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11 votes

How to clear/delete published Platform event from EventBus after sometime?

This is a feature called Event Durability. It is expected that the client retains the last replayId it has seen, and pass this in to the streaming handshake to resume where they left off. There's no ...
sfdcfox's user avatar
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9 votes

Issue with using ContactID as subscriber key in Marketing Cloud

Yes this is frustrating but "expected behavior". It's not unique to importing Salesforce records either. If you have a Sendable Data Extension and complete a Guided Send Email, then repeat this ...
Eliot Harper's user avatar
  • 16.7k
9 votes

Delete Subscriber records in Salesforce Marketing Cloud

First, you need to create a sendable data extension, which at least should contain your subscriber key. This will be populated by querying Subscribers Data View, with your criteria defined in the SQL ...
Lukas Lunow's user avatar
  • 22.2k
9 votes

Salesforce Marketing Cloud Unsubs

A subscriber must meet the following criteria in order for Marketing Cloud to stop "trying" and change the subscriber's status to "HELD" Three hard bounces or three soft bounces are received for the ...
SF_MC_INT's user avatar
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8 votes

Problem using Subscriber | WSProxy inside a CloudPage

This behavior started occurring in a recent Marketing Cloud release. It occurs when you preview the CloudPage before publishing. It appears that Salesforce has changed the way that CloudPages are ...
Eliot Harper's user avatar
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7 votes

Accessing subscriber profile attribute values - Journey builder custom activity

Update It has just occurred to me that it is possible to retrieve Email Subscriber Profile Attributes using Data Binding. I don't know why this didn't occur to me earlier. Simply use the string: {{...
Eliot Harper's user avatar
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7 votes

Activate a Subscriber from Server Side Javascript

In your scenario, you'd use the update SSJS function to change the status of the subscriber. Here is an example: <script runat="server"> Platform.Load("core","1"); var subscriber = {"Status":...
Brad Sapkota -'s user avatar
6 votes

Queries on 'All subscribers' attributes in Marketing Cloud

As long as the account is an Enterprise 2.0 account, you can query Profile Attributes by accessing the _EnterpriseAttribute data view. Data View: EnterpriseAttribute Simply do a join onto the ...
AnonWonderer's user avatar
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6 votes

How to Delete Subscribers From All Subscribers list

Are you sure you just want to delete all subscribers? There are few reasons why I will recommend you using the Contact Deletion Framework: Deleting from All Subscribers will not necessarily remove ...
Lukas Lunow's user avatar
  • 22.2k
6 votes

Different subscriber status between All Subscriber list and _Subscriber data view

All Subscribers is not a direct representation or "frontend" to the ENT._Subscribers Data view. You can simply deduce this by looking at the fields it shows and the documentation on the data ...
Jonas Lamberty's user avatar
5 votes

Is there a way to update MobileConnect Subscription Data from a Data Extension?

That is correct, opt-in can only be done manually, or opt-in from mobile or via API. Opt-out can be done via Import in Mobile - All contact and populate the Status field with the value Unsubscribe (...
CloseContact's user avatar
5 votes

Platform Events- Length of time an event is published for?

Platform events are inherently momentary. They don't have a duration as such, but they are stored on the platform for 24 hours to facilitate replay. Events exist in a channel, a stream, which is ...
David Reed's user avatar
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5 votes

How to clear/delete published Platform event from EventBus after sometime?

You cannot delete Platform Event records. This is mentioned in the documentation: Unlike custom objects, you can’t update or delete event records. The only way you can delete event records is by ...
Jayant Das's user avatar
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5 votes

Querying when a value changed in a DE

One possible solution would be to write a query to copy everything from your data extension into a new data extension. You could then check the new data extension against the original to see if any ...
ropedog's user avatar
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5 votes

How are Subscriber ID's handled with the Contact Deletion feature?

