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Questions tagged [getcontentaspdf]

It returns a visualforce Page Reference in PDF form - base64 encoded binary data

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Generating PDF from Quote - No output via Flow

We utilize a third-party program to generate Quote PDFs - "Quote Editor". It uses VF pages as templates to do so. This works quite well using its native functionality (but this requires ...
InfoSys's user avatar
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I am trying to create an agreement using transient document in adobe sign using rest api.Following is my code snippet:

List<ContentVersion> cvList = [SELECT VersionData, Title FROM ContentVersion WHERE Id = '068OD00000137hmYAA']; String boundary = '----WebKitFormBoundary' + String.valueOf(Crypto....
Juggernau_tik's user avatar
1 vote
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Guest User is generating and inserting Blank PDF through VF Page

Facing an issue when generating a PDF through the VF page from a Guest User but for the same code from the System Admin Profile, it's getting generated and inserted successfully.For the guest user, ...
SHUBHAM GUPTA's user avatar
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Cannot render pdf file in contentdocument in PDFjs viewer using salesforce URLs

I am creating a simple PDF viewer using PDFjs library (pdfjs-4.0.379-dist), where I have viewer.html and js in static resources, and pdf.mjs and pdf.worker.mjs library from CDN in viewer. Using CDN ...
Bibek Chaudhary's user avatar
2 votes
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getContentAsPDF() - Internal server error

I am trying to generate a table of records in pdf and sending it as email attachment from apex by using getContentAsPDF() method . The method works fine until we are processing more then 12 records. ...
Sahil Gupta's user avatar
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Community Users not able to generate PDF - getContentAsPdf() not working

I have looked at numerous articles but did not find a solution for Community Users and PDF creation. The idea is to auto-create a PDF when a Community user clicks on a checkbox. This is working for ...
Mitesh Sura's user avatar
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getContentAsPDF() from batch Apex request works in scratch org but not production

I have a Batch class that calls a Visualforce page using getContentAsPDF() to generate a single PDF. This works flawlessly in a scratch org and in the developer logs I can see a separate call made to ...
Dan's user avatar
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currentpage.getContentAsPDF() renders hidden tables

I have created a visualforce page (pop up window) showing a confirmation letter containing student information and booking details. The page has a table in the header (or simply at the top) that ...
user2910531's user avatar
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Blank PDF Generated on Use of getContentAsPDF on A VF Page When Called From an LWC Component on a Community Site

As the title says I'm calling getContentAsPDF for a VF page from an LWC component which is used on a community site. It works for Authenticated users but for Guest Users returns a blank PDF. I've done ...
Avalon's user avatar
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I want to pass collection variable to apex class

I want to pass the collection variable from flow to Apex which generates the PDF so, in collection variable, there are multiple records ,that I want to show in visual force page @InvocableMethod()...
TEJ's user avatar
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Issue with PDF file using getContentAsPDF

I am creating attachment with paypal invoice using getContent method in apex and attaching file under record but there issue with pdf file. it's not creating properly Here is my code : String ...
uday chavan's user avatar
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Web to lead form as an attachment (PDF) to capture the data!

I am trying to capture the data with the help of a PDF file instead of a simple form (web-to-lead). is it possible? As to provide a pdf file to the user to fill instead of a plain form and then ...
Abdul Qayyum's user avatar
3 votes
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Get content of local Visualforce Page from managed package code

I have Manage Package, where is some logic which sends Emails with EmailFileAttachment ( using Visualforce page rendered as PDF ) to Customers. I want to add possibility to users to use theirs Custom ...
Vitalii Dehnerys's user avatar
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Border CSS not working properly with VF page rendered as pdf

Hi I'm trying to display rounded borders in a VF page using the below style on a individual div and a tr inside a table separately. style="text-align: left;border: 1px solid black !important;...
Vasu Gupta's user avatar
5 votes
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Blank PDF using getContentAsPDF in future method

I am having an issue in production with a specific Profile (a clone of the System Administrator) that generates Invoices via a @future call resulting in a blank PDF creation. Below is a simplified ...
Scott's user avatar
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Change the locale of Quote PDF

We have a problem in my org related to the locale and the creation of the Quote PDF. We have 2 offices ("Europe" and "America") for the Quote object, specified in the Office (...
Enrique Muñoz's user avatar
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get pdf from external url

