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Questions tagged [streaming-api]

The Streaming API lets you expose a near real-time stream of data from the platform. Streaming API delivers events that are either tied to changes in Salesforce or based on custom payloads.

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1 answer

Does my org CS version limit which Streaming and REST APIs I can use?

If I'm using Salesforce "Spring 16" (CS10), does that org impose limitations to which Streaming API version I may use? (currently, our Java apps use v33 push topics) Is there any benefit to using more ...
raffian's user avatar
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VF - SCC - Event. How to refresh data table when new event created for a user using standard page layout [closed]

This is to those who are currently using the Steaming API / pushtopics within a Visualforce page in Salesforce classic / the Service Cloud Console. We have a VF page displaying the users event data (...
ChiCloud's user avatar
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1 answer

Url of canvas app

I have a canvas app integrated to Salesforce. When I launch my canvas app the URL of the browser changes to myapp/xyz/abc. Earlier it was my Salesforce domain URL. Is there a way to not show the ...
SfdcBat's user avatar
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11 votes
6 answers

Find current API version in Apex

I'd like to get the current API version in Apex. Is this possible without issuing a call to e.g. REST api? I post messages to a streaming channel via:- string uri = URL.getSalesforceBaseUrl()....
Richard Durrant's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Streaming API not working with JSForce after token refresh

I'm currently trying to get my application running on Heroku to listen for events from the Streaming API, but have had no success. The application works fine when I'm testing it locally against my org ...
jonnybro's user avatar
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Streaming Comet Client didn't receive events for data added using Bulk API?

I have Streaming comet client with a Pushtopic to an custom object Business__c (the pushtopic is enables with insert,updates and delete events). The comet client doesn't generate events based on ...
aalbatross's user avatar
0 votes
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How can I use PushTopics in Lightning Components

I have been through the Salesforce streaming API demo, and got that working. For anyone wanting a reminder, the page looks like this <apex:page > <apex:includeScript value="{!$Resource....
smatharu's user avatar
0 votes
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Does Running User FLS affect Push Topic notifications in Streaming API?

I have a push topic query that includes a field hidden from most users in the where clause. My observation is that a notification only occurs when the running user has FLS read or write access to the ...
AlwaysThinkin's user avatar
1 vote
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Streaming API Subscription methods

We are working on a package where the data from salesforce needs to be exported to external database instantaneously on DML. The export can be configured such that the user can select the Standard/...
Kunal Shah's user avatar
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Can we use OAuth to get notifications on behalf of customer salesforce accounts if they don't have workflow functionality?

We're building an application that integrates with Salesforce. As part of this, we expect users to give us OAuth permission to learn about events involving their Salesforce accounts. We'd rather use a ...
Alex Edelstein's user avatar
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CometD Error: Cannot read property 'init' of undefined

I am having a little fun and working with the Streaming API. It was working fine yesterday, and I was able to subscribe without any issues. However, now I am getting this error: Cannot read ...
Tim's user avatar
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When do Streaming API queries occur in the Order of Execution?

At what place in the Order of Execution does the query used in a Streaming API Push Topic run and push the outbound record? This may matter if you are seeking to include field values in either the ...
AlwaysThinkin's user avatar
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Salesforce Streaming API

I am trying to replicate one example given below in streaming api. I have used all the required component, still the page is not refreshing automatically. I am using example from below link - http:/...
sfdc_to_learn's user avatar
3 votes
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Streaming API Handshake Failure

I am always getting the following message from Streaming API workbench ( { "channel": "/meta/handshake", "advice": { "reconnect": "handshake" ...
user3869079's user avatar
11 votes
2 answers

How can I use jQuery 1.11+ while also using Streaming API?

Original Question: What's the lastest version of CometD that can be used with Streaming API? In Salesforce Streaming API documentation, it says Salesforce uses CometD version 2.0. But in their code ...
Scott Pelak's user avatar
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Detecting a change in Attachments for Cases using Streaming API

I'm not sure if what I am doing is possible but I would like to find out. I am connecting to my sandbox environment through the Streaming API (and Oauth2) using a Nodejs server and the ...
Awesome_Punch's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

Is Streaming API supported in Lightning components?

