id, Title, FileType, ContentSize FROM ContentDocument ...
Drew Kennedy's user avatar
2 votes

Archive Records but usable for Marketing Cloud, reporting and support

If by storage you mean "GBs of data stored on SFMC", this should not give you problems, as I am yet to see an account being asked to reduce the data volumes stored. Especially not when they originate ...
Lukas Lunow's user avatar
  • 22.2k
2 votes

How do I manage access to "isArchived" field on Task?

Usually the first step is to go into Setup --> Object Manager --> Task and check if the IsArchived field is there so you can change field-level security. It's not. The second thing to check, in ...
Kris Goncalves's user avatar
2 votes

Marketing Cloud Email Archival as PDF to FTP

There is really nothing you can do, to implement this natively in SFMC. My idea for such a solution would be following: Store the VAWP URL in sendlog. It will provide you with the web version of that ...
Lukas Lunow's user avatar
  • 22.2k
2 votes

Big Object Record Limits

The 1 million record limit for Big Objects in Salesforce is a cumulative limit across all Big Objects in your org. This means that if you create multiple Big Objects, the total number of records ...
Tushar Jadav's user avatar
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1 vote

How to overcome inability to use anti joins when it comes to activities in order to get leads that truly have no activity?

I believe your only option to be implementing a rollup Activity_Count__c field. To do so, you will have to add some custom code or implement a common tool such as Declarative Lookup Rollup Summaries ...
Adrian Larson's user avatar
  • 151k
1 vote

I am unable to edit / delete archive product

This behavior is at least partially documented and is subject to an open idea on the IdeaExchange. The error message tells you exactly what the problem is. You cannot perform the operation you are ...
David Reed's user avatar
  • 93.7k
1 vote

How do i get Archived files list on specific record?

You need to use ALL rows for querying archived records ContentDocument[] cd=[SELECT Id, Title FROM ContentDocument where isArchived = true ALL ROWS]; system.debug([SELECT id FROM ...
User6670's user avatar
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1 vote

Archive Accounts

I think you may be overcomplicating this functionality by not looking to Salesforce platform idioms to guide your process development. Duplicate accounts should generally not be archived; they should ...
David Reed's user avatar
  • 93.7k
1 vote

Purge an archived Product

This is known behaviour. I tried replicating your issue. A) The created product, Assigned to an Opportunity then tried deleting it. It gives this option B) If the product is not linked to any ...
Pranay Jaiswal's user avatar

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