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10 votes

Individual Email Results not appearing for Salesforce Send Emails

As per Eliot's request, I am sharing my test results. Have tested 28 scenarios for when tracking shows up. The baseline requirement is to use the 18 character SFID as Subscriber/ContactKey - apart ...
Kenneth Wagner's user avatar
10 votes

Synchronized Data extension

Synchronized Data Extensions are automatically added to your data model in contact builder. In order to actually work the data, at present, you have to manually create a new data extension and ...
Kenneth Wagner's user avatar
10 votes

Best Practices for Testing Marketing Cloud Connect Integration

Thanks for sharing your point of view on this problem. I am confronted with the same discussions and the client's faces always turn white when I explain to them the different options. To be honest I ...
Jeremy Garcia's user avatar
10 votes

Query All contacts for mass contacts delete

No need to create a support case, this doc has ways to accomplish your use case: 'Permanently remove Contacts or Subscribers and associated data from Contact Builder' Prepare to delete any Contacts ...
EazyE's user avatar
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10 votes

How are Contacts in Marketing Cloud counted?

Well, the situation is complicated. So let's break it down: All Contacts Salesforce bills Marketing Cloud on total number of Contacts within the system. (...) Is this the Email Studio > All ...
Rafał Wolsztyniak's user avatar
9 votes

Accessing data from journey object/event in Emails using Journey Builder

You can access data from your entry event like this: First you need to find out the path of the data you like to access: Go to Email Studio -> Subscribers -> Data Extensions Find the automatically ...
Markus Dang - formerly Slabina's user avatar
9 votes

Using a different Subscriber Key in Marketing Cloud when using MC Connector

The mapping of the SubscriberKey is done automatically when sending to Subscribers from Sales/Service Cloud. So every automatic process, like salesforce data entry events in Journey Builder, etc. will ...
Markus Dang - formerly Slabina's user avatar
9 votes

Salesforce Marketing Cloud Unsubs

A subscriber must meet the following criteria in order for Marketing Cloud to stop "trying" and change the subscriber's status to "HELD" Three hard bounces or three soft bounces are received for the ...
SF_MC_INT's user avatar
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8 votes

How can I see emails sent from Marketing Cloud on Salesforce Records?

This is a standard feature of the Marketing Cloud Connector. It is built by default to transmit the tracking information back to Salesforce. Here's what you need to do In Marketing Cloud - Tracking ...
Rajdeep Singh's user avatar
8 votes

Marketing Cloud Connector permission issue

You are likely missing the user permissions "Marketing Cloud for AppExchange User" and "Marketing Cloud for AppExchange Admin". Even if the user is not integrated on the Marketing Cloud side, you ...
lilDabz's user avatar
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8 votes

Marketing Cloud (MC) Connect - Syncing Email Unsubscribes With Sales Cloud (SC)

SC update MC to unsubscribe where HasOptedOutOfEmail = True Description: A process to synchronise Salesforce Leads & Contacts where they are subscribed in MC but have been unsubscribed in SC ...
Richard Lewis's user avatar
8 votes

What are the benefits of Subscriber key Migration?

I've been in a project that involved a Subscriber Key migration to Sales Cloud format when both key variations existed in the system at the same time, and the reasons why client went through with it ...
Rain's user avatar
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8 votes

Person Accounts and MC

You will need only Accounts, not contacts. All relevant fields from the contact will be available there. The following points are worth noting when working with PersonAccounts: Synced PersonAccount ...
Stephan de Paly's user avatar
8 votes

Salesforce Integration - An exception occurred while saving the integration

I've seen this error a bunch of times and the only solution that has worked 100% of the time is to delete the package and reinstall. But you should follow these steps below before deleting and ...
Jackson Chen's user avatar
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8 votes

Can Marketing Cloud Connector User be an API user instead of System Admin?

