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1 answer

Internal server error - 500 in Postman API request while updating Salesforce Marketing cloud mobile contact subscription attribute

As I heard re-optin to mobile contact using import definition doesn't work. I could see there are 2 options to re-optin: QueueMO API request Update Contact I don't want to send sms while re-optin to ...
1 vote
1 answer

Send SMS from Marketing Cloud without adding contact in All Contacts

Is there an API Call that allows me to send an SMS from Marketing Cloud without adding a new contact into All Contacts? I tried to use this one, but a new contact has been created and subscripted to ...
0 votes
1 answer

How to use QueueMO REST API to update SMS subscription status?

I want to automatically update SMS subscription status through a Data Extension. At first, I was going to use an import definition in Mobile Connect and then put in an automation. It went well for ...
2 votes
0 answers

Force update on a API-triggered Text Message from Mobile Connect

I have a heavily used SMS Template configured in Mobile Connect in which I sometimes have to modify the included Ampscript. While doing so today I discovered a new alert upon clicking the Save button ...
0 votes
0 answers

SFMC MobileConnect QueueMO : Pass & Get addtional parameters

I am using the below request for calling the /sms/v1/queueMO from external website. Basic one - Working { "mobileNumbers": [ "1xxxxxxxxx" ], "shortCode": "xxxxx"...
0 votes
3 answers

API Rest messageContact

I would like to send a triggered SMS using messageContact method without subscribe the contact to the appropriate short or long code and keyword (I know that's a prerequisite for sending SMS in ...
0 votes
0 answers

SMS Triggered Sends for Long Code Support with multiple countries sms triggered SMS

I have a long code that is provisioned for nultiple countries however the locale of the long code shows up in my account as GB. When I try sending to different countries i successfully get a token ID ...
1 vote
1 answer

How to pass attributes in Ampscript rest api block for outbound SMS?

I am trying to trigger outbound SMS for another outbound SMS, I am able to trigger it but not able to pass the subscriber key and attributes in the payload. Below is the script that's working with ...
7 votes
1 answer

SMS not received : messageContact REST API method

I'm trying to send an SMS from Marketing Cloud using the messageContact REST API. Here is my request : POST Content-Type ...
0 votes
1 answer

MobileConnect queueMO API not re-opting in a "Not Opted In" / Opted Out contact

I'm trying to resubscribe an opted-out contact. This is the API code I'm executing through PostMan and the response is result:OK { "subscribers":[ { "mobilenumber": "...
4 votes
2 answers

Unsubscribe from SMS Keyword through API

I am trying to use the FUEL API to unsubscribe a mobile number from a particular keyword on a private shortcode. I would be fine with a global opt out on that private shortcode, as well. I have tried ...
5 votes
2 answers

Deleting a Mobile Connect instance of a contact only (without deleting the entire contact)

The current deletion framework that was added last year does deletes entire contacts. A contact deleted this way is deleted from: All Contacts All Subscribers Mobile Connect I have a problem where ...
1 vote
1 answer

SMS Concatenation and MobileConnect API

I'm working with MobileConnect to create notification text messages that will be triggered through the API. Further, there can be multiple notifications per contact/mobile number for an individual ...
0 votes
1 answer

How to get MobileConnect keywords?

Is there a way to get a list of all MobileConnect Keywords created on Marketing Cloud? I use attributes search REST endoint to MobileConnect ...
1 vote
1 answer

What is'Id' in POST /sms/v1/messageContact/{id}/send

I am trying to send a message via rest api. I am unable to understand where do i find the {id} in POST /sms/v1/messageContact/{id}/send. Where do i find this parameter in mobile connect?
1 vote
1 answer

REST API route for SMS Opt Outs?

Hey QQ on Mobile Connect REST API for Marketing Cloud - we can retrieve subscriptions that show what keywords a mobile number is opted in to, but can we also retrieve subscriptions that they've OPTED ...
0 votes
1 answer

MobileConnect Rest Api Credentials

I have got access to SalesForce Marketing Cloud ( and there I see MobileConnect activated with several SMS Outbounds that works well. As I understood, I can send SMS using next link: ...
1 vote
1 answer

Is there a way to retrieve Mobile Connect message content via API?

I created a SMS message in MobileConnect and I want to be able to retrieve this message object (content, short code, etc.) via the REST API but I can't find the appropriate endpoint when looking ...
2 votes
0 answers

MarketingCloud get a list of MobileConnect messages using REST API?

Does anyone know how to get a list of MobileConnect messages returned using REST API? When you go to MobileConnect in SFMC web app, there is a list of messages, I want to retrieve text content for ...
0 votes
1 answer

MobileConnect Outbound SMS API not respecting STOP

I've submitted a STOP response to a shared short code using my mobile number. I then attempted to send an Outbound SMS via MobileConnect (to my number and to a colleague). My colleague received the ...
3 votes
2 answers

Can the API Key on a MobileConnect message be changed?

Any insight would be helpful if this is possible through the UI or through an API call. The purpose of changing this is so that the API key is the same across business units (qa/prod environments) - ...
3 votes
1 answer

Checking delivery status of an SMS

I'm using the Fuel REST API postMessageContactSend method to send an SMS to a subscriber. I receive the following response for my request: { "tokenId": "MTFjQjgzV2VFa2Vlcks5VnZadkhuQTo3OTow" } I ...
1 vote
1 answer

Request parameters in ExactTarget postMessageContact/Send REST API method

We have integrated an app to send out transactional SMS messages to defined mobile numbers using the MessageContact/Send SMS REST API method. The problem is that this method isn't documented very well....