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Questions tagged [quickaction]

With quick actions, you can make your users’ navigation and workflow as smooth as possible by giving them convenient access to information that’s most important. For example, you can let users create or update records and log calls directly in their Chatter feed or from their mobile device.

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SF Deploy Issue: You can’t change this field because A has a master-detail relationship with B

I am trying to deploy a quickAction file in Salesforce environment through VScode. The quickAction file it is mainly a popup form that opens when I click a button in B page layout. There are fields ...
tsuser's user avatar
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To Address auto populating with previous email address in case object

Requirement : I have requirement to create a quick action button on standard case object to send email. I need to auto-populate To Address with the default email address(Pre-defined value). Work I ...
Bibbi's user avatar
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Can I have a button on an LWC that launches a Quick Action for the object?

I have a custom LWC that is rendered on a record page. I'd like to have some buttons on it that launch quick actions that launches another LWCs for the same record as modals. I haven't been able to ...
Ken's user avatar
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Get current list view url from list view action button LWC

Challenge: once list view action is called, the url changes to lwc components url reference and unable to get actual list view detailed url before. Could see that there are options in vf page like ...
JPM's user avatar
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How to populate Address data using Quick Action (lwc)

I'm trying to populate a 'lightning-combobox' element with an Account's address data. This component is being triggered from a "Create Case" quick action within an Account record. I'm lost ...
Aparicio Jr's user avatar
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Due Date Task object not appearing in Quick Action not appearing

I am struggling here, I am trying to have my page layout with due date appear when creating a new task based off a custom quick action on Opp. Its confirmed on the page layout, permission to it, etc ...
ForrestFairway's user avatar
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Invoke Change Owner QuickAction from LWC

I've created a custom Account page using LWC and lightning-record-edit-form, but the Account Owner field is not editable through the lightning-input-field, so I would like to have a custom button to ...
Lucas Fabossa's user avatar
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Filter for action by device not being respected for some users

I have 2 actions that should be showed just for phone devices but its being displayed for desktop also, but just for some users that have the same profile/role. I could not find what could cause this:
Michael Simini's user avatar
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Emails not being sent from a quick action linked to LWC

I recently created an LWC to use as a quick action in the case field, to send a specific email with one click, I also created the class to call the records that I would need. I configured ...
Guilherme Sousa's user avatar
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How to override 'Edit' action with LWC Modal?

I understand an LWC record action cannot directly be used to override a standard action like 'new' or 'edit'. I've referred to a blog which invokes a LightningModal LWC from an Aura component. Based ...
N_H1922's user avatar
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QuickAction.QuickActionDefaultsHandler Implementation

Requirement is to populated 'To' field with specific email addresses when user uses action in feed tab. Problem occurs when user click first 'Reply All' from chatter feed to reply to email message. ...
B.G's user avatar
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Cant add LWC Action on Product Object, but I can add it on Account or custom object

I am trying to add Action button LWC on Product but even after adding it on layout its not visible. This action if created on other Object such as Account or any custom object works fine. Has anyone ...
summer's user avatar
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Close Modal using CloseActionScreenEvent

I have quick action that opens a flow in a modal. I have a lwc component that displays a toast message upon the last screen of the flow. I'm trying to auto close the modal upon reaching the finish ...
user1718612's user avatar
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Prepopulate To Email Address using Global Action

We have a global action to send email. It populates the to address correctly when invoked from Contact detail page. We want to use same the global action to send email from Opportunity record. Here ...
Exps's user avatar
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Is it possible to trigger "Email Quote" QuickAction from Aura Component?