Once a contact is deleted, the SubscriberID is gone forever. When you create the same contact again, they'll be assigned a new SubscriberID. SubscriberIDs don't recycle.
Maneesh's user avatar
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4 votes

Query - I need to only select users with data in a specific column

Checking for GUID IS NOT NULL should work: SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE TACTIC_ID = '0088' AND LOCALE = 'US' AND ACTIVE = '1' AND GUID IS NOT NULL
Markus Dang - formerly Slabina's user avatar
4 votes

unsubscribed contacts from All Subscribers - Child Business Unit

@cmbob I've ran into this issue as well. How it was explained to me by support is that the business unit level data view, _Subscribers, only contains records that have a different status from the ...
David Devoy's user avatar
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4 votes

Update Mobile Connect SMS Opt In/Opt Out status with imports to MobileSubscription

Opt-out can be done via Import in Mobile - All contacts and populate the Status field with the value Unsubscribe (MobileConnect Demographics). So this is a update from opt-in to opt-out. Opt-out to ...
CloseContact's user avatar
4 votes

Marketing Cloud - Contacts vs Subscribers, and limits of

It means that the contract was signed for 75000 Contacts - and if this amount is exceeded, Salesforce will bill the client for extra. Do note that the amount of Contacts does not equal the amount of ...
Rain's user avatar
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4 votes

How to Delete Subscribers From All Subscribers list

You need to create a list in your parent Business Unit: Email Studio > Subscribers > Lists Then import the subscribers you want to delete into this list. Then, delete this list and check the box to ...
Rachid Mamai's user avatar
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4 votes

Unsubscribing only from publication list not all subscribers

The code above doesn't specify a publication list at all, so it is unsubbing at the child BU level and flowing down to the publist automatically. This example will work (but will not log an unsub ...
Josh de Blank's user avatar
4 votes

How subscriber keys are being added in Marketing cloud?

Subscriber Key values are set in the following ways: An import into All Subscribers An API call that sends a message (in all channels) A send to a Data Extension that has a sendable field mapped An ...
Adam Spriggs's user avatar
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3 votes

Update to "undeliverable" status from subscribers

To my knowledge, the only two status values that an end user is able to set is either 'Unsubscribed' or 'Active'. According to Global Support, the other two statuses are for internal (SFMC) use only. ...
Gortonington's user avatar
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3 votes

Query for Subscriber Click/Open Counts

Based on what you have said now, you will need to join the _Open data view with the _Click Data view. This will allow you to grab the correct information and activities you need, I have written a ...
thechrishaddad's user avatar
3 votes

Data Extension Subscribers are not added to All subscribers

You need to configure the triggered send to add the subscribers to the list, as otherwise only the email is sent like in your case. Add subscribers to this listDetermines whether the list accepts ...
Markus Dang - formerly Slabina's user avatar
3 votes

Can a data retention policy be applied to the all subscribers list?

As per the sfmc documentation there is no option to set a retention policy on the All Subscribers list. However, there are ways to purge the subscribers within the account. Manual option: Write a ...
Brad Sapkota -'s user avatar
3 votes

System View for Not Sent Emails

There's no data view for Not Sent, unfortunately. It'd be nice if such a thing existed. What you've described with the Data Extract is the only way (as far as I know).
Adam Spriggs's user avatar
  • 31.1k
3 votes

Need some clarification on Marketing Cloud and journey builder subscription status behaviour

Below is the quick answers to your questions. Followed by some good reference points. Scenario 1: Yes they would be sent to. Transactional emails also, by default, ignore opt out status - unless ...
Gortonington's user avatar
  • 30.8k
3 votes

Delete All Subscriber and Upload Lists again

Although not recommended, you can delete subscribers from the all subscribers list. As opposed to doing in the the way you have highlighted, I would advice the following: Import the subscribers you ...
0xsegfault's user avatar
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3 votes

Custom Preference Page - External Key (Generate it / Retrieve preferences)

You would create the a cloud page in web studio and link it to the email via the CloudPageURL Function. The beauty of this is it encryts subscibers context data (e.g subscriberkey, emailaddress). You ...
0xsegfault's user avatar
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