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11 votes

Cannot deactivate record type because it is referenced by other entities

I finally found the answer to this after hours of searching. This happens when you have setup a community audience that references the record type you are attempting to deactivate. It seems as though ...
Clay Chipps's user avatar
9 votes

What does "Use" mean in Organization-Wide Defaults of Pricebook object?

Below is the snapshot of the access levels for Price book Please refer to this link for more information
Samir's user avatar
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7 votes

Removing Duplicate from map

I am guessing that Product_Objective__c is a child of Account and you want a map of AccountIds to a set of Product_Objective__c Ids. You need to check if the map contains the account id or not, if ...
Santanu Halder's user avatar
6 votes

Billing State/Province and Shipping State/Province picklist values not popualted for Japan Country addresses

You need to configure your state & territory picklist, then it will appear there. Please find the steps in below screenshot
Virendra's user avatar
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4 votes

Can we select server location of salesforce?

Salesforce publicly documents the location of the data centers serving its instances. US data centers are located in Chicago, Dallas, Phoenix, and Washington, DC. There are no instances documented to ...
David Reed's user avatar
  • 93.7k
4 votes

Can we purchase Apex Classes in Professional Edition

You should consult with your Salesforce account rep to confirm, but I feel fairly confident that the answer here is "no, you cannot purchase the ability to write Apex classes". If the ...
Derek F's user avatar
  • 64.1k
4 votes

OpportunityFieldHistory in Apex test class (field tracking - NewValue)

Testing something involving History objects certainly wouldn't be my first choice for learning about testing. 100% coverage isn't really the goal. It's nice to have, but it's not necessary. It's far ...
Derek F's user avatar
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3 votes

Submit button in LWC for submitting fields from Various objects

One way is to include a hidden submit button inside each form: <lightning-button class="slds-hide" type="submit"></lightning-button> and then have a single visible ...
Keith C's user avatar
  • 137k
3 votes

Salesforce introduction for Sales people

Trailhead has your back: You can ...
Andrew's user avatar
  • 57
3 votes

remove duplicate from list and create non-duplicate id set

Not sure if I understand what you are doing, but there are a couple things you might change here: you should never modify the list, your are iterating over. this line is useless: if(OrId.contains(...
itsmebasti's user avatar
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3 votes

why i'm seeing "Standard page view" & "Standard page edit" link on every visualforce page

Figured it out, this is due to another chrome extension. I removed it and those links doesnt show up anymore.
naruto-sfdc's user avatar
3 votes

Deployment - Picklist - Opportunity Contact Role

Unfortunately, standard field picklist values cannot be migrated using change sets: One possible alternative is to use the ...
SFDC Neuf's user avatar
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3 votes

What is the maximum default scope allowed in batch class and can we change it?

This is covered in the documentation on Using Batch Apex The Database.executeBatch method takes two parameters: An instance of a class that implements the Database.Batchable interface. An optional ...
Derek F's user avatar
  • 64.1k
2 votes

Unit test - testing emails

I think you are stuck changing the code you are aiming to test. Writing tests at the same time as the code being tested in general improves the design of the classes. But this is an unfortunate case ...
Keith C's user avatar
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2 votes

Unit test - testing emails

Unlike updating fields in an SObject where you can immediately query for the fields after the DML to verify the code's unit test case set the fields, here you are in effect trying to test one of ...
cropredy's user avatar
  • 73.3k
2 votes

Preventing record creation for a specific time without code

I think the most likely way you will achieve this will be to have a Process Builder process that fires on creation of a Gift__c The process will then have to fire a Flow - passing in the Account Id ...
Simon Lawrence's user avatar
2 votes

Receiving with ?????? in instead of Japanese characters

I did some search and found that on User Detail page the 'Email Encoding' field should be set to "Unicode (UTF-8)" for the functionality to work fine.
Sam R's user avatar
  • 65
2 votes

Setting due dates for autogenerated cases

You need to first define Business Hours in this screen considering holidays too. To calculate and use this Business Hours, Create a separate class for this. public with sharing class ...
Santanu Boral's user avatar
2 votes

Email to Case Premium with Sales Cloud License

Sales Cloud license provides case management features and Email-to-Case functionality is included in this. Since, Email to Case Premium App has been built on top of Email-to-Case you should be able ...
Santanu Boral's user avatar
2 votes

Error: Compile Error: Comparison arguments must be compatible types: String, List<String>

marketlst is an Array of strings - ie ['value1','value2','value3']; You can't compare it to a string. This is like saying if('value1' == ['value1','value2','value3']) It might be better to just leave ...
Caspar Harmer's user avatar
2 votes

What is the maximum default scope allowed in batch class and can we change it?

For the scope size, the default is 200, the maximum is 2000, and the minimum is 1. The scope size is chosen at the moment the batch is queued for execution: Database.executeBatch(myBatch); // 200 ...
sfdcfox's user avatar
  • 502k
2 votes

Send HIPAA compliant mails in Salesforce

Your options are: Use an AppExchange product, e.g Cloud Maven powered by PauBox Use Email relay (say, between SFDC and Gmail) and have Gmail integrated with a secure email vendor such as Mimecast, ...
cropredy's user avatar
  • 73.3k
2 votes

Flow - Copying one Field Value to Another Field

In your scenario, since you would like to update the same record's field, it is best for you to use the Fast Field Updates (as it is said to run typically faster; you can read about these 2 types here)...
prem22's user avatar
  • 939
2 votes

Error: Apex Trigger - Read only record (Opportunity/Quote)

Data in and trigger.newMap is read-only when you're in an after trigger (and old/oldMap are always read only. Not an issue here, but worth mentioning). Collections (lists, maps, sets) ...
Derek F's user avatar
  • 64.1k
2 votes

How to hide View Account Hierarchy icon from Highlights pannel

Although not explicitly stated in the documentation, Account Hierarchy icon depends on Show View Hierarchy link on account pages setting in Account Settings. For hiding it , this option needs to be ...
Rohit's user avatar
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1 vote

Could not retrieve the username after successful auth code exchange. Due to: The REST API is not enabled for this Organization

On our project we were enabling API for particular user profile under which you are working Click on Setup. Go to Manage Users and click Profiles Click Edit on the specific profile you're updating. ...
qwebek's user avatar
  • 111
1 vote

How we can deploy einstein bot from one sandbox to other sandbox using change set?

As mentioned by David, please update question. Meanwhile you can check below details. We can deploy bots using change set as mentioned here From Setup, Enter outbound change sets in the Quick Find ...
Vinay's user avatar
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1 vote

Process Builder is not updating all the fields

All of the values are calculated as if they were calculated simultaneously. In order to get around this, click on the Object node, click on the Advanced accordion component, and check "Yes" to allow ...
sfdcfox's user avatar
  • 502k
1 vote

get Sales Order Line on Rest API

/services/data/v45.0/sobjects/Sales_Order_Line__c/ This is an sObject Basic Information endpoint. It provides you with core metadata about the object type Sales_Order_Line__c, not record content. If ...
David Reed's user avatar
  • 93.7k
1 vote

Account owner not able to add Account Team

Check these things:- To add team members to an account: Read on users AND Edit on accounts Who can manage the account team members depends on the users’ access. Account record owners and users above ...
sanket kumar's user avatar
  • 15.6k

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