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5 votes

How to submit Cloud Form without redirecting

This is not a salesforce question. This is a question purely based on web technology. The fast answer: your web form has an attribute called target, this can be self or blank or ... . self will ...
Johannes Schapdick's user avatar
3 votes

Creating JSON Code Resource

Write, as @DucLe stated will work and honestly is what I usually end up using, but the reason your code did not work is because you put : instead of = in your ctrl. So if you were to change that and ...
Gortonington's user avatar
  • 30.9k
2 votes

Can I update a Contact in Salesforce from their actions in an email I send from Marketing Cloud?

This can be solved by using a combination of landing pages and Ampscript functions. You will have to create a landing page in Marketing Cloud and have the link in the email point to that landing page....
Rajdeep Singh's user avatar
2 votes

How to convert Column to Row in SFMC Data Extension?

You can't use the newer T-SQL pivot functions in SFMC, but you can do it this way: select jobid , customerid , max(case when link = 'http://link1' then link else '' end) as Link1 , max(case when link ...
Adam Spriggs's user avatar
  • 31.1k
2 votes

SFMC Soap api request and subscriber filtering

When you include ID as a property, the response returns all Profile Attributes for your Subscribers, in addition to the other properties you requested. You can't use a SimpleFilterPart to filter by a ...
Eliot Harper's user avatar
  • 16.7k
2 votes

Displaying Custom 404 Error Page in Commerce Cloud

The 404 page is diplayed when the Home-ErrorNotFound pipeline is called, so you would need to override the Home.js controller and the corresponding template (or just the template depending your setup) ...
empiric's user avatar
  • 257
2 votes

Marketing cloud Subscription center link to Sales cloud

Here is our proposed solution. Context : you have a checkbox on the SF Lead object, synced to MC using MC Connect. You also have a List in Email Studio which Subscribers can Opt-in or Out. You want ...
François Perret's user avatar
2 votes

Prevent adding unwanted Dependencies to a Managed Package

In 1GMP, the only way to ensure that you haven't created a dependency is to check the View Dependencies button before uploading. This is found on the package's detail page. If you now have a Released ...
sfdcfox's user avatar
  • 502k
2 votes

Dynamic Sender Marketing Cloud

The sender profile is processed out of step with the email. Meaning anything set or declared in email will not transfer to sender profile. So those variables will be null in sender profile. You will ...
Gortonington's user avatar
  • 30.9k
1 vote

Can i setup the SAP using an already existing TLD?

Here is the the official article from Salesforce. Where in SF does NOT suggesting using existing TopLevelDomain as SAP domain! Posting this article summary as answer, assuming the community finds it ...
Vishal Kumar C V's user avatar
1 vote

SMS in journey builder

You would need to configure a next keyword in your SMS activity in the Journey and have a text response message for that keyword in Mobile Connect. Then the text response in Mobile Connect can be used ...
Duc Le's user avatar
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1 vote

Configure utm_campaign in Parameter Manager

I have not seen an identifier for Journey Name as such. But if parameter management is enabled for the account (which I am guessing would be enabled) you could use the Additional Email Attributes at ...
Anay Shrikar's user avatar
1 vote

Displaying Custom 404 Error Page in Commerce Cloud

I think what you're referring to is the 'Custom Error Page' for URL Error conditions which is defined in a file called: url_error.html within the Zip file that is uploaded to Business Manager and then ...
sholsinger's user avatar
1 vote

Creating JSON Code Resource

You need to use the Write function to make it return to the Code Resource page Try this: <script runat="server"> Platform.Load("Core", "1") var test = Stringify(...
Duc Le's user avatar
  • 3,835
1 vote

Same question from multiple users

We use Solutions for this purpose. You can create a number of Solutions, then attach those Solutions to a Case. You can enable Suggested Solutions to allow both the Support Team and Customers to have ...
sfdcfox's user avatar
  • 502k
1 vote

Help with my SQL Query

Here's how I generally select rows from yesterday: SELECT O.subscriber_key , O.timestamp , from abandoned_browse_1643376986 O JOIN ENT._Subscribers s ON O.subscriber_key = s.SubscriberKey ...
Adam Spriggs's user avatar
  • 31.1k
1 vote

Help with my SQL Query

Did you try something like the following, using the WHERE clause ? SELECT O.subscriber_key, O.timestamp, FROM abandoned_browse_1643376986 O JOIN ENT._Subscribers S ON O.subscriber_key = S....
François Perret's user avatar
1 vote

Populating Publication list using a Data extension, is that possible?

No automation needed. Sending from a DE, and specifying the Publication List for the Send will add the recipients to the List, as Active Subscribers. You could use the Booleans inside the Cloud Page ...
François Perret's user avatar
1 vote

Using a Salesforce Campaign as Entry Source on Journey builder

Instead of selecting the Salesforce Campaign icon in the middle select the Salesforce Data icon on the right. We use these to great success for all objects, campaign, lead, etc. In the next screen ...
TimZ's user avatar
  • 173
1 vote

Using a Salesforce Campaign as Entry Source on Journey builder

It’s possible your user is not correctly integrated. In Marketing Cloud, go to Setup > Users and find your Marketing Cloud username. Click on the username and then on Status The ...
zuzannamj's user avatar
  • 14.5k
1 vote

Delete all the Subscriber from a Supression List

This below will remove all subs from your suppression list; <script runat="server"> Platform.Load("Core","1"); var api = new Script.Util.WSProxy(); var action = ...
Ali Eroglu's user avatar
1 vote

I have no clue how to use Datorama with Contacts Counts

Discover reports will go away on April 1 Datorama does not have contact counts, you would simply use the standard report to get this information The Contact Count report contains information on the ...
EazyE's user avatar
  • 8,722
1 vote

Transactional journey href url is not working with CloudPagesURL

This is rather weird but the following worked for me %%[ SET @url = CloudPagesURL(1,'a', @a,'b', @b) ]%% <a href="%%=RedirectTo(@url)=%%">Have fun with SFMC</a>'s user avatar
1 vote

Heroku: running a MongoDB and Flask site, defined with Docker-Compose

It would seem this is not possible. Note Heroku support says to go to StackExchange, so this is now the official answer. Individual channels have advised me that IBM, Microsoft, or Amazon, may offer ...
voltagesmaintenance's user avatar
1 vote

Commerce Cloud: How to authenticate through API?

It is necessary to authenticate against with a valid username + password. The response will contain a bearer-...
Hannes Holst's user avatar
1 vote

Soap api create request

This isn't a permission based issue. The SentEvent object contains tracking data related to an email send, you can only use the Retrieve method with this object. Refer to supported methods of the ...
Eliot Harper's user avatar
  • 16.7k
1 vote

Salesforce Formula field Syntax Error

It looks like you put a space where one didn't belong: UnitPrice - Cost_Price__c – (UnitPrice * Discount)
sfdcfox's user avatar
  • 502k

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