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2 answers

What CometD streaming channels do communities support?

Is there any documentation that says what streaming channels are allowed for communities? (Note that in communities lightning-emp-api methods such as isEmpEnabled never resolve but it is possible to ...
Keith C's user avatar
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How to get feeds from salesforce org in real time on mobile app

I am having a community portal on one end and a mobile app on second to send and receive feeds(and its comments) on specific cases. So if a user post a feed from portal, how can I get the feed on my ...
Navii's user avatar
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9 votes
3 answers

The better way to import cometD library into LWC

I've been trying to use empAPI on community but unfortunately it's impossible. So I found this staff from trailhead Could anyone please describe me ...
pincet's user avatar
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5 votes
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Platform Event for Guest Community User?

Can platform events be used for the unauthenticated guest user for communities? Looking to have a public-facing page that displays live statuses without requiring a log in. Streaming API appears to ...
Jan J's user avatar
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3 votes
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Streaming API Handshake Failure

I am always getting the following message from Streaming API workbench ( { "channel": "/meta/handshake", "advice": { "reconnect": "handshake" ...
user3869079's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Can a Customer Community user access PushTopics for Streaming API?

I have a PushTopic created, and have a VF page with some js in it that subscribes to the topic and logs any results to the console. I've verified that I'm getting results if I'm logged in as a ...
Tim Smith's user avatar
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