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5 votes

Is it possible to have a Calendar per team?

Yes, this is possible in Professional, Enterprise, Unlimited, and Developer editions View and edit your existing public calendars and resource calendars. From Setup, enter Public Calendars and ...
JaredT's user avatar
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4 votes

Not able to add Public Calendar as Community User on Community

If you are accessing the experience site as internal user or partner user, Public Calendar and Resources will be visible. If you are using customer community or customer community plus user, then this ...
arut's user avatar
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3 votes

Integration of Google calendar with Salesforce

You can try Lightning Sync for Google. In Spring’ 17 Salesforce released this feature which will integrate Google products like Gmail and Calendar with Salesforce. Here is a blog post explaining step ...
Saroj Bera's user avatar
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3 votes

How to share custom Object records to community users?

You should be able to use Sharing Sets. Find more information here:
ChristianJuul's user avatar
3 votes

How to insert Event with same time/timezone as it appears on Visualforce page

All time zones in Salesforce are GMT in the backend. You will need to utilize the TimeZone class to correct for this. After all, your visitor might be coming from anywhere in the world, even if it is ...
sfdcfox's user avatar
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2 votes

Formula calculating calendar weeks (2015 vs 2016)

If you want to avoid using apex, the following should do the trick: /* The first week of the year is the week containing the first Thursday of the year or the first week containing Jan 4th */ IF( ...
Teodora's user avatar
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2 votes

Is it possible to display the default datepicker (calendar) on a VF page with Date field?

Change your code to <apex:inputfield value="{!workLog.Date__c}" styleClass="date form-control"/>
Samir's user avatar
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Exacttarget Calendar notifications

No. There's no way to do this in realtime by webhook, trigger or similar. Indeed, there's no way to get this information easily after the fact in an automated way, either. This "Interactive Marketing ...
Macca's user avatar
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2 votes

Salesforce Calendar- create a button inside

You cannot edit standard calendar page but You can try to create Salesforce Calendar Lightning Page with your own custom buttons
Rajavardhan Reddy Shontireddy's user avatar
2 votes

Salesforce Calendar- create a button inside

As of now this is Not supported. Here are the Customization Options for Events and Calendars Or if you really need this then you can use JavaScript Full Calendar
Tushar Sharma's user avatar
2 votes

I'm trying to add a link (to a webinar) in a Calendar invite attached to an email

I'd go with the answer to HTML in iCal attachment from StackOverflow. It is not strictly forbidden by the RFC, but DESCRIPTION is not the appropriate property for HTML content. DESCRIPTION should be ...
Daniel Ballinger's user avatar
2 votes

Unable to change Event Date in Series Event

I believe this is expected. Your best bet might be to delete the series and create a new one if the dates have changed significantly. In Lightning, based on the documentation you can't do the ...
Kris Goncalves's user avatar
2 votes

Salesforce Lightning Custom Object Calendar Sharing with users

Currently, the Salesforce Public Calendars that were referenced by SalesforceMeach above only show Events. The author specified Custom Object calendars, which currently can only be created as private ...
Lee Gregory's user avatar
2 votes

Salesforce Lightning Custom Object Calendar Sharing with users

FIrst create a public group with all the Users needed Then use the below code.If you are looking to use a public calendar you will have to assign the id of public calendar to publisher Id of ...
sfdx_'s user avatar
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2 votes

How to create jquery calendar as visualforce page and tab

Yes, you can upload static resources, write your Visualforce page, and create a new tab for it. Please note that this community's support for external JavaScript is very limited, so if you have jQuery-...
sfdcfox's user avatar
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it is possible to change which field to display on the calendar when creating an event?

I'm afraid not. However, you can hover over a calendar record and see additional information. You can even change which fields appear there and include your text field. To customize it, go to Setup-...
Json's user avatar
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2 votes

Customize Calendar

Short answer to your question is no. Standard calendar is a pain to do anything with. You may have more luck with a custom component - e.g.
TLY's user avatar
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Invalid constructor syntax, name=value pairs can only be used for SObjects: Calendarview

Since you named your class CalendarView and you're trying to use the standard sObject Schema.CalendarView (Schema is the namespace for all sObjects), the compiler presumes that new CalendarView is ...
sfdcfox's user avatar
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System.DmlException: Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: INVALID_CROSS_REFERENCE_KEY, invalid cross reference id: []

I am getting the ID from the sample code in the documentation and I am not modifying it at all. Could that be my issue? Yes, that is 100% the issue. Hard-coding Ids is bad practice. This is because ...
Derek F's user avatar
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2 votes

Can you pass encoded url parameter strings in a cloudpages url?

I guess you're talking about the values not being decoded by ics.js, right? You can call decodeURIComponent either from SFMC side (that's a SSJS function, though, so you'll need to change some things ...
Vinícius's user avatar
1 vote

How to populate the next closest hour based on the current date in Salesforce apex

There's no method that will do this for you. I think you'll want logic something like this. One thing that's critical with DateTimes is to remember to always use either GMT methods or local time zone ...
David Reed's user avatar
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Build a Custom Calendar in Lightning

I think your best solution would be to use an external JavaScript calendar library. Have a look at FullCalendar - it is open source and supported by LockerService. You can also read this answer to ...
Itai Shmida's user avatar
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Is there a way to programmatically subscribe Users to a Public Calendar?

The CalendarView object documentation displays a code sample that shows "sharing" a calendar by assigning ownership to a group, user list, or profile. You can get close to what you hope to ...
nbrown's user avatar
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1 vote

Unable to make use color coded text in sales force lightning Calendar

It's not possible to achieve your goals. You'd have to write a custom component to get the desired results.
sfdcfox's user avatar
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1 vote

Mobiscroll calendar working inside a LWC?

It looks like to me that unless Mobiscroll removes the dependency on matches (perhaps just in the logic that identifies the DOM node to add children to), the calendar won't work inside an LWC. But ...
Keith C's user avatar
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Mobiscroll calendar working inside a LWC?

The mobiscroll initialization function excepts a selector string or a DOM element on which the component will be initialized. Since the Lightning Element is a web component, it generates a custom ...
istvan.halmen's user avatar
1 vote

Formula field with BR() function in lightning calendar

I'm assuming you're trying to get around the limitation with calendars in Lightning Experience where only one field can be selected as the Field Name to Display. As you've already discovered, you can ...
Matthew Souther's user avatar
1 vote

Accept Event and Decline Event buttons not present in Lightning Experience

Looks like that's an expected behaviour and known limitation in salesforce lightning experience when you have Lightning Sync configured. From Considerations for Using Events and Calendars in Lightning ...
Hemavantha Rajesh Varma Mudunu's user avatar
1 vote

Where in metadata are Organization-Wide Sharing defaults for Calendar stored?

So, based on @sfdcfox's recommendation, I tweeted to @salesforcedocs and finally got the response. Calendar's are not supported in Metadata, and thus you won't have any opportunity to add it in any ...
Jayant Das's user avatar
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1 vote

How to Hide Calendar/Activity Details by user wise?

It basically depends on the owner. Activities are by default Private in the Org-Wide-Defaults, so if you have no sharing rules created or Apex Sharing logic, it would be as easy as assigning the ...
Javier García's user avatar

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