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4 votes

Can I use base LWC in Aura component?

In Aura you write with Aura syntax, so you reference the components the same way you have always done in Aura regardless of what type of component it is (Aura or LWC) <aura:component> <...
Diego's user avatar
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4 votes

Can I use base LWC in Aura component?

Yes you should be able to do this by wrapping up the LWC base component in a custom LWC Component. You can use custom LWC component in an Aura Component. Use this link to understand how to use custom ...
Ashish Sharma's user avatar
3 votes

How to Get the Current Value from a Lightning-Input-Rich-Text

Avoid using onChange and may be use the querySelctor instead as shown below <template> <lightning-input-rich-text value={myVal}> </lightning-input-rich-text> <lightning-...
Mohith Shrivastava's user avatar
2 votes

lightning:inputrichtext value can be initialized from init method, but not from different method

Looks like we can override by adding a Renderer file .Here is the code thats working for me <aura:component implements="force:appHostable,flexipage:availableForAllPageTypes,flexipage:...
Mohith Shrivastava's user avatar
2 votes

Is it possible to initialize the value in a lightning:inputRichText, like with a lightning:input or ui:inputText?

The below code worked perfectly fine for me <aura:component implements="force:appHostable,flexipage:availableForAllPageTypes,flexipage:availableForRecordHome,force:hasRecordId,forceCommunity:...
Mohith Shrivastava's user avatar
2 votes

How to adjust min-height of Salesforce Lightning input rich text component on load

Here's a solid option if you need auto-sizing: All you have to do is add the below code to your CSS file within your Aura or LWC. This automatically sets the appropriate size for the rich text area. ...
Derek Hoffritz's user avatar
1 vote

lightning-input-rich-text deleting rendered email template on backspace

Per Salesforce, editing HTML email templates in the lightning-input-rich-text tag is a know limitation and cannot be done.
29espoa's user avatar
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How to get the InnerHTML from lightning:inputRichText?

The value attribute should contain the HTML: JS: import { LightningElement, track} from 'lwc'; export default class testLwc extends LightningElement { @track htmlValue; handleChange(event) ...
gNerb's user avatar
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Unable to Embed TinyMCE 6 Text Editor into VisualForce Page

I had an incorrect path, was missing the base folder. Here is the correct way to import it: <apex:includeScript value="{!URLFOR($Resource.TinyMCE,'tinymce/js/tinymce/tinymce.min.js')}"/&...
ApexAdam's user avatar
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LWC Rich Text component doesn't trigger change event, value not updated on blur, for minor changes

Calling"", 0, 0) will flush out any changes without changing/corrupting them (though note that the editor might standardize some of the formatting, like wrapping the ...
JDB's user avatar
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Resize lightning-input-field when it is a rich text field using the cursor

Here's a better option: All you have to do is add the below code to your CSS file within your Aura or LWC. This automatically sets the appropriate size for the rich text area. This will even ...
Derek Hoffritz's user avatar
1 vote

Aura component replace highlighted text

Solution found: let range = window.getSelection().getRangeAt(0), desiredLink = '', desiredText = window.getSelection().toString(); range.deleteContents(); let el = document....
Toby's user avatar
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How to adjust min-height of Salesforce Lightning input rich text component on load

Yes it can be targeted in the css file. Lightning components such as lightning:inputRichText generate their own HTML that will have to be targeted. The following will work with your provided class: ....
Drew Kennedy's user avatar
1 vote

How to adjust min-height of Salesforce Lightning input rich text component on load

You can change height using CSS for lightningInputRichText control .THIS .slds-rich-text-editor__textarea{ height: 14em; }
Dhanik Lal Sahni's user avatar
1 vote

Rich text in Lightning design file

Sorry this is currently not supported. Only String, Integer and Boolean are supported, where Strings can have a datasource that will present as a picklist. Reference: https://developer.salesforce....
Kristian's user avatar
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How to do character count in rich text field

As we cannot add onKeyUp Listener on lightning:inputRichText , we will add a listener to commentBody attribute in the markup. We can do that using aura:valueChange Markup: <aura:attribute name="...
Pranay Jaiswal's user avatar
1 vote

How to do character count in rich text field

You should be able to get the value of the lightning:inputRichText And then find it's length: let value = cmp.find('inputRichTextId').get("v.value"); let characterCount = value.length;
Robs's user avatar
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How to get current cursor position in Lightning:inputrichtext field?

I believe it is not possible because you need to get hold of the cursor position of the lightning:inputRichText which is not exposed either by attribute or by action as of now, also it's part of ...
Praveen's user avatar
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Auto insert text at end of line of a rich text field

When you use an <apex:... id="..."> component, the id value gets prefixed. The simplest fix is to use the "ends with" ($=) selector: var input = $("[id$='notes']"); var notFound = $("#notes"); /...
Adrian Larson's user avatar
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