In the response from 3rd party I am getting url, I want to grab that url and save that pdf in a salesforce object. If I manually use that url and paste in browser it downloads the file. But when I use ...
user14670979's user avatar
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Dynamic page numbering when generated pdf through vf page using Render as PDF

We are generating PDF using render as PDF in VF page, now we have requirement for dynamic page number on generated PDF. for example page number should start from 30 and end at 35 i.e 6 pages. If ...
user55180's user avatar
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How can we access visualforce page for pdf generation from a future annotated method

I have a future annotated method which should generate a pdf in PdfController, the method is as below: @future(callout=true) public static void savePdfAsAttachment(Id applicationId){ PageReference ...
AdityaHM's user avatar
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Create Pdf from visualforce page with button

I create a PDF with button at the account record. That works good, but now I want to pass information from the account record into my visual force. I tried it, see below, but the (AName) account name ...
peXeq's user avatar
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Trying to show PDF in Lightning web component in iFrame but it does not render the PDF file

I am trying to display a pdf file using Base64data in the Lightning Web component, the PDF Viewer renders but it does not get the PDF file in it. here's my HTML: <template if:true={showModal}> ...
anxiousAvocado's user avatar
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Tables in visualforce page renderAs Pdf are moving to the top of the page

I am rendering a html code as pdf in visualforce page. But the tables in the page are going to the TOP. If I remove renderAs="pdf" and check the VF page, everything looks fine. Please advice....
AshSFcloud's user avatar
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How to take input in a VF page that also needs to be rendered as a PDF with the help of getContentAsPDF()?

I have a table on a VF page that displays 3 columns. Last column of the table is defined as follows: <apex:column headerValue="New Value"> <apex:inputText value="{!...
Koustubh's user avatar
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How to adjust column widths in Visualforce to PDF email attachment?

I wish to send a visualforce page as an email PDF attachment to user. The problem I am facing is that the columns don't fit in the PDF. Hence I sent the PDF in landscape mode. After that, some extra ...
Koustubh's user avatar
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How can a VF page be attached to an email as a pdf attachment in landscape format?

I have a requirement where I have to send a VF page as a pdf email attachment to user. The problem is that a table present on the VF page has many columns and they don't fit in the pdf attachment. All ...
Koustubh's user avatar
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How to create a table in VF page that will appear as standard table and can also be emailed as a pdf attachment?

I wish to create a VF page that displays a table of data to users. If the user clicks on the 'Email' button on the VF page, the table of data should get emailed to the user in PDF format. I ...
Koustubh's user avatar
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Marketing Cloud Email Archival as PDF to FTP

I came across a requirement where I need to archive the email sent to customer as PDF onto a different Archival platform. I currently have the preview links synced to Salesforce, which expires after ...
ipradhansk's user avatar
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Generate Quote PDF via Apex returns blank

I am trying to automate the generation of quote pdfs. I have found a really nice blog entry on that topic here:
Jan Tonnet's user avatar
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Salesforce Visualforce Update Timing issue?

I have a Visualforce page (Call VF1) which does some processing and updates a Custom object (Sales_Prints__c). After updating the sales_prints__c on VF1 I need to call another visualforce page (Call ...
New's user avatar
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insert attachment getcontentaspdf not loading data dynamically

I have a method that call a vf page and render as pdf the following Pagereference test = new Pagereference ('/apex/claire'); return test; that gives me the page I am expecting after that the ...
Tibgg's user avatar
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Salesforce VF - getContent() and getContentAsPdf() timeout

How to set extent default timeout for getContent and getContentAsPdf? Those are considered as callouts so I assume it should be possible to set timeout. We are using them to generate PDF files from ...
user71186's user avatar
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Unknown Visualforce Error CompositeFont

I am getting an exception like below- System.VisualforceException: class sun.font.CompositeFont cannot be cast to class sun.font.PhysicalFont (sun.font.CompositeFont and sun.font.PhysicalFont are in ...
Sam's user avatar
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3 votes
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Page getContent / getContentAsPDF not retrieving the updated data

I'm able to get all the data by calling the Page.getContentAsPDF() function by selecting all the record from Account object. Basically, I'm loading the pdf content based on query from page ...
Rival's user avatar
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PageReference for quote/quoteTemplateDataViewer as PDF is blank