I've got an Aura Component modal launched from Opportunity which reviews and creates a Quote, redirects the user on the new quote page, and create a PDF (apex call). What I want to do is to open an ...
Yan Imensar's user avatar
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2 answers

Can't create Quick Action or Button in ActionPlanTemplate object

I've been struggling with creating an Action/Button or Link in ActionPlanTemplate object. I have access to all permissions I could find on internet: Permission Set Assignment: Action Plans Permission ...
yanaspaula's user avatar
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Blank space - Quick action

I have a custom object and I have a built a quick action which will update the status field to "a" The quick action configuration is shown below While designing this quick action, I have ...
Exps's user avatar
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Launch maximized or scrollable Global Quick Action for Screen Flow

I have seen the other answer linked for a potential solution for this issue, but I cannot get it to work. I have a GQA which launches a screen flow - it does this fine. However, the modal not ...
poorpractice's user avatar
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ScreenFlow when launched from QuickAction, is finished. And when we hit the browser back button the flow is relaunched/Re-executing the flow

The Screen flow is launched from quick actions on the contact record page. The flow is re-executing/ launched every time when the browser back button is clicked or trying to go back. So the conditions/...
Janardhan Kumar's user avatar
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Doesn't want to show the pop up window on click of Quick action

I have created a Visualforce page and added it to a Quick Action. On this page, I've implemented the Apex method that runs the Batch class. However, I don't want to display a popup or modal during ...
Shruti Saran's user avatar
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Why does my button URL open natively in one org but in the built-in browser in another?

I have a quick action button on my Lead object which opens a flow, when pressing the button on Salesforce1 via the scratch org, the flow opens in the app appearing optimised and fit to the screen, ...
Deployment Failure's user avatar
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Quick Action for LightningWebComponent not Possible for Task SObject

I want to create a quick action of type LightningWebComponent for SObject Task. However, when I deploy the quick action I run into error: Lightning Web Component quick actions are not supported for ...
PieterJacob's user avatar
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Adding custom field to layout for custom Quick Action

Our org has a series of Quick Actions based off of custom objects, one of which is called "Log a Note." This creates a new Note record, with Note being a custom object. I am attempting to ...
Yana Myaskovskaya's user avatar
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why my quick action doesn' appear in my page layout?

I have a problem. I created a new action in the account object , and I add it in the page layout of the record type which is billto , but the action doesn't show up in my page layout. Can you help me. ...
Leila Med's user avatar
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How to pass input values in quick action?

We are building manage package with quick action using lwc component, Some customers need to trigger API and some doesn't. So we decided to keep a Boolean check in the target config. I am getting ...
Ragul's user avatar
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LWC Quick action on WOLI (Work Order Line Item) not showing up in Dynamic record page

I already checked related posts on this topic and I feel I have already checked them So I have LWC Quick action created - <isExposed>true</isExposed> <targets> <target>...
SEuser's user avatar
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When a Quick Action creates a record can Trigger identify the Quick Action?

If an Quick Action creates a record and the creation of that record results in an Apex trigger being executed, can the Trigger determine which Action (if any) created the record? The Action could, of ...
John Lewis's user avatar
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7 answers

RefreshView API in Quick Action

I have an LWC invoked via quick action that creates child record(s) using a lightning-record-edit-form. The lightning page has two tabs: Details and Related. On the Related tab, we have a "...
Casey Gehling's user avatar
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How to use default Attachment Id in Send Email quick action in LWC component?

I am using below code in LWC to show send email quick action from LWC component here I am able to set the default value of Subject and Body. But I am not able to attach a default pdf file to this send ...
Ratan Paul's user avatar
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How to launch flow in full screen using quick action?

I have added quick action on the record page. Using this quick action I'm launching the Screen flow, which contains the data table, but this screen is not taking the full space of the screen. It is ...
Atul Rakate's user avatar
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footer buttons distorting in case of error on dropdown- Aura component

I have an aura component quick action with a footer with 2 buttons. Whenever there is any error appearing on 'Status' field, the footer is aligning downwards automatically. Can you please help me to ...
Pravindra Singh's user avatar
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Problem installing package upgrade "QuickAction - no QuickAction named SendEmail found"

The failing version of the package added a Global-Xyz Layout.layout-meta.xml file that starts with: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <Layout xmlns="http://soap....
Keith C's user avatar
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Populate default values during record creation - LWC quick action vs defaultFieldValues button/link

In terms of prepopulating values on a record creation modal, I'm wondering what advantage, if any, the LWC quick action technique has over the much easier button/link technique. LWC quick action ...
Kevin Antonioli's user avatar
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How to get the api name of the quick action which invoked the flow?