I'm trying to convert a Visualforce/Angular app into a Lightning app, which has translated well so far. The last hurdle is to utilize the Streaming API to track updates. I haven't found any samples ...
Brian Dunzweiler's user avatar
3 votes
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Streaming API: subscribe callback function never called?

I've implemented a simple streaming api code for subscription to the push topic using a callback function. It's realy needed because the official CotemD documentation expressly points to it: ...
Sergej Utko's user avatar
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Tracking event losses in streaming

I have created a push topic for subscribing to create/delete/update events for the Account object. When I update single Account object I get proper notification/messages through the push topic/channel....
Rahuldeb Barman's user avatar
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Streaming API not working in workbench

I am trying to setup a streaming API client and followed the Streaming API setup using workbench section. I have tried on a custom object and standard Case object and made sure all the prerequisites ...
markgarg's user avatar
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Streaming API push notifications not working

I'm trying to use push notifications in my developer org. I'm trying this from workbench as well as a VF page that I created but this doesn't seem to be working. I'm not getting any error message. I ...
akash's user avatar
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3 answers

What are the available /systemTopic/ channels in the Streaming API?

There appear to be at least two Streaming API channels that don't require a PushTopic to be created. /systemTopic/Logging for ApexLog from Using the ApexCSIAPI that backs to Console to pull ...
Daniel Ballinger's user avatar
5 votes
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"403::Unknown client" Error When Connecting to Streaming API Push Topic

I am trying to connect to a Push Topic via the Salesforce Streaming API using Python. My application completes the initial handshake correctly, but then fails on the following connect call, with the ...
benedwards44's user avatar
3 votes
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Streaming API - Channel Getting Disconnected after certain interval

I am using the code sample provided Java client for Streaming API in the below link I am not able to ...
Himanshu's user avatar
6 votes
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Create Streaming PushTopic using REST API?

Salesforce Streaming API documentation gives the examples of creating PushTopics through the developer console by running some APEX code. Is there a way to create PushTopics programmatically using ...
auny's user avatar
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Salesforce JAVA streaming client TransportExchange error

I have created salesforce streaming client around three months ago using following doc : Now the updated doc is using cometd/31.0 ...
r.bhardwaj's user avatar
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Streaming API - Not Seeing Updates In Visualforce Page

I have created a demo of streaming api. I have followed all the steps which have mentioned in the dec for streaming api as same The only thing ...
Anu's user avatar
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Streaming API between two orgs

Can I use the streaming API between two orgs? I mean to register for topic changes on one org from another org... If this is possible how can it be done?
Dedo's user avatar
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What is the Right Setting to Receive Push Notification

So I have a VF page with Streaming API and it's working fine in me because I'm the System Administrator. Now I'm testing out as another user with different profile, and the Streaming API is not ...
mdechavez's user avatar
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2 answers

Streaming API & managed package

There is Pushtopic usage within managed package which doesn't work because of the following error (This error was identified from -> Queries -> Streaming Push ...
Natallia's user avatar
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Push Topic Creation issue for AccountContactRole object

To get updates from salesforce Account, Contact and AccountContacRole objects into my local database. I have create pushTopic for Account and Contact object and receiving update messages using JAVA ...
r.bhardwaj's user avatar
6 votes
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Streaming API : not getting updates for some standard fields

I have created a PushTopic from my salesforce developer account using following query : SELECT Id, FirstName, LastName, Name, Email, Contact_Status__c, Contact_Verification__c, Gender__c, ...
r.bhardwaj's user avatar
14 votes
1 answer

Streaming API MVEL Operators

Do the MVEL operators for filtered subscriptions described in Streaming API documentation really work? I've tried a few variations of this (i.e. with/without quotes, double/single == etc.): j$....
Phil Hawthorn's user avatar
7 votes
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Can a Customer Community user access PushTopics for Streaming API?

