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I cannot login using doesn't work despite it is not forbidden in domain settings

Often after sandbox refresh, I am not able to login using even though it is not forbidden in domain settings. What might be the reason? Login history is empty for the user The ...
Patlatus's user avatar
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java.lang.NullPointerException error while Salesforce Deployment Experience Site

When i try to deploy ExperienceBundle to higher orgs I'm receiving the following error. No other details are available. How to overcome or find the exact issue in this case.
Vijay Sai Mahajan's user avatar
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Cannot save branding background image in Survey

I created a survey version and whenever I tried to upload an image as background, I cannot save it. The error says "Error: We can't save your survey because of an error: Unable to save branding ...
Benjamin Li's user avatar
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How to over come salesforce known issue in aura component in winter 24 release?

Following code works perfectly before winter 24 org, Component: <aura: component implements="flexipage:availableForRecordHome,force:hasRecordId" access="global" > <...
Ragul's user avatar
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How to setup scrollbar for LWC with "extends LightningDatatable"?

I have implemented a custom datatype for the salesforce lightning-datable component, however, I`m going to add a scrollbar to my datatable, but I cannot achieve this. Looks like the workaround from ...
Dnistrian Ivan's user avatar
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Error when install 2nd gen package flexipage to scratch org

I've got an error when deploying 2nd gen package to scratch org (Flexi_Page) Data Not Available The data you were trying to access could not be found. It may be due to another user deleting the data ...
oldgunner's user avatar
1 vote
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Unexpected flexipage behaviour when created 2nd gen package

I've meet the unexpected problem with flexipage when create 2nd gen package. I've received an error looks like (SObject_Record_Page) Component [console:relatedRecord] attribute [lookupFieldName]: ...
oldgunner's user avatar
0 votes
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Usage LWC in flow returns error when package creation

I used the LWC component which works on orgs of all types (sandboxes, scratches, etc) and used in screen flow. There were no errors when I've ever deployed to these orgs. BUT When I've tried to create ...
oldgunner's user avatar
1 vote
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How to check if Salesforce Org is affected with Log4j2 vulnerability?

How to check if Salesforce Org is affected with Log4j2 vulnerability? Below are the link where Issue was reported.
SFDCDJ's user avatar
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Information Disclosure Vulnerability

Here is a security vulnerability issue of "Information Disclosure" reported by the Salesforce Team. URL
ctrl-z's user avatar
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Executing the SFDX Update command to update the CLI to latest version is not working

I'm trying to run the sfdx update command in Windows 10 and every time it gives me the following log: PS C:\Windows\system32> sfdx update sfdx-cli: Updating CLI... already on latest version: 7.94....
VarunC's user avatar
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Why is ListPrice null in the QuoteLineItem before insert trigger? Is there a penalty for my work-around?

The ListPrice of a QuoteLineItem is null in the before insert trigger: what is the reason for this? is it an issue that could make it into a next release? As a work-around I have defined a custom ...
willeg's user avatar
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EXCEPTION_THROWN|[EXTERNAL]|System.VisualforceException: Update access denied for Console_Master__c, controller action methods may not execute

I am facing an error for Guest Users. When I click on the Del button of the bellow page it will show the "EXCEPTION_THROWN|[EXTERNAL]|System.VisualforceException: Update access denied for ...
namrata rawal's user avatar
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SFDX force:source:deploy with -x parameter not deploying all components in package.xml

I've just encountered a very troublesome issue using sfdx with the -x parameter to deploy components using only the ones listed in package.xml I have a one big sfdx project folder where I retrieve all ...
Syed Ahmed Jamil's user avatar
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A/B Test Send Log [closed]

what is the steps to implement a send log for A/B test send? I have not found anything on the documentation
Frank's user avatar
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Problem in Updating ContentVersion

I am trying to update contentVersion multiple times in code in same transaction. However unlike salesforce records (eg. Account) , contentVersion is holding only first updated value and only those ...
anonymous's user avatar
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Internal Server Error when building emails

Since Monday, I am having an issue that is affecting the email creation in Email Studio. . It happens in the header image of the template and it breaks the layout of the email. Even when trying ...
fromero's user avatar
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Salesforce Visualforce Update Timing issue?

I have a Visualforce page (Call VF1) which does some processing and updates a Custom object (Sales_Prints__c). After updating the sales_prints__c on VF1 I need to call another visualforce page (Call ...
New's user avatar
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Test class is giving only 3% coverage of apex class [duplicate]

i have a class for which have written test class as well, included all conditions in test, which are there in class. But not sure why it is giving me coverage only 3%. have done many changes in it ...
Snehal's user avatar
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login problem in the Android Mobile app

Steps to reproduce Login into the application. Do complete few service appointments assigned to the technician. Logout from the application keep the login page open. do not kill the application and ...
Raghavan Mookiah's user avatar
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Problem with a standard Lightning Component tag in my sandbox probably after the Winter'20 Update. Where should I request to fix this issue?

