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Duplicate Error on Upsert

I have created an operation in Jitterbit to run an upsert on two custom objects and one standard object: Lead, Project_c and ProjectLead_c The ProjectLead object is just a junction object that relates ...
Milan Stegnjaic's user avatar
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Dealing with failed records in an Upsert operation

With the help of responses to my previous posts I was finally successful in Upserting Contacts in Salesforce via Jitterbit using External Id. However two records failed. I am thinking these failed ...
GroundToCloud's user avatar
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External IDs and relationships not working correctly

I set up an external ID on a custom object I set up a relationship on opportunities to reference that custom object I upsert the custom object (including the external id) I upsert the opportunities ...
A Pierre's user avatar
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Can Jitterbit (or any ETL tool) do field-by-field "insert null values" without using the bulk API?

I can see that when an ETL tool is using the Bulk API, there isn't a global "insert null values" setting and you have to explicitly set cells to #N/A to get them to overwrite to null. That's nice, ...
k..'s user avatar
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How can we skip the some records through SOQL

I am retrieving attachments through jitter bit SOQL query, but my all records are not retrieving through in the bulk so I have set the limit of 1000 but when I have download next 1000 records how can ...
Dev bluCursor's user avatar
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Duplicate_Rule_Atomic or non Atomic

I have a question on duplicate rule.I am loading a list of account records in to my salesforce org using jitterbit and to eliminte the insertion of duplicate records I have a duplicate rule enabled on ...
prasad's user avatar
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Salesforce Release and Jitterbit Integration [closed]

What (if any) effects will a Salesforce Release eg. Spring 18 have on Jitterbit Integration?
Jackie's user avatar
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Assigning owner to ContentNotes

I am trying to assign the OwnerId to ContentNote (Notes) using Data Loader on new inserts, however I get the following error: Documents in a user's private library must always be owned by that user....
Deployment Failure's user avatar
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Examining A Data Load's Tentative Results Without Really Loading Data

Let's say I have a "Contact" object full of 50,000 records, 30,000 of which have a value in "MyExternalId__c." And then I have a CSV file full of 10,000 records, all of which have a value in "...
k..'s user avatar
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Jitterbit in salesforce [closed]

I am using Jitterbit in salesforce but I don't know Jitterbit Script and have no idea how to use it and why we use it and what are the advantages of using script.
Rajan Saini's user avatar
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Scheduled Jitterbit Upsert

I have a couple different upserts built out in Jitterbit that are all supposed to be running nightly. Some of them are working and some of them are not. As far as I can tell they are set up the exact ...
cmmoutes13's user avatar
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Marketing Cloud tracking data into Sales Cloud and Analytics Cloud

I'm investigating ways to get Marketing Cloud tracking information into Analytics Cloud. Marketing Cloud Connect is installed, but all Marketing Activity is initiated and takes place in Marketing ...
api-testuser45690's user avatar
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SFTP connection from salesforce to Globalscape

I need to connect my salesforce instance to Globalscape(file transfer suite) using a SFTP conncetion to extract a flat file. I am looking for a freeware so that I could automate the same through a ...
MaxPyne's user avatar
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11 votes
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Why do some data loading tools work with professional edition?

When looking at the Salesforce edition comparison chart, it states that Integration via Web services API is only available if you pay for it. Indeed, when I try to load data into my org using Apex ...
Robin De Bondt's user avatar
1 vote
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Can we use JitterBit Loader it import data into 2 related objects in a single load?

Can we use JitterBit Loader it import data into 2 related objects in a single load ? Right now we are loading it twice using dataloader Import parent object Export Parent Object and update csv ...
ab0369's user avatar
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What are the benefits of Jitterbit over Lightning Connector?

Jitterbit appears to be priced cheaper than Lightning Connector. Besides from that, are there any other benefits to using Jitterbit instead of Lightning Connector, in the context that you wish to ...
Andy Hitchings's user avatar
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Duplicate prevention and Merge on Account

We have an integration with a legacy system and we use an Unique ExternalID to send personAccount upserts back and forth between salesforce and the legacy system using JItterbit. However, that ...
user29083's user avatar
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Using Jitterbit for cooperative work

Our team started to work on integration Jitterbit with other our systems and we faced with such issue - how better to organize cooperative work in Jitterbit Studio on the same project for few ...
Hleb's user avatar
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-3 votes
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Why is jitterbit cloud data loader requireing me to login to Jitterbit Harmony [closed]

