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JS Code in Browser AND Server

Is there any practical way to write JavaScript functions such that the same code can be executed in BOTH a Landing Page written in AMPscript AND SSJS executed on the server (other than copying the ...
John Lewis's user avatar
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Retrieve with ws proxy with filter using DateValue does not work

Hello dear sfmc people, using date field in filter does not work as it's stated in the documentation I have ...'s user avatar
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smart Capture does not work with iphone

I have a smarcapture that I added this code snippet to pass by url a parameter of a question and it works in android and pc but it does not capture the IOS information. const form = document....
Jefersson Gomez's user avatar
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How Do I Break Down a JSON Array Format CSV Column Into Individual Columns Within SFMC Data Extensions?

I have an interesting use-case where I am getting a Data Extension from CDP where one of the columns is in JSON Format. Now I want to break down the last column of this DE into its individual columns....
aryashah2k's user avatar
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SSJS to update query definition - stringify individual column names with loop

We have a script activity in automation studio to update the text of a query definition and target a new data extension. It currently selects all fields using the standard SELECT *, but we need to now ...
TCassa's user avatar
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Pass a variable from Javascript to AMP Script or SSJS

Is it possible to pass a variable from Javascript to AMP Script or SSJS? The reason is I need to use Javascript libraries to generate a variable which I need to use in SSJS to make an API call.
Helios.One's user avatar
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Not able to retrieve null values from nested JSON array using SSJS For loop

Here's the nested json I'm working with { "Instructions":{ "Instruction":[ { "Type 1":"abc", "Type 2":"...
zahaan's user avatar
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Programatically update the "Used for Sending" value for DEs in folder and all child folders

I'm attempting to update the "Used for sending" value for all DEs in a select folder and include the DEs in all the child folders. I've written the code below that passes valideation, but I ...
Gbengoose Wuru's user avatar
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Remove duplicates from an array built in SSJS

I'm using SSJS to pull api data and build emails. I have an array built that has some duplicate data in it. I'm looking for anyway to remove the duplicate information. I've tried all the regular JS ...
Jason G's user avatar
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How to update Data Extention row without creating a new record

i am very new for marketing cloud and I am having this problem.I have a Data Extention containig a list of Subscribers with their email and subscriber key.I build a form working well, which can post ...
hilmi's user avatar
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Using UpdateSingleSalesforceObject for multiple records

I've got a Cloudpage with Ampscript that displays record information of a custom object related to a Contact. It displays a particular field as a checkbox, which corresponds with the custom object ...
rhsalesforce's user avatar
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Using MC Data Extension to update HTML on Landing Page [closed]

Is it possible to pass HTML code through a Data Extension value to set the HTML for an AmpScript Landing Page?
Austin's user avatar
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UpsertDE function not working on Shared Data Extension using SSJS from child BU even though used ENT

I want to use UpsertDE function on Shared Data Extension using SSJS from child BU. Even I tried ENT. before DE name, I have received 500 error in cloud page and script activity is getting errored in ...
SFMCuser's user avatar
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Fetch form values from localStorage to SSJS script

I am trying to resolve an issue of a scenario in which two cloud pages are created, for example, Page A contains a form with multiple fields, while Page B contains SSJS code to send the data to the ...
Harshit Singh's user avatar
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ERROR "Unable to retrieve security descriptor for this frame." When using WSPROXY's createitem with JSON object any tips?

So, I've been testing some use cases with SSJS and got into this error "Unable to retrieve security descriptor for this frame." which occurs with the apiAudiencia.createItem("...
Wilson Moreira's user avatar
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How to configure a cloud page to be inaccessible to public in SFMC

Currently, I have built a cloud page in SFMC that is being used for custom report. Goal is to make it private / inaccessible to public so only SFMC users can access it. Out of scope options: Private ...
kl2's user avatar
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how to use SSJS to extract all distinct values (may require looping) and push it to sql query in marketing cloud?

I am new to SSJS and have not used it yet. I have a use case where I need to extract JobID and Data Extention Name from SendLog Data Extension. I use JobID and DE_Name in SQL query but right now I ...
kl2's user avatar
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Why does my publication list array return undefined in Vuejs?

