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10 votes

Data Loader Error no viable alternative at character

You are only allowed to use single quotes in your query. Replace all of your double quote characters (") with single quote characters (').
Adrian Larson's user avatar
  • 151k
9 votes

how to update email field to NULL value using data loader

Since you have already changed the setting of data loader "Insert null values". so, in the .csv, email field will be blank. NO quotes, NO NULL word. If you open the .csv in notepad or ...
Santanu Boral's user avatar
9 votes

How to query ContentDocumentLink in SOQL and then upsert records in Data Loader

This is a system restriction on ContentDocumentLink. The object reference has specifics of what you're required to do: You can't run a query without filters against ContentDocumentLink. You can't ...
David Reed's user avatar
  • 93.6k
8 votes

Difference between data loader and workbench

As you mentioned in the Question, I guess workbench operated in the Bulk API but in Parallel Processing mode. Parallel Processing mode is known to throw these kind of errors. Refer to the section ...
javanoob's user avatar
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8 votes

How do I export activities related to an account with a specific recordtype?

You're in luck: you don't have to wait until Summer '19 hits your org, bringing with it Polymorphic SOQL, or use a subquery on WhatId, because you can query through the non-polymorphic AccountId ...
David Reed's user avatar
  • 93.6k
8 votes

Do SFDX commands count toward limits?

Yes, SFDX commands do consume and count towards the limits of the resources they utilize on your target orgs, including API calls, Bulk API jobs, streaming and platform event consumption, and others. ...
David Reed's user avatar
  • 93.6k
7 votes

How to authenticate Data Loader with Single Sign On?

The answer saying it does not work is now outdated. You can use single sign-on with Data Loader since version 36 if you have a custom domain ( On the log in screen, choose ...
georg w.'s user avatar
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7 votes

Will extracting data from salesforce remove all data from salesforce

No, you would have to do a delete. Extract with Dataloader is just a dump to a csv. So if you just do an export and don't then do a delete you're fine.
user4978's user avatar
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7 votes

How to automate data import on full sandbox refresh

If you're willing to take the time, the SandboxPostCopy interface lets you write code that's called once upon refresh. You could write a bunch of code to populate records. If you're planning on moving ...
sfdcfox's user avatar
  • 502k
6 votes

How to import accounts without contacts using Data Import Wizard?

Choose Accounts and Contacts on the first step, and proceed through the wizard. Simply unmap all of the contact fields. If no contact fields are mapped for import, the wizard will only import accounts....
sfdcfox's user avatar
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6 votes

Tasks Updates--Locking issue

A few key tactics should alleviate this issue: Group your input data by WhatId to ensure that the Tasks for each Account are grouped into as few batches as possible. Note that this might not actually ...
David Reed's user avatar
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6 votes

Transactions and Batch Size

Yes, you will get each record it its own transaction, but you'll also use 1,000,000 API calls against your daily limit. In other words, if you have less than 1,000 Salesforce licenses, you're likely ...
sfdcfox's user avatar
  • 502k
6 votes

Best option to export more than 15 millions records from Salesforce?

Any tool that supports the Bulk API, such as Data Loader, should work fine. If you're exporting data from an object or objects that support PK Chunking, you will probably want to use it. To provide ...
xn.'s user avatar
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5 votes

Data Loader v38 (Winter 17)

As commented by Charles, v38.0.1 is now available: DataLoader V38.0.1 fixed Oauth option missing issue caused by release script and a bug in field mapping UI after sorting by column names. Partial ...
Daniel Ballinger's user avatar
5 votes

Upserting Data using Data Loader with External ID

I will put 2 scenarios over here. I have created following csv file to upload data into my org, where External Site Id is External Id (unique is not selected) External Site key is External Id and ...
Santanu Boral's user avatar
5 votes

How many API calls does dataloader use

Your best option could be to check the Data Loader Log File. It apparently tracks: the operations and network connections made by Data Loader So it would give you a very direct indication of the ...
Daniel Ballinger's user avatar
5 votes

Combining Multiple Rows From SOQL Query In DataLoader

Adding this as an answer, after noticing the expected result. Such a advanced query is not supported by a SOQL through dataloader and would not be even possible by a standard report, as you want to ...
Raul's user avatar
  • 18.9k
5 votes

how to insert records on account and contact

Following things to be noted. The term deploy is used when we deploy configuration and customization components, which is nothing but metadata. We use word migration when data to be loaded into ...
Santanu Boral's user avatar
5 votes

Data Loader 48.0 Installation error - Could not find install.bat

OK, ended up having to copy the dataloader.bat and the dataloader-48.0.0-uber.jar files from the Salesforce download, into the installed directory. It now works ! Maybe a permissions issue with ...
Mark99's user avatar
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5 votes

Installing Data Loader on Windows

You have to install the Zulu JDK first by launching the msi. JDK is Java Development Kit, it contains the Java runtime. Zulu is just the name/flavor of the JDK release. You also have to make sure the ...
identigral's user avatar
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5 votes

Increase Heap Size for Data Loader Started from dataloader.bat Windows Batch File

Note that the article you link says that: Newer Dataloader versions (45 and up) that use Zulu Java manage heap size differently and should not need to do this. Are you certain that this is what ...
Thomas Taylor's user avatar
5 votes

Unable to Install Salesforce Data Loader v52 in Mac BigSur 11.4

It may be because your JRE version is not correct. To check this and fix it, try this: [For MacOS]: Go into where the data loader is installed and execute it from the command line so you can see the ...
Kajal's user avatar
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4 votes

System.LimitException: Too many future calls: 51

Salesforce imposes a governor limit that states no more than 50 future calls may be made in a single request. Take a look at the docs. The governor limit is not about 51 records being called/processed ...
TSmith's user avatar
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4 votes

Facing record lock issue on Parent when loading millions records

Your suggestions are all valid in there own right, but they do become dependent on your data. I would lean towards #3 the most, as that is what I most often do (because it works with most of my data ...
Jesse Milburn's user avatar
4 votes

How many API calls does dataloader use

The Data Loader uses one API call to log in, one to describe all objects, one when you start mapping fields or building a query, and one API call per 200 records (by default). A very light object with ...
sfdcfox's user avatar
  • 502k
4 votes

Combining Multiple Rows From SOQL Query In DataLoader

An alternative is to use Conga Composer where the output goes into an Excel template that includes a pivot table. You have two worksheets in Excel The data worksheet that Conga assembles from your ...
cropredy's user avatar
  • 73.3k
4 votes

Can I export related fields using a data loader?

You can export parent and their parent attribute values from Child object. But from the parent, you cannot export child object related attributes. You could move to 5 levels up to the Parent or ...
Santanu Boral's user avatar
4 votes

Inserting record using Test Class vs data loader

Maybe. You might be artificially hitting the limit if you forgot to reset the limits before actually inserting the records. Keep in mind that the act of building your test records requires CPU time ...
sfdcfox's user avatar
  • 502k
4 votes

How to remove Duplicate Accounts?

If you're only talking about 3000 records and you're only worried about exact name dups (ignoring case), a primitive script would also work: List<Account> allAccounts = [SELECT Name FROM ...
Brian Mansfield's user avatar
4 votes

No Package.XML found

you should not zip the "custom_md_loader" folder, try to get in this folder and then select all folders including package.xml and click to zip
collin's user avatar
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