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Replicate the VF renderAs="PDF" Functionality Using LWC

We currently have a VF page (rendered as PDF) that generates invoice data. We use it in several places in the org: it's accessible via a record action on the Invoice record page, it can be sent as an ...
Asdrubal Grande's user avatar
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div not working as block element in renderAs Pdf in VF page?

I am generating a pdf using renderAs pdf in VF page. In the page the <div> is not working as it should(block) , It is overlapping with its parent div .Here is the pdf: Here is the VF page code: ...
Sahil Gupta's user avatar
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How to pass data from javascript controller to iframe in LWC

I am trying to pass a pdf as a preview to an Iframe in LWC. Note: a preview, not showing an existing pdf I followed following example: How to render a PDF generated with jsPDF in a LWC How do I pass ...
Thomas's user avatar
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How to create pdf using pdfjs library in lwc

I have a lwc in which I try to render a pdf. I have zipped the pdfjs library and added this as a static resource. In my template I can call the library as following: <iframe id="...
Thomas's user avatar
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How to render base64 image as pdf using visualforce page?

I see many posts that it is not possible to render base64 image as pdf in visualforce page, is it still possible ? This image is coming from another system and I do not want to store in sf as an ...
brahma's user avatar
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Border CSS not working properly with VF page rendered as pdf

Hi I'm trying to display rounded borders in a VF page using the below style on a individual div and a tr inside a table separately. style="text-align: left;border: 1px solid black !important;...
Vasu Gupta's user avatar
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Can a managed package access and render a Visualforce page from the default namespace or a different namespace? [duplicate]

A managed package implementing the PageReference's method getContentAsPDF implements a certain logic that allows the name of the page being called to be dynamic. Is it possible that this Apex code in ...
Renato Oliveira's user avatar
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Visualforce PDF rendering sans-serif font with bold elements in same section not working

I have a Visualforce page with a sans-serif font: <apex:page showHeader="false" applyHtmlTag="false" applyBodyTag="false" standardStylesheets="...
Andy Ray's user avatar
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Can we convert PDF file to Word Document?

I have a VF page on which I save that VF page content as a PDF, Now there is a new requirement in which I have to save a Word DOC file as well with that PDF so that I can perform some changes on it. ...
NewBaySales's user avatar
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Visual Force is not Rendering Inline Css when rendered as PDF

In Our Application , We are getting a formatted Html string from a external library(Bryntnum - provides gantt chart features). The Formatted Html is returned in a string format. Our business need is ...
Rakshith YADHAV A R B's user avatar
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Dynamic page numbering when generated pdf through vf page using Render as PDF

We are generating PDF using render as PDF in VF page, now we have requirement for dynamic page number on generated PDF. for example page number should start from 30 and end at 35 i.e 6 pages. If ...
user55180's user avatar
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PDF generation failed. Check the page markup is valid. Issue with datatable and columns tags

When rendering a visualforce page as PDF, I'm running into the error above often and have been unable to figure out what the error is. Through process of elimination, I have been able to narrow down ...
Heather's user avatar
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Visualforce renderAs Pdf CSS selector issue [:last-child]

I am developing a visualforce renderas pdf in which I create a table but when I try to use the CSS :last-child selector it doesn't work. However the :first-child selector works. Attached is an example ...
Moncho Developer's user avatar
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Options to lock Header and Footer sections in Word when Visualforce Page is rendered as word

I am looking for options to lock the header and footer sections in the word document when Visualforce page is being rendered as word. Any help would be appreciated! <apex:page sidebar="false&...
Anvesh's user avatar
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Perform Callout, get byte[] and view pdf

I have a requirement to perform a callout, get response (byte array) that is a PDF base 64 encoded. Then, i need to show the pdf, without saving any data in Salesforce. I just need to view the ...
Giorgos Galaios's user avatar
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Visualforce Page - Render Rich Text Area(32768)

I am building a Visualforce page as PDF and i want to show some sections and clauses of a Contract, which are within Salesforce as records. The value i want to display is rich text area and this rich ...
Giorgos Galaios's user avatar
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My visualforce PDF does not render webp image

There is a PDF which worked perfectly rendering png or jpg images, but now the images are being uploaded to salesforce they are webp format. I have not been able to render this type of images in the ...
ojedawinder's user avatar
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Image is displayed upside down in Visualforce page rendered as PDF

I am facing a bizarre issue. I am creating a PDF dynamically using images stored in the system. I am using a VF page and using RenderAs="pdf" to generate the file. Everything is working as ...
DebaSen's user avatar
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How to disable generic @page rule in VF page rendered as PDF?

