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9 votes IDE in brand new eclipse fails to Add/Remove Metadata Components (on specific Orgs)

I found a workaround for this issue: Instead of using the UI to Add/Remove Metadata Components you can do that editing the file /src/package.xml If you use defaults, it looks like this: <?xml ...
Uwe Heim's user avatar
  • 28.5k
8 votes
Accepted IDE still in v38.0?

Since there's been a major push for Lightning, there's been a major lag with the IDE. You could fork the core and add 41.0 support, or even get on the dev branch if you wanted to get a peek ...
sfdcfox's user avatar
  • 502k
8 votes

Connect GIT project with Eclipse project

Since you've already cloned the repository, you can proceed as follows. Click on File > Import > Git / Projects from Git > Existing Local Repository > Add... (add your repo's local directory) > Import ...
sfdcfox's user avatar
  • 502k
7 votes

Can we still use eclipse to connect to salesforce and fetch all metadata

The Eclipse-based IDE has been end-of-lifed for a long time. Instead, use Visual Studio Code with the Salesforce Extension Pack. The Org Browser feature may help to cover what you're looking ...
David Reed's user avatar
  • 93.7k
6 votes

Best IDE for Lightning Development?

There is no "best" editor, as each has different features that may be attractive to a particular developer. For example, one might want an IDE that also has Java support, or also has Git support, or ...
5 votes

Project upgrade to Winter 16 in Eclipse. What would happen really?

From the documentation: When you create a project, it's designed to work with a specific version of the server. When the server is upgraded to the next version, your projects need to be ...
Raul's user avatar
  • 18.9k
5 votes IDE in brand new eclipse fails to Add/Remove Metadata Components (on specific Orgs)

Looks like the problem is in Eclipse working with IDE v38.0. I tried going back to v37.0 and it works fine. First remove v38.0 (via Help->Installation Details). You can then download ...
Guy Clairbois's user avatar
5 votes

How to deploy Visualforce Pages using IDE without messed up .page-meta.xml referencing unnecessary managed packages?

In an ant build script, I usually include the following: <target name="strip"> <replaceregexp flags="gs"> <regexp pattern="\s*&lt;(listViews|...
sfdcfox's user avatar
  • 502k
4 votes

ApexPMD Custom ruleset

As the original contributor of the PMD Apex language module all I can add here is to clarify a common misunderstanding that is the root for many confusion here on StackExchange: There are two PMD ...
Robert Sösemann's user avatar
4 votes

Project upgrade to Winter 16 in Eclipse. What would happen really?

If you don't observe any changes, they were probably just white space changes (e.g. replacing spaces with tabs). Technically, the upgrade process is setting a new API version, refreshing the metadata, ...
sfdcfox's user avatar
  • 502k
4 votes

Is there a way to refresh only changes from a specific developer in the IDE (Eclipse)?

Harry and Sally should not be sharing a development org. They should each have their own development org, so that they can each pull in just their own changes, and merge those changes to a branches ...
sfdcfox's user avatar
  • 502k
4 votes

Extract an Installed Package from one Instance and install into another?

Maybe If you know three key pieces of information, and if the app isn't deleted, you can still reinstall it. This assumes it is a "managed package". You will need the "namespace", the "version", and ...
sfdcfox's user avatar
  • 502k
3 votes

Eclipse New Project Error: OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space

I have also faced this issue many time. You can do one thing .Once you get this error now change radio button to None and click save. It will fetch all your selected data and you can continue your ...
Tushar Sharma's user avatar
3 votes

Compile errors on Apex scripts that used to work fine

It turns out that I had a query with a syntax error, 'DSC' instead of 'DESC'. I found the real problem by correctly structuring my code as a class and pasting it into a new class file. thanks to ...
Ken L's user avatar
  • 51
3 votes

How to preview lightning application in browser directly from ide eclipse

The option "Show in Salesforce Web" is not intended to take you to a preview of your Lightning application. It's trying to take you to the metadata definition of the component you selected - if you ...
David Reed's user avatar
  • 93.7k
3 votes

.gitignore for various IDEs

Disclaimer: .gitignores tend to accumulate entries over time and never have them removed; they're kind of cargo-cult files. It is not a bad practice to start with a minimal .gitignore in your project, ...
David Reed's user avatar
  • 93.7k
3 votes

exclude search strings from vscode search results

You can use negative lookahead in regex to exclude matches. Case sensitivity can be handled as part of regex control flags, though this may be outside the expression itself depending on the tool. A ...
Phil W's user avatar
  • 38.1k
2 votes

Eclipse IDE and " Run Specified Tests "

Workbench also allows you to pick the 'Run Specified Tests' option and this could be used with a package created with other tools as long as you have a zip file with the directories and a package.xml ...
Dave Humm's user avatar
  • 5,131
2 votes

ApexPMD Custom ruleset

1.You need to have maven configured on your machine to build the package. Build PMD and test your new rule
Nachiket Deshpande's user avatar
2 votes

Eclipse IDE save/Deployment

In the IDE there is a difference between saving the file locally and saving it to the SF server. Saving it locally just saves the changes to your file system and doesn't compile it in ...
John Towers's user avatar
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2 votes

ApexPMD eclipse plugin for Salesforce

Did you check the checkbox to enable PMD from project properties? right click on project>> Properties >> Click on PMD(or whatever name you have given while installing the PMD plugIn) >> at top left ...
Nachiket Deshpande's user avatar
2 votes

Not able to see all components after installing IDE

You need to modify your package.xml manifest file. You can add any components you want there. Then refresh your src folder. You can see how to include most types in your manifest by looking in the ...
Adrian Larson's user avatar
  • 151k
2 votes

How to mass populate State & Country picklist values

Here's a batch class that creates all ISO states: approx 5,000 default state codes it screen scrapes the 'Configure New State' form, then posts back to the setup menu to create each picklist value: ...
Matt and Neil's user avatar
2 votes

Trouble importing email template with package.xml

It needs to be "Folder Name/Template Name", like this: <types> <members>Folder_Name/Unique_Name_Of_Template</members> <name>EmailTemplate</name> </types> This ...
sfdcfox's user avatar
  • 502k
2 votes

Change Field Labels through IDE

First, you need to have pulled that field as part of your project metadata through the Add/Remove Components interface (under right click project-> When the field metadata has been pulled, ...
David Reed's user avatar
  • 93.7k
2 votes Project in Eclipse: OutOfMemoryError: Java Heap Space

The organization that you are working on may have several, large managed packages installed. To check if they exist, look under Setup Installed Packages in Classic and Setup Apps Installed ...
Hemavantha Rajesh Varma Mudunu's user avatar
2 votes

Retrieving packaged(Managed ) objects custom fields into Eclipse with IDE to deploy to another org

Since this is part of a namespace it cannot be taken out of the containing package and deployed to another org. Instead you need to install that package on your target org.
Phil W's user avatar
  • 38.1k
2 votes

Eclipse IDE

As stated in the documentation: After October 12, 2019, support, updates, documentation, and downloads for the IDE will no longer be available. The only way you can hope to even get a ...
sfdcfox's user avatar
  • 502k
2 votes

Solid metadata search and backup

There are a couple of ways this can be solved easily, 1. By Building a package.xml for the whole org This is easily doable using a tool like Package Builder or a VSCode extension like this one. Once ...
Mohith Shrivastava's user avatar
1 vote

Eclipse IDE cannot create project

I simply couldn't get it to work trying everything I could think of, so I downgraded to Java JDK8 and it worked fine.
S. Chieco's user avatar

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