I'm learning to build a custom preference centre and trying to display all the lists for a subscriber. I retrieved all the lists like below: <script runat='server' type="text/javascript"&...
Simon's user avatar
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Can I trigger a specific step of automation I want to start ? Using SSJS

I have this code that Start my automation, but I also would like to say what of steps start and finish Like : I just want that step 3 start and finish Follow the code: <script runat="server&...
Marcos Felipe's user avatar
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I'm having problems with inserting subscribers in my DE

I want to insert data in my DE, but instead of inserting each subscriber inside a line, it's putting all the text on my page on one line, how do I fix this? The Subscribers that I retrieve in my web ...
murilo frederico's user avatar
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ClaimRow in SSJS does not work

I have wrapped AMP script function ClaimRow in to the SSJS it works and changes the boolean field to true but when I do lookup rows this change is not visible.. I had issue in the past and that is why ...'s user avatar
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How to fetch a variable declared in ssjs script into client side script

I am storing the value of lookup function into a variable say " var temp;" In ssjs script. I want to fetch this variable in client side script. I am using Console.log(<ctrl:var name=temp /...
jay's user avatar
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Save API Call Response

I need to create a job that monitors the delete jobs that are running in our BU every day. I managed to use this API (
Alex's user avatar
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Script activity not pausing and deleting the TS

I am trying to Pause and Delete the Triggered sends present in out account which were created/used before 3 years. Below code works fine in a CloudPage but does not perform any action when using it in ...
Sanket kharwade's user avatar
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Marketing cloud page insert row using onclick event

I have this image <img src="%%=v(@link)=%%" onclick="registerClick()"> and the following function function registerClick(){ alert('click'); %%[ outputline('OUTPUT') ]%%...
Tiago Pereira's user avatar
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Error from Rows.Add

I have the following script that returns the array as expected. When I go to add the "Rows.Add" aspect, I get a 500 error. I am testing the script on a cloudpage with plans to move it to an ...
Tariq McLeod's user avatar
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Pass value from Ampscript to SSJS Sleep function

I have ampscript value which defines how many milliseconds the function should delay the process but can I pass that 'ms' value from ampscript to sleep(?). Below is my script %%[ var @ms set @ms="...
Vi Bin's user avatar
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Script Activity in Marketing Cloud

I've some problem when I use the WSProxy in Script Activity. My goal is to search in all the non-sendable data extension if there is a column called "ID" and in the case it's exist I want to ...
Alessandro B.'s user avatar
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2 answers

How to create dateadd function in SSJS by calling dateadd in ampscript

I'm trying to create a dateAdd function in SSJS by calling the dateAdd function in Ampscript. The code below works. But I cannot figure out how to make the date argument dynamic. This means the ...
Knud Back's user avatar
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How to wait untill UpsertData is done using SSJS?

I'm running a for loop to update some DE records. Since the LookupRows is limited to 2000 records, we sometimes need it to iterate again. Therefore the for loop is in a while loop. Rows are marked in ...
yoni349's user avatar
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Send progress of CloudPage back to browser during AJAX request

I'm processing CSV files with a CloudPage. I upload the CSV file, then stringify the array, and send it via AJAX to another page. Previously, I had been doing this row by row so that I could show a ...
Stan Alachniewicz's user avatar
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Overwrite Rows in Data Extension using Script Activity and SSJS

I've been working for about two years within Salesforce Marketing Cloud, but haven't had the need to utilize anything outside of AMPScript, HTML, and CSS as I mostly just build and deploy emails with ...
Eduardo's user avatar
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SSJS DataExtension.Add Syntax for Decimal Fields

I need to create a data extension using javascript that includes DECIMAL fields. Here's my code that wasn't working. var deObj = { "CustomerKey" : "Genesis_DE", &...
Will's user avatar
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SSJS redirecting to wrong page

I have a processing cloud page and the page redirects correctly to success page but when I add in extra bit of code for error page redirect, records evaluating success still goes to the error page. Am ...
s3002068's user avatar
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Reference SSJS Code Resource in your Landing Page

