I need to create a job that monitors the delete jobs that are running in our BU every day. I managed to use this API (https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.noversion.mc-apis.meta/mc-apis/ContactsDeleteRequestsDetails.htm) and get a response, but I can't access the data in the inner part of the response.
Here is the full code:
<script runat=server>
Platform.Load("Core", "1");
var deLog = DataExtension.Init('97975E14-6583-49F7-B628-7790BB8FF1EC'); // Monitorizare Delete Log
var deError = DataExtension.Init('A3AFED88-A758-4A1E-B3D8-A0BDE266EAA1'); // Monitorizare Delete Error
var deMonitorizare = DataExtension.Init('D16950BB-DD04-44D2-8493-97EE4B1622EA'); // Monitorizare Delete
deLog.Rows.Add({Name: 'START'});
var resp;
var getAccessTokenEndpoint = 'https://auth.exacttargetapis.com/v1/requestToken';
var endpoint = 'https://mcwxf7761p78fdnb687k3s7lj1d1.rest.marketingcloudapis.com/contacts/v1/contacts/analytics/deleterequests?startDateUtc=2021-09-25T00:00:00&endDateUtc=2021-09-26T00:00:00';
var clientId = '*********';
var clientSecret = '*********';
var loginBody = {};
loginBody.clientId = clientId;
loginBody.clientSecret = clientSecret;
var loginResult = HTTP.Post(getAccessTokenEndpoint, 'application/json', Platform.Function.Stringify(loginBody), null, null);
if(loginResult.StatusCode != 200) {
deError.Rows.Add({Name: 'Login was unsuccessful!'});
deError.Rows.Add({Name: 'Login Result: ' + Platform.Function.Stringify(loginResult)});
var loginObj = Platform.Function.ParseJSON(loginResult.Response[0]);
var headerNames = 'Authorization';
var headerValues = 'Bearer ' + loginObj.accessToken;
function HttpRequest() {
var req = new Script.Util.HttpRequest(endpoint);
req.emptyContentHandling = 1;
req.retries = 2;
req.continueOnError = true;
req.contentType = "application/json"
req.setHeader(headerNames, headerValues);
req.method = "GET";
resp = req.send();
deLog.Rows.Add({Name: 'Server Response Content: ' + resp.content + '; ' + 'Server Response ContentType: ' + resp.contentType + '; ' + 'Server Response Encoding: ' + resp.encoding + '; ' + 'Server Response Header: ' + resp.headers + '; ' + 'Server Response ReturnStatus: ' + resp.returnStatus + '; ' + 'Server Response StatusCode: ' + resp.statusCode});
try {
deLog.Rows.Add({Name: 'Response: ' + resp.content.operations[0].status});
} catch(e) {
deError.Rows.Add({Name: 'Error catched: ' + Platform.Function.Stringify(e)});
deLog.Rows.Add({Name: 'END'});
Again, I'm getting the full response for the API call (saved in the resp variable), but I can't access the inner part like the status of the operations. I'm getting the following error every time:
Error catched: {"message":"Use of Common Language Runtime (CLR) is not allowed","description":"System.Security.SecurityException: Use of Common Language Runtime (CLR) is not allowed - from Jint\r\n\r\n"}
Can someone help me out please?