I'm having trouble getting a PDF when using a PageReference to the quoteTemplateDataViewer. This class is creating a QuoteDocument on the Quote record, but the contents of the document are blank. ...
veronatii's user avatar
4 votes
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Generating a PDF from a Lightning Page with LockerService restrictions

I'm trying to generate a PDF from a Lightning Page using jsPDF. When I use the addHTML function in jsPDF I get an error (but only if locker service is enabled). The problem is in the use of ...
Aequitas's user avatar
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Style codes appear on using getContentasPDF

I am trying to insert a pdf on click of a button using the getContentasPDF method. The page which has to be rendered is the page I'm redirecting to. I'm pasting the partial code - PageReference ...
Jarvis's user avatar
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Programmatically generate Quote PDF in Lightning Component Apex controller

I'm trying to programmatically generate and insert a Quote PDF, given a Quote Id and a Template Id, within an @AuraEnabled method in my Lightning component's server-side controller. (N.b. - the ...
David Reed's user avatar
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Cache value not being saved in Org from Async call

I have a batch call that calls a queuaeble that calls a future call which utilizes a visualforce page 'getContentAsPdf' function. Also in this queuable call I set a custom class value to a local ...
jschleicher's user avatar
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PDF generation failed. Check the page markup is valid.- Occurred when using getContentasPDF

I have a VF page, where I am not using renderas "PDF". In the single email messaging method of Controller, I am using the Attachment as pdf of the VF page. I used getContent() function which ...
user5432's user avatar
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Regex including curly brackets

I have an e-mail processing class which takes the HTML content of e-mails, and stores them in rich text fields to be later rendered as PDF's to be printed via VisualForce. However, the e-mails ...
LucidLunatic's user avatar
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Not able to save quote document as pdf display from the visualforce page

I have one visualforce page called : QuoteDetail. This page have button called : Generate PDF. This Generate pdf open up a popup with selection (checkboxes) 1. Remove items with no quantity 2. Show ...
Nail David's user avatar
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PDF isn't rendered using apex class on community site

I have a community site with some partner users on it, and there's a specific record that I want to make available to render as PDF and be saved as attachment on the same record. Rendering the PDF ...
Renato Oliveira's user avatar
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PageReference.GetContentAsPDF throws Internal Error

The PageReference.GetContentAsPDF method throws an internal Error when there is a problem generating the page. i.e. when an exception is thrown in the controller. This makes it very ...
Kieran Maguire's user avatar
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apex:repeat render as pdf cant format based on css tags for table or td or th or span

.bPageBlock .pbBody table { min-width: 90% !important; max-width: 90% !important; width: 90% !important; margin: 0 auto !important; } .bPageBlock .pbBody td { width: 45% !...
Shyam Raju's user avatar
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getContentAsPDF() SOQL has no rows

I have a problem. I need to get pdf and attach it to object. I create object (and for test I execute query - it's ok), get ID and put it to page as parametr: PageReference pdfPage = Page....
Dmitry Dubonos's user avatar
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How to render page as PDF in a seperate subtab

I'm looking for a way to open a new subtab in the service console that renders an existing form as a PDF prior to saving the form and without storing the PDF in Salesforce. I managed to work out how ...
Jason Cooke's user avatar
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Why am I not able to get full 60 second CPU time in @future method with getContentAsPDF()

I'm trying to generate a PDF, and in normal Apex execution the function is haulted due to CPU timeout (exceeding 10 second execution time). So I tried using @future annotation to use Asynchronous ...
VarunC's user avatar
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How to change the design of the exported Excel or PDF files?

I'm providing an export links to export some result into a PDF or Excel files. The tables, in the exported files, don't look that good and I had tried to add some style to my VF page but it didn't ...
MAZux's user avatar
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displaying the vf page details as pdf

I am trying to coverting vf page as pdf format,for that am usinf contentType="application/pdf" <apex:page standardController="Opportunity" extensions="PDFcontroller" ...
lathish's user avatar
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Increase PDF height to show in one page

I have an HTML used Apex page which has renderas PDF tag for PDF conversion. But the content is too long and coming in two pages. I need to keep it in one Page. Can someone suggest a solution? Apex ...
Testing_SFDC's user avatar
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