I have following two requirements: (1) Several single Visualforce pages rendered as PDF with a running header/footer as well as each VF page having a different “padding-top” value of it’s content, i.e....
Marvel's user avatar
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How to generate PDF attachment of visualforce page with embeded lightning component? [duplicate]

Is there any way to create PDF attachment for VF Page with Lightning Out component in it: <apex:page showHeader="false" controller="PageController" standardStylesheets="false" ...
Valentine Potapov's user avatar
4 votes
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Visualforce renderAs="PDF" header <a> tag doesn't wrap <img>

I have a problem when I'm wrapping images with an anchor tag in the header in a page that is rendered as PDF. When I wrap an image with anchor tag in the header the image gets rendered OK, but ...
Anton Solomin's user avatar
2 votes
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Visualforce as PDF error

I am creating a VF page where I have to select date and filter data and using button I need to send the another VF page as PDF with same data in email as attachment. When I selecting Date from 1st VF ...
SFDC 44's user avatar
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Visualforce - image resize when render as msword

I have a visualforce that builds word documents dynamically and I'm having troubles with the images opening in the original size. The document only resizes if the tag is set like so: <img alt="" ...
Crashzilla's user avatar
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How can I carry over my 'dynamic tag' when rendering as pdf from html visual force page?

I have a Lightning Component, that is iframing a VF Page which displays a plain text Static Resource. The VF Page has a text placeholder 'CONTACTNAME' that is replaced with Contact.Name which is sent ...
Patrick Shea's user avatar
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Pdf logo and Header adjustment in Visualforce Page

I have a VF page which shows the logo and header in pdf(dynamic) like this:(by renderAs="pdf")- but on the next page the "header and logo overlaps" and look like this:- I am using this part of code ...
bsr bsrr's user avatar
3 votes
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Place image on last page in PDF document

I have a Visualforce page rendered as PDF with a static first page and dynamic pages following. I have a header and footer set and they are working as expected. My issue is trying to place an image ...
JRiffe's user avatar
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renderAS = "advanced_pdf" with API Version 46.0 not rendering PDF with SDLS framework

Why is the renderAS = "advanced_pdf" not working ? Trying to apply SDLS to existing classic visualforce page. This page is renderedAs a 'PDF'. If I add renderAS = "advanced_pdf" the page ...
GroundToCloud's user avatar
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Undo changes of JSENCODE() when used in output text

I have VF page in which i have a output text like the below one. <apex:outputText value=" {!SUBSTITUTE(JSENCODE(title),'\n','<br/>')}" escape="false"/> Lets say the value of the title ...
Sisir's user avatar
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How to create A4 size PDF and template in Visualforce or Salesforce?

I am creating a PDF in email template in Visualforce and the PDF's layout is not properly showing. How should I create a layout using Visualforce to get A4 size PDF in attachment of email?
Dev bluCursor's user avatar
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How do we name a Visualforce PDF without Apex (Filename)

Here is our Visualforce Page Attributes In this example we are trying to name the PDF "Hello" <apex:page title="PDFPage" renderAs="pdf" standardStylesheets="false" standardcontroller="...
TheArchitecta's user avatar
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HTML List structure in a PDF rendered Visualforce page

I have a visualforce page which has a nested list structure. Sample code below. Visualforce page <apex:page controller="RoleStructure" showHeader="false" > <html> <apex:form &...
Brav's user avatar
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How to show Chart in Visualforce page which has renderas = pdf [duplicate]

I have VF page with renderAs = PDF. I want to display a chart on that PDF? I have tried and Display ...
HowToDoItInSalesforce's user avatar
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Repeat HTML Table in Render as PDF VF Page [duplicate]

In my PDF Visualforce page, below table breaks and goes to new page. Is there any way that I can repeat the header of the table if it breaks to new page at the beginning? Visualforce HTML Table <...
Testing_SFDC's user avatar
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To hide a div section while rendering the vf page as pdf