I've been trying to insert/reference an SSJS code resource in my landing page but using the CloudPagesURL(123) function doesn't seem to work? I've been using the function when referencing javascript ...
ClinttErno's user avatar
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Is it possible to execute ampscript or ssjs onchange via checkbox check/uncheck

As I wrote in the question title I was just wondering if a block of ampscript & ssjs combined code can be execute on change via checkbox check/uncheck? <input name="TopicID" type=&...
Urke's user avatar
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SSJS Split String

How to use split function in SSJS to split String?  In my case, I have given the String and , the way I want to split is as follows : My String : I want 2 splits dfc_1 : dfc_ and 1 dfc_45932 : dfc_ ...
Sachi's user avatar
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Script Activity Outputs

I creasted a SSJS in Marketing Cloud under --> Automation Studio --> Activities --> Script , I was curious to know how I can view the results of Write statements in the script? I am able to store data ...
Sachi's user avatar
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Send personalized SMS in Marketing Cloud with javascript

We need to send a personalized SMS to a group of contacts. We made a working block of code that does that, but we call the server for each SMS like this: var sendSMSResult = HTTP.Post(sendSMSEndpoint,...
Alex's user avatar
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SSJS script to update query and start automation with 3 minute wait in between each loop iteration

I have a script that have nested loops that loop through some arrays. In those loops, I have a something that updates a SQL Query Activity, then something to start an automation. What I am trying to ...
mdltli's user avatar
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3 answers

How to use trim() function in SSJS using data extension in Marketing Cloud [closed]

How do I use trim() functions in SSJS? Using Data Extensions. Can you please provide some examples? I have a Data Extension, where "Message" is an Attribute. In this Attribute how do I use the trim(...
Abdul_SFMC's user avatar
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SSJS and AMPscript

I'm trying to output message if there is an error and i have very little knowledge in javascript in general. Could I get some feedback on if the following would work or how I would go about : If ...
s3002068's user avatar
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ParseJSON Error for HTTPPost - SSJS Unable to retrieve security descriptor

In my marketing cloud, landing page. Getting the error "System.InvalidOperationException: Unable to retrieve security descriptor for this frame" while trying to Parse the JSON response in a HTTP Post ...
SFDC FanBoy's user avatar
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How to overcome 2500 SSJS limit to delete more than 2500 DE records at once?

I created a SSJS script to delete certain records from a DE which seems to work fine for less than 2500 records. But once the number of records that need to be deleted surpass 2500 records, then it ...
gds945's user avatar
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Trying to trigger an automation from different Business unit using SSJS Activity

I have written the below code and created one test scheduled automation to start the automation. I didn't get any error when i did scheduled/publish the code but my automation is not starting. and i ...
Raja Kumar K's user avatar
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SSJS script activity not updating Query Definition as expected

I am trying to update a query definition in Marketing cloud using SSJS script which updates the query based on the datestamp. When I run the script, I don't get any error but it does not seem to be ...
gds945's user avatar
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How to access client side javascript variable in SSJS?

I am facing difficulties in showing a message. Below is the problem statement : I have six textboxes on a cloud page which stores six digit coupon code(one digit each). I am trying to show a error ...
R Suri's user avatar
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SSJS - Read a Data Extension after an Rows.Update

i'm now in my firsts baby steps in JavaScript on Salesforce Marketing Cloud. In my script i read one Data Extension with an DataExtension.Init("DE") and a DE.Rows.Retrieve(filter). After this, some ...
Pedro Pereira's user avatar
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JSON call using SSJS to populate a dropdown list in HTML and pass it through using AMP

I have a JSON object full of County names and I want to call it using SSJS then populate a dropdown list in HTML using the Data from the JSON. JSON looks like this [ "AZ - Maricopa", "AZ - ...
Ethan's user avatar
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How do I sort a rowset with Server Side Javascript linked with AmpScript?

I'm using AmpScript to make a custom email and I need to sort rows to display them in order of date. I saw that I can use Server Side Javascript to make this, but my variable in ampscript is a rowset, ...
Otor's user avatar
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