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SAML Assertion Signature Validation Error For Community SSO + Custom IDP

I could make it work with this lib The example on the README file worked with default config/key/certificate. This lib implements some missing features on ruby-...
diego's user avatar
  • 21
2 votes

Get list of contacts associated with an opportunity

I don't speak Ruby, but what you need to be doing to filter Contacts is querying against the OpportunityContactRole junction object. OpportunityContactRole connects Contacts to Opportunities and ...
David Reed's user avatar
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Acknowledging duplicate rule alerts when creating records via REST

You can "acknowledge" the alert from the duplicate rule via REST API by including Sforce-Duplicate-Rule-Header in your HTTP request. The value of the header is a list of key-value pairs. The ...
identigral's user avatar
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How can I find out if there are any object that has specific value?

Your first request is almost correct, but fields value should not be enclosed in {113}, but in quotes'113'. Here is what your q param should look like: SELECT Name FROM CarInformation__c WHERE ...
Mariia Illarionova's user avatar
1 vote

How I can find out the name of Query?

We can't guess what object you need - you'll have to talk to your company's Salesforce Administrator to figure that out as it's relevant to your project's specifics.. There's standard and custom ...
Kris Goncalves's user avatar
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Attach File/Attachment to Custom Object through API?

You can use attachment object to insert into attachment client.create('Attachment', ParentId: 'RecordIdOfparent', Description: 'Document test', Name: 'My ...
Mohith Shrivastava's user avatar
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What's the best gem for calling into a Salesforce org from a Ruby on Rails app?

The databasedotcom is deprecated. Instead try restforce. It is a lightweight ruby client for the Salesforce REST API.
Satishakumar Awati's user avatar

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