I am fairly new to the visualforce development. I created a page which is displaying nicely. While rendering the page with renderas="PDF" i want a particular div tag to hide: <div id="TextCounter"&...
Neel's user avatar
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Visualforce renderAs PDF page size error

I need to render a small pdf page, height = 15mm and width = 30 mm. I have developed a VF page but I am not able to get the required page size. I am getting the error 'Page style attributes result in ...
S..'s user avatar
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Render as PDF in table format in lightning component

I am displaying data in lightning component in table format and have the render the same in PDF.I am able to render this in PDF format but it is not in the table format. Format in lightning component:...
devforce's user avatar
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Recommendations to style Visualforce page to match the SLDS?

Does anyone have insight into the best practice to style a Visualforce page to match the SLDS for inclusion in a lightning component and printing? I can hear the choirfolk chanting: Visualforce is so ...
Philip F's user avatar
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Sort field set in Visualforce renderAs PDF with apex:repeat

Can anyone help me to sort a field set that I'm iterating through with apex:repeat? I have a Visualforce page that renders some data as a PDF using Field Sets and I just want the ability to sort the ...
mlpSFadmin's user avatar
14 votes
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Status of renderAs advanced_pdf

I just wondering if this promising feature has been evolved or is evolving to GA Any info about current ...
Uwe Heim's user avatar
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Visualforce renderas pdf text rotation

I have created visualforce page which will be render as pdf. In that I tried using transform:rotate(90deg); and writing-mode: vertical-rl; it's working fine in visualforce page but when renderas pdf ...
Vinod Kambire's user avatar
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Show value in Outputfield and InputFIeld while Rendered

I have one Input field and one Output field. And I have two Boolean fields Boolean 1 and Boolean 2 from Controller. Condition 1: If Boolean 1 is true and Boolean 2 is false the value should come in ...
Thamarai Kannan's user avatar
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Conditional in <response> tag in VisualforcePage

I'm newbie in Salesforce, and I am having a problem that I cant fix. I am using Twilio for making/receiving calls. I would like to put a conditional on my VFP depending on a variable that is set on ...
jmarco's user avatar
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Visualforce Page renderAs pdf styling does not apply

<!-- Begin inline CSS --> <style type="text/css" > .NMA-mobile-logo{ width:57%; } .NMA-other-logo{ width: 25%; } .headerWrap { border-radius: 15px; background: ...
Community's user avatar
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border-radius table visualforce page

I am trying to put some styling to my table with a border-radius in my visualforce page but when rendered to pdf I dont see the rounded corners. Is this not possible with render to PDF and if not are ...
Jenssen's user avatar
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renderas pdf "PDF generation failed. Check the page markup is valid", position: fixed;

I am trying to create a pdf using a Visualforce page with renderas="pdf" tag but I get below error message PDF generation failed. Check the page markup is valid. Here is my code below: <apex:...
Daniele's user avatar
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is it possible to render as pdf with font Actor

I tried the following to render a custom font in visual force <apex:stylesheet value=""/> .cal { font-family: 'Actor'; font-size: 14px; }...
Jenssen's user avatar
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Remote Objects do not work when rendered as PDF?

I want to use Visualforce remote object to retrieve data and display it as PDF. I use this code. <apex:remoteObjects jsNamespace="RemoteObjectModel"> <apex:remoteObjectModel name="...
abdn's user avatar
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How to make header and footer repeat on visualforce page rendered as PDF [duplicate]

As I need to format a document that is going to be printed, and it is generated as PDF through the platform: How can I make the header and footer of the document repeat every page, regardless of the ...
Renato Oliveira's user avatar
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Richtext area field (with Image) in VF page to be rendered as Doc file

I have a richtext area on Account object. This field as some text and an image etc. This is my simple visuaforce page to get the page as a doc. <apex:page standardController="Account" contentType="...
SfdcBat's user avatar
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4 votes
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How to display "₹" indian rupee symbol in visualforce page which is rendered as PDF?

I'm able to display "₹" Indian rupee symbol in the visualforce page either by hard coding or by using some 5 digit code. But the same VF page when rendered as PDF "₹" Indian rupee symbol won't display....
Jayanth B's user avatar