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25 votes

Automated Process User Profile Permissions

I've found Matt's answer on the IdeaExchange You can follow the recommendation from Roy Lloyd and create a Permission Set and assign the autoproc User in Exec-Anonymous: insert new ...
Steven.B's user avatar
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9 votes

Different between RelatedToId vs ParentId In EmailMessage

EmailMessage is only available for organizations that use Email-to-Case or Enhanced Email, which is automatically enabled for most customers. If you want to be able to relate Email Message records ...
Mr.Frodo's user avatar
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9 votes

when I push code to salesforce error happen

Unfortunately Salesforce ScratchOrg have some weird limitations, that are applicable to Sandboxes and Production org. Which does not make any sense for the ScratchOrg. As many people would like to ...
tm.villain13's user avatar
8 votes

Different between RelatedToId vs ParentId In EmailMessage

Originally, EmailMessage was only available for use with the Case object. The ParentId represents the Case the email is associated with. Now that email messages are available for use with other ...
crmprogdev's user avatar
7 votes

How does SFDX and org changes work for Admins?

Ideally, admins' clicks-not-code should also result as metadata in a repo somewhere. Flows, processes, page layouts, etc can all be sourced to a repo and then distributed through CI, thus enhancing ...
sfdcfox's user avatar
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6 votes

List of all objects with the current number of used custom fields

I'll convert this comment into an answer. You can obtain this data rather clumsily with the Tooling API in the Developer Console. Enter the following in the Query Editor, and check the "Use Tooling ...
David Reed's user avatar
  • 93.7k
5 votes

Does field length matter much in performance

For normal objects, there's no difference in performance. For Custom Settings and Custom Metadata, allocating too much space will affect the number of settings/metadata records you can create, but ...
sfdcfox's user avatar
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5 votes

How to deactivate the username quickly

You can freeze the user. In some cases, you can’t immediately deactivate an account, such as when a user is selected in a custom hierarchy field. To prevent users from logging in to your ...
Kasper's user avatar
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4 votes

Salesforce Instance refresh - new instance name "UM"

It refer to London, UK (North) / London, UK (West). As per docs: We will soon have two geographically dispersed data centers in the London, UK metropolitan area - London, UK (North) and London, ...
Tushar Sharma's user avatar
4 votes

Does Salesforce impose a limit on the number of user licenses (salesforce or salesforce platform) an organization can purchase?

As far as I can tell, there is no limit. Salesforce will be more than happy for you to pay them more money. About the only thing I'm aware of is that once a single company obtains a sufficient number ...
Derek F's user avatar
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3 votes

Different between RelatedToId vs ParentId In EmailMessage

If we activate Enhanced Email then only Related To field is available, otherwise not. Parent Id is always be available in EmailMessage object. Enhanced Email elevates email to a standard ...
Santanu Boral's user avatar
3 votes

Salesforce Email Settings

The reason why it "changes back" is because the email has to be verified by the user first. This feature came out before the ability to disable Sandbox Emails (under Email Deliverability), and was ...
sfdcfox's user avatar
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3 votes

Report To Show Objects Not Used

In Salesforce Classic: Navigate to the setup menu. From there, click on System Overview, and then click the "XX.X GB" number under Data Storage. That takes you to a page that details the SObjects ...
Derek F's user avatar
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3 votes

Session Settings

They have different meanings. From this doc: Lock sessions to the IP address from which they originated Determines whether user sessions are locked to the IP address from which the user logged in, ...
Sebastian Kessel's user avatar
3 votes

How do I list all Profiles that include "Modify All Data"

On the profile, there's actually a Permissions*PermissionName* field for each permission that you can query against. It's using the field's API name. In this case, you're interested in Modify all ...
Kris Goncalves's user avatar
3 votes

Can you run a report to see how many dashboards a user is running?

You can create a new Custom Report Type under Settings. The Primary Object is Dashboards. The Secondary Object is Dashboard Components. Save this Custom Report Type. Now create a new report with this ...
NicoleP's user avatar
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3 votes

How to check if the managed package is installed for admin or for all users or for specific profile?

Strictly speaking, you can't; this information isn't recorded as such anywhere. Installing for admins or all users or specific profiles actually just grants the selected profiles access to all managed ...
David Reed's user avatar
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3 votes

How to check if the managed package is installed for admin or for all users or for specific profile?

That is actually stored somewhere, I believe select ApexCompileType,ProfileMappings, SecurityType, CreatedDate,PackageInstallSource,SubscriberPackageVersionKey, UpgradeType from PackageInstallRequest (...
Dave Pattison's user avatar
3 votes

View default record type on all the objects on a particular profile

You can go to Setup -> Profile -> System Administrator (can be any profile; Click on this name) Look under the Record Type Settings section, it will show all the available record type for the ...
prem22's user avatar
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3 votes

How to hide the Standard Field (Name) from the Layout

If you edit the object to change the name field data type to "auto-number", you can then remove it from the page layout. However, you can't remove it entirely, as the name field is used in ...
sfdcfox's user avatar
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2 votes

I'm not able to access all vf pages

Sometimes when you create a new view the All view gets lost. Simply "create new view" named all, with no filters and save. Should be good to go then
Eric's user avatar
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2 votes

System Administrators not able to view records

It does look like a sharing setting issue to me. Generally System admins have Modify All Data permission due to which they see all the data in the org. You could check this permission. If this is not ...
V S's user avatar
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2 votes

Preventing record creation for a specific time without code

I think the most likely way you will achieve this will be to have a Process Builder process that fires on creation of a Gift__c The process will then have to fire a Flow - passing in the Account Id ...
Simon Lawrence's user avatar
2 votes

Where does the "from name" list come from?

The From Names and From Emails in this list come from the Name and Reply Email Address values of the users who are assigned to the Business Unit you are currently in. The ability to see this list of ...
sfmcpro's user avatar
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2 votes

Hiding Custom setting from a custom administrator

One option you can consider in a case like this is delegated administration. This is actually easier than monkeying with a whole new custom profile. Here you take a standard user, and elevate them to ...
pchittum's user avatar
  • 19.8k
2 votes

Salesforce Instance refresh - new instance name "UM"

From a SF slide deck "Tech Updates December 2018 Edition": "Going forward, we will have two separate subregions within the EMEA region: UMEA (UK, Middle East & Africa) and EU (Rest of Europe &...
U.B.MUC's user avatar
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2 votes

IS it possible to assign a list view to a particular profile

No, You can't restrict a list view based on profile. There is an idea you can vote Restict Visibility on List Views by Profile Currently, you can only do this using role, group and territory.
Tushar Sharma's user avatar
2 votes

Hide attachment record without code

Salesforce out-of-box functionality doesn't allow to hide specific attachments from attachment related list of a Contact (or any other Parent object). As there are no separate access rights or ...
Santanu Boral's user avatar
2 votes

Can we rename contact standard field label in the work order?

you cannot rename contact label on workorder from rename tabs and labels because contact is a lookup on workorder. To achieve this, you will have to rename contact object itself from rename tabs and ...
sf_user's user avatar
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2 votes

marketing cloud Deployment Manager Error while deploying shared data extensions from one BU to another BU

Yes, the shared data extensions belong technically to the root/topmost business unit (this is why you always need to use ENT.[Data extension name] when referencing them in SQL queries). So taking a ...
Lukas Lunow's user avatar
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