I got a new work pc and was installing Jitterbit and I can't get past this screen. I don't want harmony and have never had to do this in the past.
Jay Bolt's user avatar
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2 votes
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ADD or SUBTRACT hours from TODAY and YESTERDAY functions in soql

I have to run a load every 6 AM in the morning, so just wanted those records that have been updated or created since this time i.e yesterday 6 AM and today 6 AM. I was thinking to use a logic to add 6 ...
Hemant's user avatar
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Need to Upsert Data Using Tool Batch Wise

I have order and contact object which have lookup from order to contact...I have Excel sheet which has order as well as contact information in it..I need to insert or upsert this excel sheet which ...
Salesforce Learner's user avatar
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Jitterbit - ORA-12504, TNS:listener was not given the SID in CONNECT_DATA

We're attempting to do upserts to Salesforce from a Lawson (Oracle) database, using Jitterbit. We are using the Oracle [JDBC] driver on the default port. We have the Jitterbit Agent running on Windows ...
Brian Mansfield's user avatar
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Setting up Salesforce HTTP Endpoint using Jitterbit

At the moment we are polling for any changes in Salesforce every 10 minutes or every hour depending on the operation. I want to essentially setup an HTTP Endpoint for Salesforce using Jitterbit. So ...
Stephen's user avatar
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Migrate Datas to Salesforce Org without same namespace

I am using Jitterbit Harmony to migrate datas from one salesforce org to another org. Source org has no namespace but second one has namespaces(as xyz_customobject__c). In that situation, I must ...
Seçkin Eşer's user avatar
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Salesforce Data Migration Jitterbit Response Error

I have used Jitterbit Harmony to migrate datas. It works if I run operations by one by. But If I linked two operation on "on Success"(It means first operation is success, pass and run the second one), ...
Seçkin Eşer's user avatar
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Salesforce Data Migration

I need to push data from one salesforce org to another salesforce org. I have faced a problem while doing this. I used Jitterbit Harmony to migrate data between orgs. I downloaded and installed ...
Seçkin Eşer's user avatar
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Jitterbit doesn't allow me to log into Sandbox

I just downloaded Jitterbit for the first time, as I heard it's a great tool for loading data, so I wanted to learn it. Unfortunately I cannot log in - I created a new project, and entered my ...
Lily's user avatar
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Can I upsert PricebookEntry Records?

Is it possible to upsert PBE records? According to the API document, upsert is a supported function. Now that we can create custom fields on the PBE, I even added an external ID field, but I cannot ...
JimRae's user avatar
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How do you find the Jitterbit Harmony Http HostedEndpoint SERVERNAME & PORT combination?

I'm sending an outbound message from SFDC to Jitterbit. The Jitterbit "NO-Cumentation" states: ... "the end-point ...
Rafael Suarez's user avatar
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How to send a Salesforce workflow outbound message to trigger a jitterbit 8.1 (full version) operation

I am currently evaluating Jitterbit 8.1 (Full version, 30 day eval). In need to query SFDC for 4 custom field values from Opportunity records where Stage pickval ="...". Each record must be POSTed ...
Rafael Suarez's user avatar
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can salesforce integrate to sql server using Jitterbit

I have never used Jitterbit and was wondering if Jitterbit can be automated to pull opportunity and related opportunity data and pushed into a sql server db? Is this possible using Jitterbit? I was ...
Dman100's user avatar
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Will Data Loader for Salesforce 5.x End of life with Cload Data Loader 6.x 4/15/2015?

It was announced Data Loader 6.x will reach End of Life on April 15, 2015 and will cease to communicate with the Harmony Cloud. Causing existing operations to stop running. We have still have jobs ...
pwDev's user avatar
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5 votes
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How to connect to Salesforce REST API without OAuth? How does Jitterbit do it?

So what I read everywhere is that, in order to connect to Salesforce via the API, you'll have to authenticate using OAuth. But this involves creating a Connected App, which is 'cumbersome' for normal ...
Willem Mulder's user avatar
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Duplicates inserting from csv to salesforce through jitterbit data loader! [closed]

I am using free Jitterbit to load files (.csv) from SFTP into Salesforce (custom object). In FTP, xls files are fed and is converted into .csv file (via php) and that csv file is inserted into ...
Sapthagiri's user avatar
2 votes
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How to query multiple object query in jitterbit dataloader

I am using jitterbit dataloader want to integrate(send data from sql to salesforce) sql to salesforce. In jitterbit i had quered one object(account) and able to send data from sql to salesforce. But ...
PavanFoxPro's user avatar
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