I am using a generic flow which can be invoked from multiple objects. In Flow, I have embedded the LWC Component, by using the Currentpagereference I am able to get the quick action name of the only ...
S1th's user avatar
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Detecting the state of the alt/option key in a LWC Headless Quick Action

I'd like my LWC Headless Quick Action to behave differently when the alt/option key is held down. But the platform abstracts away the browser events and calls the invoke function with no additional ...
Keith C's user avatar
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Quick Action - Detail Button Page Error - LWC

can anyone help me with this error, My requirement is: I have a Detail page button called Convert on Order Object, when I click on the convert button it should convert the order object Record to ...
Lalitha jakka's user avatar
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Error when send email from Flow?

I create the screenflow that calling Send Email Action this flow will triggered from Action Button that I put on record page. when I activate this flow and test to sent an email from record page I got ...
naticap's user avatar
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LWC keeps loading on quick action and lightning__recordPage

I have the LWC created for LWR Site that I am also using on Lightning quick action on Contact object. When I click the quick action, I just get loading screen infinitely and LWC never loads. here's ...
anxiousAvocado's user avatar
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Refresh related list after creating a record via LWC quick action

I built a screen action LWC that uses lightning-record-edit-form and lightning-input-field to create a new record. The quick action is placed on a parent record page and adds a related child record to ...
Hiroki Yuda's user avatar
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Edit Event list view layout

I have created a mass update action of the Event Status field which I now want to add to the list view layout for the Events. The problem is that the layout doesn't exist under Object Manager - Events ...
MarkB's user avatar
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How To Add The "Change Owner" Button Inside Lightning Record Page?

I have a requirement in which I must add the standard "Change Owner" button inside a lightning record detail page. I know that this button appears inside list-views, but I need to show the ...
Emmanuel_M's user avatar
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How can I make it so that only the case owner can see my quick action?

I have a a quick action on a Case lightning record page that I need to make only visible to the owner of the record. I have dynamic actions enabled, so I can access the user record and the case record'...
Riggs Markham's user avatar
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Is it possible to close an LWC quick action after reloading window?

I have created a quick action that loads an LWC. I want after a save button is clicked, the page is refreshed and the LWC popup closed. I have tried using the following code but the after the refresh, ...
Pauline's user avatar
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Activity tab in lightning page

However I try I cannot display the email option here. Things did: Checked each page layout of the object and confirmed that the mobile and lightning action has the email option. Then checked the ...
user121495's user avatar
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Lightning Web Component Action not showing up on community page

I've been having this issue where I created a LWC to act as an action, and while it shows up fine on the record page, I'm having some issues having it show up on my Community App. At first I thought ...
Kevin Yao's user avatar
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Metadata API 'Quick Action' - Required fields are missing: [Component] (REQUIRED_FIELD_MISSING). Fields Component

MetadataService.MetadataPort service = createService(); MetadataService.QuickAction customQuickAction = new MetadataService.QuickAction(); customQuickAction.targetObject = 'Test__c'; customQuickAction....
Akshat's user avatar
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I want to create an quick action button on an object from Apex class which calls a Visualforce page. How will I do this?

I have a scenario where I have to create an Quick Action button on multiple objects which call a VF page. If the admin do this task through Salesforce UI, it is very repetitive and the admin have to ...
Jahid Khan's user avatar
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Metadata type_x issue (I want to create a quick Action Dynamically from MetaData API)

This is how I am trying to create the quickAction. MetadataService.MetadataPort service = createService(); MetadataService.QuickAction customObject = new MetadataService.QuickAction(); customObject....
user121585's user avatar
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LWC as Quick Action on Case Object is not showing

I have created Action as LWC and my xml tragets are <LightningComponentBundle xmlns=""> <apiVersion>55.0</apiVersion> <...
Rit's user avatar
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Fire e.force:closeQuickAction from lwc wrapped in aura

I've wanted to re-use my lwc quick action on another object, but turns out it's not supported. Hence I'm wrapping my lwc in aura component. I want to close the modal via button press. Was hopping I ...
dzh's user avatar
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