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11 votes

How to add fields to "New Event" under "Activity" tab in Lightning?

You can't edit the Activity Publisher component, but you can change the set of tabs that appear therein. They're Quick Actions. You can control which Quick Actions appear in the Activity Publisher by ...
David Reed's user avatar
  • 93.7k
8 votes

Remove tabs from activities in lightning

For removing the actions in Lightning, Go to Setup->Object Manager then select the object. Go to page layouts and edit the Page layout currently assigned. Under "Salesforce Mobile and Lightning ...
Sanket Mandhare's user avatar
7 votes

Is it possible to create Script Activities through Marketing Cloud API?

If you don't mind using undocumented REST endpoints, then yes! you can. Create POST /automation/v1/scripts Host: {{subdomain}} Authorization: Bearer {{authToken}} Content-...
Gortonington's user avatar
  • 30.8k
7 votes

Is there any reason we shouldn't allow activities on custom object

There is no technical reason to make that decision. It depends on the business needs and the object itself. There is no reason to add a feature that your users won't use -- it just adds to clutter ...
Charles Koppelman's user avatar
6 votes

How to stop users from deleting Activities?

You can use an Apex Trigger which leverages the SObject.addError method. You should look into trigger best practices such as handlers, service/domain layer, etc, but the basic idea would look like: ...
Adrian Larson's user avatar
  • 151k
6 votes

get all task related to contact in developer console

You will need to SOQL Contact first then feed the Tasks List with those ContactIds to get the related Tasks. Contact SOQL Contact[] cons = [SELECT id from Contact ]; Now, feed these ContactIDs to ...
Mahmood's user avatar
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5 votes

Any reason not to check "Optional Features" when creating custom objects?

The reason you would de-select them is to make your custom object a Light Application Object, which could then allow you to use the App Subscription license type. Store Information That’s ...
Adrian Larson's user avatar
  • 151k
5 votes

What happens when I delete the Task related to an EmailMessage?

Note: Some of the following is conclusions my team reached for which we could not find explicit documentation; Salesforce support eventually confirmed our findings, just this past week. The ...
Jason Clark's user avatar
  • 12.2k
4 votes

Error: Compile Error: Field is not writeable: ActivityHistory.RelatedTo__c

ActivityHistory is a read-only: This read-only object is displayed in a related list of closed activities—past events and closed tasks—related to an object so any modifications you want to do ...
Keith C's user avatar
  • 137k
4 votes

Activities past due dates are still displaying in Next Steps section in LEX

Yes, you'll notice the dates are highlighted in red, which indicates that they are open tasks that are past due. This same behavior happens in Classic as well on places where you can view open tasks (...
sfdcfox's user avatar
  • 502k
4 votes

How to add fields to "New Event" under "Activity" tab in Lightning?

First, you have to create the field under Activity in the Object Manager and assign it to the event layout. Next, in Setup, type Global Actions in the Quick Find box. There, you will see the New Event ...
kai998's user avatar
  • 69
4 votes

What are the objects/entities that are NOT allowed in an inner join SOQL query?

At the bottom of Comparison Operators in the SOSL/SOQL reference, it gives you the information you're looking for The following objects aren’t currently supported in subqueries: ActivityHistory ...
Derek F's user avatar
  • 64.1k
3 votes

How to stop users from deleting Activities?

A trigger that fires before delete can put an error on those records if they meet desired criteria. trigger PreventDelete on Event (before delete) { if(UserInfo.getUserId() != "##...
DavidSchach's user avatar
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3 votes

Missing New Task and Log a Call button in Lightning

I noticed that, if we have record types on task object, the standard buttons will not show up in the Activity publisher. We may have to create Quick Actions to create Tasks. If we create quick actions,...
Ajay 's user avatar
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3 votes

How to stop users from deleting Activities?

