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26 votes

recordId is undefined in LWC quick action component

Implement a setter for the Id and add your logic here to be executed as soon as the value is populated by SF internally. _recordId; @api set recordId(value) { this._recordId = value; // do ...
itsmebasti's user avatar
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25 votes

Add button to the footer of a Lightning Quick Action component

I'm afraid you can't. I would like to be able to do it to, at least customize the behavior of the "Save" button, but unfortunately it's not possible. As you said, you need either to put the button ...
Fabien Taillon's user avatar
24 votes

Why does my Quick Action not show up in Lightning Experience?

It could be many things. Below is a general troubleshooting list for a quick action (QA) that doesn't appear on record pages: Does the user have access to the object the QA is creating? If it's Log a ...
Kris Goncalves's user avatar
22 votes

How to auto close LWC quick action from JavaScript?

Per today's Summer 21 release webinar, you will need to do two things Add a new import: import { CloseActionScreenEvent } from 'lightning/actions'; Then add a simple method to close it: ...
BritishBoyinDC's user avatar
18 votes

Actions on Case object in Lightning

There is a catch in case of cases and work orders objects when it comes to quick actions. In the article under Actions on record pages there is note that says Actions on cases and work orders ...
Mahmood's user avatar
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17 votes

is recordId passed to lwc in a quick action?

I had to test this, but it seems there's two different behaviors for the different actionTypes. ScreenAction recordId is undefined in connectedCallback and renderedCallback unless you use it in your ...
Kris Goncalves's user avatar
14 votes

Lightning QuickAction (API) without modal

I asked in the Lightning Trailblazers org62 group about this, a few months ago, and the response we got was that SFDC understands this usecase but do not have an estimate for delivery yet. FWIW, we ...
Christian Carter's user avatar
14 votes

Refresh parent page on close of lightning quick action modal

You can try force:refreshView, which reloads all data for the view. So in addition to $A.get("e.force:closeQuickAction").fire(); add $A.get('e.force:refreshView').fire(); in your setCallback method. (...
Saroj Bera's user avatar
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11 votes

How to close Visualforce page opened as Quick Action in Lightning through JavaScript?

I've eventually found a solution. The following script has to be included: <script type='text/javascript' src='/canvas/sdk/js/publisher.js'></script> Then use this line to close the ...
Przemysław Długoszewski-Tamoń's user avatar
11 votes

Not able to create a quick action using direct LWC in Summer 21 org

As the error states: Lightning Web Components quick actions are not supported for this entity (emphasis mine) That means that you can use LWCs as Quick Actions, but not on Work Orders. The ...
sfdcfox's user avatar
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10 votes

How to auto close LWC quick action from JavaScript?

I found a workaround if you want to continue using the lwc quick action(as I do :)). You can use NavigationMixin and have it Navigate to the record page you're on. this[NavigationMixin.Navigate]({ ...
Sean Gray's user avatar
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10 votes

LWC quick action not working

If you want to create the screen action then use action type as ScreenAction. Action can be used only for headless actions. For headless action, you need to define the @api invoke(){...} function in ...
Rahul Gawale's user avatar
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9 votes

How to close a Global Quick Action Lightning Component popup?

Use $A.get("e.force:closeQuickAction").fire();inside your component controller at the necessary place. This line will close the modal box automatically.
Aruna's user avatar
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9 votes

How to pass parameter to flow launched from Quick Action

From the input got from Pranay's answer, I was able to launch flow from quick action. I have created a quick action in Account like: Then I created recordId variable in my flow. Using recordId I ...
Reshma's user avatar
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8 votes

recordId is undefined in LWC quick action component

I had the same issue, was able to fix the issue by implementing this URL parameter retrieval piece of code. import import { LightningElement, wire } from 'lwc'; import {CurrentPageReference} from '...
Yousuf Zaman's user avatar
8 votes

is recordId passed to lwc in a quick action?

Yes, We also get record id from ScreenType action. HTML: <template> <lightning-quick-action-panel header="Confirmation"> <p class="slds-align_absolute-center">...
Nisar Ahmad's user avatar
8 votes

Error: No Lightning Web Component quick actions are available for your org

You need to mark your component as exposed so you can see it in your org, so your xml file would look like this. Right now your isExposed tag is set to false, so until you set that to true it won't ...
Ben Radley's user avatar
8 votes

Where in the SFDX tree do translations of quick actions go?

The translations for QuickActions are included as part of the objectTranslation metadata. So for each object, you can include translations of quickActions as follows: <?xml version="1.0" ...
Shane Bird's user avatar
7 votes

Creating email action using template

There are actually 2 bugs in send email quick action functionality. There is no way to set a template, its something which was uncooked and served. Only on Cases does it give you that option. (https:/...
Pranay Jaiswal's user avatar
6 votes

Pass parameters to lightning component from a quick action

As you've discovered, you can get force:hasRecordId. Unfortunately, any other fields you want, you have to query for. The easiest way to query for them is with force:recordData; this automatically ...
sfdcfox's user avatar
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6 votes

How to put "List View Actions in Lightning Experience" into metadata?

release notes of 44.0 API saying that lightning list view actions are mentioned in massQuickActions tag in searchLayout section of object. Example from documentation <?xml version="1.0" encoding="...
Oleksandr Berehovskyi's user avatar
6 votes

recordId is undefined in LWC quick action component

You can check these QuickAction recipes from the lwc-recipes app of Trailhead Sample Gallery. These recipes are newly added and showcase different use-cases of Quick actions with lwc. ...
Satya Sekhar's user avatar
6 votes

LWC Quick Action on Case

This is a platform limitation and articulated here. Quoting from the docs below NOTE Actions on user profiles, cases, and work orders can appear in a different way than on other records. Actions on ...
Mohith Shrivastava's user avatar
6 votes

Which SObjects support LWC Quick Actions?

Update 2024 Here are documented all supported SObjects. When SObject have LWC Homepage it should support LWC Quick Action. Record pages that use Aura components don't support some features that are ...
Kris Goncalves's user avatar
5 votes

force:closeQuickAction not working

The reason why it is working when invoked in callback code because there is modal listener ready for the event and then modal listener can close the model. But if you write your logic on doInit ( I ...
Kiran Machhewar's user avatar
5 votes

Lightning QuickAction (API) without modal

Just add the below code in your component so that it doesn't show up the modal when you click on the Quick action button <aura:html tag="style"> .slds-backdrop { background: rgba(43, 40,...
Sunil Reddy's user avatar
5 votes

Add button to the footer of a Lightning Quick Action component

I managed to fix it myself. This solution override the dialog box height which you mentioned while creating custom action on an object. I hope this will help someone needed. <aura:component ...
Milind's user avatar
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5 votes

sObjectName and lightning quick action

Can you re-check this please. Because I tried the exact same code in my org and its working fine. Please check the screen shots - Note - Can you check your component version number once. Mine is 40 ...
Mustafa Jhabuawala's user avatar
5 votes

Convert javascript button to quick action

I think no matter what kind of Quick Action you do, native or customized, it will always open a modal window in Lightning. You could create a small VisualForce page or Lightning component to add ...
Charles T's user avatar
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5 votes

How to close a Global Quick Action Lightning Component popup?

The code I used was fine. I found following Known Issue existing for this same issue and it has been Fixed already in the platform now, and the Close behavior is not consistent with this Event firing ...
VarunC's user avatar
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