I have a PushTopic created, and have a VF page with some js in it that subscribes to the topic and logs any results to the console. I've verified that I'm getting results if I'm logged in as a ...
Tim Smith's user avatar
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Is there any way to get access to Live Agent status?

The LiveAgent Supervisor Tab makes has access to a streaming API that updates as agents come on and offline. However, I haven't been able to find any documented APIs that allow for this. I'm working ...
colinloretz's user avatar
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PushTopic in managed package

Is it possible to restrict rights to delete of Pushtopic that is created in managed package?
Natallia's user avatar
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How can I avoid Streaming API Limits Developer Edition

I'm using Salesforce Streaming API to handle agent status in a Call Center application, every time the agent make a call or is answering one agent status is changing and as I'm suscribed to a push ...
Edgar's user avatar
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12 votes
2 answers

Real time updates - Streaming API vs workflow Outbound messages

My organization has a requirement that if anything is updated/inserted in our web application (cloud based application built in and c#) that it should be automatically be updated in SFDC and ...
mani's user avatar
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Streaming API notification payload

My SF account (PE with API) doesn't return the "sobject" fields in streaming API notification that it should. I'v tested with a free developer account, and it works fine there. I create a push topic ...
Scott's user avatar
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Streaming API some time's are not working in the Production

The Streaming API is working in Production, yet some times it does not work. could we be reaching the Streaming API LIMITATIONS ? Or could there be another area that I should investigate in using the ...
Ramesh Somalagari's user avatar
5 votes
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How do you create a pushtopic query with global variables?

Intuitively I would think this is how to do it, but it does not work. pushTopic.Query = 'SELECT id, name, Doer__c from Object1__c WHERE Doer__c =: UserInfo.getUserId()'; pushTopic.ApiVersion = 29.0; ...
Jay Ryoo's user avatar
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Refresh a VF page when SOAP API hits salesforce

A VF page is opened by a user and when a SOAP API hits the controller method I need show some values suppplied by the API to the VF page so that previous content of the page will be refrshed ...
Shebin Mathew's user avatar
6 votes
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Accomplishing 'Long Polling' to monitor events - REST or STREAMING API?

My use case is to be notified of any new documents uploaded to the account - { I could potentially use the StreamingApi but my entire infrastructure is based on REST, while the StreamingApi uses ...
Noob_ForceDev's user avatar
5 votes
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Streaming API v29.0 - ID is only 15 characters for delete messages

When we receive a delete message from the Streaming API the ID is only 15 characters not 18. For example ["Id":"a04K0000008H7ld", "OwnerId":"null", "EventType":"deleted","EventCreatedDate":"2013-...
user4843's user avatar
9 votes
3 answers

How can I delete Streaming API Push Topics in salesforce?

I have created a push topic in salesforce now i want to delete/deactivate this pushtopic. For doing so i require push topic id. I am not able to figure out how can i get ID for a given pushtopic can ...
user2256531's user avatar
7 votes
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Topic limit exceeded when updating PushTopic

I can create and update PushTopics without issue until the limit is reached. Once the limit is reached, I can't update existing topics, the following error is thrown: Update failed. First exception ...
Brian Walsh's user avatar
2 votes
4 answers

Is it not possible to implement Streaming API on REST based delete?

I have a vf page designed similar to a related list and am showing it inside an account detail page. The data for the vf comes from another custom object. The data in the custom object is created/...
Ganesh Sridhar's user avatar
6 votes
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PushTopic Test: Duplicate Name Bug?

I am writing a test class for a utility class for inserting PushTopics. Despite explicitly setting @isTest(SeeAllData=false) on my test class, I am getting a System.DMLException because of a ...
Kevin O'Hara's user avatar
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Redirecting to detail page in Streaming API

I was just trying to get heads-up on Streaming API. Following is the link which provides a basic example for Streaming API. I'm using the same code, besides that i was trying to add one functionality ...
Dev's user avatar
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accessing the Streaming API from a public-facing Site

I've got a telemetry application for which the Streaming API would be extremely useful. However I want the subscriptions to be publicly accessible. (So that anyone with the client can waltz up and ...
Matt and Neil's user avatar