If you want to do this declaratively, turn off the Delete permission for those users' profiles. Separate answer because totally separate approach.
DavidSchach's user avatar
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3 votes

get all task related to contact in developer console

Additionally you can also use inner or outer join in SOQL to get Tasks based on Contact. Outer join SOQL example: SELECT Id, Subject FROM Task WHERE WhoId IN (SELECT Id FROM Contact) Inner ...
Raul's user avatar
  • 18.9k
3 votes

Upload events recurrence end error

Depending on the type of event, Salesforce restricts the number of recurrences that can occur. To avoid the error, you must specify a date/time that is no later than the date in the error message. To ...
sfdcfox's user avatar
  • 502k
3 votes

Translation of Subject field on Task Object

Subject is something called a Combobox, which is really just a fancy way of saying it's a text field with a set of predefined options you can select from. Since it's really a text box, no translation ...
sfdcfox's user avatar
  • 502k
3 votes

Trigger : How to track once an event moves from "Open Activities" to "Activity History"?

See also: What fields determine what is displayed in Open Activities vs. Activity History For Task records, you can write a trigger that compares the old and new value of IsClosed. trigger Task on ...
Adrian Larson's user avatar
  • 151k
3 votes

create query and filter option is gone?

SFMC has been pushing to move people off of using interactions inside email studio, so during pretty much any maintenance or 'update' that they do (Like the one done Friday), they wipe away all those '...
Gortonington's user avatar
  • 30.8k
3 votes

Recordtype and Pagelayout

Answering your two questions: Is it possible to have the record type in the same page layout of the task? If so, how can i accomplish it? No, by standard way, it first asks for RecordType then ...
Ashwani's user avatar
  • 22.7k
3 votes

SFMC SQL query most recent record MAX()

It looks like just some syntax errors. As @Data_Kid pointed out there were issues with extra commas and you needed to bracket or double quote the DE name. He was missing one item though, Max[Created ...
Gortonington's user avatar
  • 30.8k
3 votes

Do not see Event object in Dataloader

Some of the developers on the project renamed the Label of the Event object. Thank you @sfdcfox.
Dmitry's user avatar
  • 83
3 votes

How to pull data from Account to Activity?

You can create a custom field in Setup > Object Manager > Activities > Fields & Relationships (in Classic, Setup > Customize > Activities > Fields). From there, use the formula type, a return type ...
sfdcfox's user avatar
  • 502k
3 votes

report on log a call

I was curious about this so I hit the 'Log A Call Button' in my dev org and ran a SOQL query to see if any fields had data to tell us it was a call other than the Subject line and found the ...
Brooks Johnson's user avatar
3 votes

Multiple SQL statements in one Activity

I'm not a fan of denormalizing product data into numbered columns. It makes everything more difficult, especially in SFMC where there are limited options for pivoting the data. Tall and skinny ...
Adam Spriggs's user avatar
  • 31.1k
3 votes

Invalid property show legacy activity component error deployment

Your sandbox must have been in Spring 23 release and your production environment in Winter 23 release(previous release). So the metadata which you are retrieving from the sandbox is having the tags as:...
Subhrajit Debnath's user avatar
2 votes

Lookup Field on Custom Object related to Activity (Task) (aka create a related list on Activities/Tasks)

Answering my own question because I realized this was still unresolved. We ended up migrating this use of Tasks to a new custom object & abandoned using Tasks for this. It's a non-answer, but ...
mlpSFadmin's user avatar
2 votes

Archiving salesforce records

After Salesforce archives activities, you can view them in exported data and in certain locations in Salesforce Classic. Activities are archived regardless of whether you use Salesforce Classic, ...
Mahmood's user avatar
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2 votes

Trigger to prevent deletion of tasks, or attachments, except for admins

Move your add error code to else part.You are executing the loop without any check on the profile Trigger PreventDelete on Task (before delete){ Id profileid=[Select Id,Name from Profile where ...
Samir's user avatar
  • 2,679

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