Using the following code I am getting two pop-ups if I hover a stage. I also tried these exact codes on other editions(including developer edition). Its working perfectly alright. I even found the bug ...
Daniel Deepak's user avatar
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Lightning Enhance Grid Not Working After Summer 19 Release

I am facing an unexpected issue. And unable to resolve this. Any inputs are appreciated. We are using Enhance Lightning Grid App provided by Salesforce Labs. There are custom metadata that this app ...
Vivek Makkar's user avatar
1 vote
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Issue with batch which is scheduled for every 5 minutes and didn't run for 24 hours and 5 minutes

we have batch which is scheduled to run every 5 minutes. This batch was working well for few months and then on 7th of November it didn't run for 24 hours and 5 minutes. After that, it is running ...
Karol Macák's user avatar
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force inputfield doesn't display fields anymore , can't figure out the reason?

I'm new to lightning code and this code worked for me on Friday but after the winter'19 releases it doesn't work anymore nothing shows up, Can you please help me with this I'm not sure if the Event ...
nihad aoussar's user avatar
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Salesforce Login issue

I have lost my phone as I have no salesforce authenticator or phone number. How can login into my org. Can I login with custom domain?security token. please help me
keepler's user avatar
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Lightning component Attribute value is not set in Internet Explorer 11

Found this issue in Internet Explorer. Below is my code. <aura:application > <aura:attribute name="opp" type="Opportunity" default="{ 'sobjectType': 'Opportunity', 'Name':''}...
Pasan Eeriyagama's user avatar
7 votes
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Platform cache is cleared randomly?

While I doubt the speculation that I put in the title is correct, from time to time my default cache partition (10MB trial) gets emptied within less than an hour. There are about 20 keys in there, ...
Mossi's user avatar
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Is it possible for SF Community(Identity provider) log in User to all domains assigned to community?

SF Community is Identity provider. Community_A has 2 domains assigned: domain_1 and domain_2. Issue: User from Site_X goes to domain_1 and logs in. Result user logs in Site_X and to Community_A(...
Iryna Kabanchuk's user avatar
1 vote
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Salesforce record History inconsistent

I have been puzzling with following issue in my Production where status of the record doesn't get changed but history tracking shows that it was changed. So basically it seems that something fishy is ...
byadav's user avatar
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Unable to update users timezone correctly [duplicate]

User has requested to update timezones. e.g - (GMT-08:00) Pacific Standard Time (America/Los_Angeles) for a user. I update TimesZoneIdKey of this user as - America/Los_Angeles. Expected - (GMT-08:...
surinder rana's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

MarketingCloud - Creating Contact via API problem

I've found a similar question, but I could not find any real solutions for the issue. We have a DataExtension with the following attributes: "ID" Number "Email" ...
Laszlo's user avatar
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Lightning - onChange issue

Component code: <lightning:select name="wallheight" label="Wall Height : " onchange="{!c.doSomething}"> <aura:iteration items="{!v.wallheight}" var="wallheight"> ...
Sriman ch's user avatar
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Severe issue. Email alerts failed and no email notifications were send

I'm having a serious issue on my production environment. I have an automation process configured by the process builder which updates the status field of the Account object and triggers an email ...
sfdev's user avatar
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Lightning experience bug with empty (custom) object's list to order

I open this ticket to send my last issue with Lightning Experience, hope this will be read by developers themselves to improve it. This happens when I try to order an empty list of records from one ...
Simonp's user avatar
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Not Serializable: com/salesforce/api/fast/List$$lcom/salesforce/api/Schema/ChildRelationship$$r

Not sure what this is/what this means. It compiles but when you open it in browser it gets killed once a button is clicked. VF code : <apex:commandButton value="Enter" action="{!...
user2582622's user avatar
1 vote
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What to do when Formula Field is too big to compile

So I am having a problem. I already have written a formula for a field that I would wish to calculate. But the problem is that the I can't add any more code to that Formula field because then it gives ...
Alias311's user avatar
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Deployment Issue from sandbox to production

All, I am in deep trouble and trying to resolve the issue since last two weeks by my own but seems cannot resolve it. I have my production up and running and all classes which we uploaded from sand ...
anoop jain's user avatar
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Rerender jquery accordion is not working properly

I am trying to reRender my accordion panel which is not working. On page load accordion works but on selection of object from object picklist it does not. Page Code : <apex:page controller="...
Arjun Khatri's user avatar
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Code coverage for test.isrunningtest()

if(!test.isrunningtest()){ try{ String day = string.valueOf(; String month = string.valueOf(; ...
gani's user avatar
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Deployment issue with page having variable referencing hierarchy custom setting

When I try to use in VisualForce page apex variable which references hierarchy custom setting, it is possible to save the page but it is not possible to deploy that page to production or another ...
Patlatus's user avatar
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8 votes
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Method does not exist or incorrect signature: JSON.serialize(List<SObject>)

My org instance is Looks like it is an issue. List<String> myArray = new List<String>(); for(Integer i=0;i<10;i++) { myArray....
Ratan Paul's user avatar
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Issue with apex:inpufield( API v31)

Try to replicate this issue Create a opportunity and add few opportunity contact role records. Now create below VF page and controller public class TestPageCtrl1 { public List<...
Ratan Paul's user avatar
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Need a work around on this WSDL to get rid of import element

<sp:SupportingTokens xmlns:sp=""> <wsp:Policy xmlns:wsp=""> <sp:...
Suresh's user avatar
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