There is no official guidance on this, so this list comes with no guarantees. However it is the closest I got to enabling MCC without forcing an admin role on connector user in SC. While this solution ...
Lukas Lunow's user avatar
  • 22.2k
7 votes

Individual Email Results not appearing for Salesforce Send Emails

The solution is to: Use PersonContactId field (from the Person Account) as the Subscriber Key in Marketing Cloud. Ensure that you are sending to a data extension which is stored in the Salesforce ...
Eliot Harper's user avatar
  • 16.7k
7 votes

Email opt-out is not reflecting in marketing cloud

During the configuration of the Marketing Cloud Connector, there are instructions to customize the Contacts Objects page layout. Specifically, you need to add the ContactActions Visualforce page to ...
David Devoy's user avatar
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7 votes

Salesforce Marketing Cloud Architecture

Most of the details are outlined in the Marketing Cloud Connect documentation. When most people get into the guts of the connector, they realize that it's not as simple or as straightforward as ...
Adam Spriggs's user avatar
  • 31.1k
7 votes

MC AMPScript RetrieveSalesforceObjects() hitting governor limits

Providing that you are using Connected App authentication in Marketing Cloud Connect, then API calls made by Marketing Cloud Connect (for AMPscript Salesforce functions, Data Stream and other ...
Eliot Harper's user avatar
  • 16.7k
7 votes

Synchronising tracking data back to Salesforce from Marketing Cloud

This is a bit of a tricky topic and it's not documented as well as it should be. If you are sending Emails via Journey Builder, then it doesn't matter if your Data Extension is in Salesforce Data ...
Rain's user avatar
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7 votes

Pass line break to Long Text Field from Journey Builder

Instead of using HTML, you should use newline and carriage return: Concat("Example: ", @field1, "\r\n", "Example: ", @field2, "\r\n")
Lukas Lunow's user avatar
  • 22.2k
7 votes

Data Extension Synchronisation of child BU

Yes, but you would have to upgrade to multi-org. With multi-org, you would be able to connect the parent with your Salesforce org using one API user and choose which objects should synchronize, and ...
zuzannamj's user avatar
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7 votes

What ContactKey in SFMC when sources of Contacts are Salesforce CRM and other external platforms?

This is far beyond a pure development matter. Essentially, the question is, is it ok to have multiple Identity Providers ("mixed model") or should you go for one Identity Provider, which is Sales / ...
Jonas Lamberty's user avatar
6 votes

Can I use Content Builder emails in Triggered Sends from Marketing Cloud Connect?

It is definitely possible to use Content Builder emails in triggered sends as I'm currently doing this. When I go to Email Studio -> Interactions -> Triggered Emails and click on Create, in the &...
Markus Dang - formerly Slabina's user avatar
6 votes

Marketing Cloud Connector not syncing preferences

A couple of reasons this could be happening from experience, based on the following I hope this will help. AddMethod - On the All Subs list, check that the AddMethod is salesforce for ths subscriber. ...
Doug's user avatar
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6 votes

Marketing Cloud Journey Builder tracking data isn't returning to Salesforce

The problem was that I didn't link my custom Data Extension with Contact on Contact Builder. Solution: I entered on Contact Builder, created a new Attribute Group. After that I clicked on "Link ...
Átila Castro Alves's user avatar
6 votes

Is it possible to have unsubscribe from parent business unit doesn't affect the child business unit?

This is the way Enterprise and Business Unit unsubscribes are designed to work - any unsubscribes at the Enterprise level will be honored at the Business Unit level, but unsubscribes at the Business ...
Matthew Wash's user avatar
6 votes

What personalisation string does the Salesforce field 'et4ae5__MergeId__c' relate to in Marketing Cloud?

MergeId is populated with either: Contact ID + Email Send Record ID (happens for batch sends)or A numerical Id generated by Marketing Cloud (triggered sends) Merge ID is not accessible out-of-the-...
Kenneth Wagner's user avatar
6 votes

How to sync (bi-directional) a field between service cloud and marketing cloud

There is no possibility of using the native connector for performing a two-way sync. Data from your Sales/Service Cloud will only be synced to Synchronised Data Extensions in Marketing Cloud. You have,...
Lukas Lunow's user avatar
  • 22.2k
6 votes

Implementation of Marketing Cloud from Scratch

Please understand that Marketing Cloud is an enterprise-level platform. You should not implement it without prior experience. Without an understanding of the platforms data models and core ...
Eliot Harper's user avatar
  • 16.7k

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