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Correct syntax to reference dynamic column name with SSJS Rows.Update() function

When the column name of a Data Extension is unknown and data needs to be written to that column what is the correct syntax as the following do not seem to work, Where e.num is some dynamic value like ...
mozzy69's user avatar
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Adding new custom column to Forecast Type in Forecasts

I haven't worked with forecasts before, but I'm required to add a new column to appear in one of our Quota tracking reports. The main fields of the report are Forecast Category and Quota amount, and ...
David Boada's user avatar
-1 votes
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Can I transpose columns to rows in a SFDC report?

If I dont have Einstein Analytics, and I want to report on a single object, and transpose few columns into rows, with rest of the fields repeating, is this possible in another method in the Out-of-the-...
Eashwer B. Iyer's user avatar
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Report and Dashboard - Show This Month vs This Month Last Year Next To Each Others Using Column Chart

I'm building a report to compare all months this year vs all months last year. Right now, the Column Chart only shows ascending order. Example: Jan 22, Feb 22, March 22,... Jan 23, Feb 23. I wonder if ...
Pam's user avatar
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2 answers

How to make column as url hyperlink in datatable using lWC?

Column : CaseNumber / ContactID (lookup) I want to make them both as clickable link in <lightning-datatable Code : @wire(getAllCases, { lv0: '$listViewId' }) wiredOpps(result) { ...
user avatar
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Null Data in my columns

With this code I don't get any value , I get the column with the name but their are no value , I don't now what is the mistake . Some help please . public with sharing class Action { @AuraEnabled(...
ddev96160's user avatar
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How to format a number so that dot appears in the thousands?

I have a datatable defined as follows: <lightning:datatable data="{!v.mydata }" columns="{!v.mycolumns}" keyField="id" hideCheckboxColumn="true" ...
BlueSac's user avatar
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How to pass the data from from a lightning-datatable to a column

I have the following data as an array: this.finalSObjectDataListChild = sObjectRelatedFieldListValues; console.log(this.finalSObjectDataListChild); From an icon-button on the row I trigger ...
Thomas's user avatar
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How to make columns lwc lightning-datatable dynamic with button-icon

I have a lwc component with a lightning-datatable with the first column as a button-icon. This works when the columns are defined as a constant. Constant working const columns = [ { label: ...
Thomas's user avatar
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How to get lightning combobox list appear on top when there is few rows in lightning Datatable?

My question is similar to this, I have a custom dropdown column which is appearing completely fine when we have many rows in the datatable. But in a sitation when we have a single record, it Lightning:...
Pasan Eeriyagama's user avatar
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PDF generation failed. Check the page markup is valid. Issue with datatable and columns tags

When rendering a visualforce page as PDF, I'm running into the error above often and have been unable to figure out what the error is. Through process of elimination, I have been able to narrow down ...
Heather's user avatar
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Unable to get the data in columns using lightning data table with imperative call and javascript

I am new to salesforce, I am trying to learn lightning datatable with imperative call in salesforce. I am unable to get the data in the column, its not throwing any error though. Please help to fix it....
Nanda Merawade's user avatar
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Empty Column in Csv , when exporting data as csv using Lwc component

I'm very new to salesforce and lwc , i'm trying to Export some static and some dynamic data in a csv using LWC Salesforce and succeeded in that( except with a new column has been added from the ...
Tarun teja's user avatar
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Preventing odd number of fields in lightning:recordForm from spanning 2 columns

dev noob here -- My company has been using this aura/lightning component on many of our lightning pages and it works very well. We borrowed the idea from the example in the link below. It's extremely ...
gjohnson282's user avatar
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How to use "." in LWC datatable in a column of type number?

I noticed that is not possible to use a number like "12.6" in a cell of type "number" but is only accepted a number like "12,6". How can I allow the use of the "dot" character? Thanks, Luca
Luca Daneluzzo's user avatar
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Find column from event was fired

experts! I have LWC data table populated with data. One or more columns contain Button element. I want to show some 'master-detail' information by clicking this button. I tried to handle onRowAction ...
pwaszkiewicz's user avatar
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2 answers

Make slds-grid with 6 exactly equally square sizes (2 Rows & 3 Columns) & acquire all space

I am currently working on Building a Lightning Component, i am facing issue of size of each grid when i put layout in it there sizes are changed, all i want exactly same square sizes of 6 grid with 2 ...
ULHAS PATIL's user avatar
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Conditionally Render Apex Column in Visualforce

I would like to conditionally render a column on my VF Page however does not appear to play nicely/support "rendered" logic. Any Help is appreciated! <apex:column> <apex:...
FWSFDC's user avatar
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CSS for Excel Accounting Format?

I am working with a data table in Visualforce, and I am trying to get the columns with currency values to format similarly to how the account format looks in Excel, where it will align the dollar ...
Storm Martinous's user avatar
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Set two columns for a flow inside a custom component

For a regular Lightning Flow Component this option is available to change the Layout for the flow: However, I have my flow inside a custom component: Component: <div class="slds-theme_default"&...
Gabor's user avatar
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Salesforce lightning setting slds column rows to be the same height

I'm using lightning:recordEditForm with lightning:inputField to generate a list of fields. I dynamically create a lightning:inputField component and add it to an slds column. The lightning:...
ztrition's user avatar
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VF page column not rendering correctly

I have the following code(omitted everything else): <apex:column headerValue="try1" rendered="{! s.Quote.RecordType.Name == 'Standard'}"> <apex:inputField value="{!s.Quantity}"/> ...
Jerry's user avatar
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in lightning component of aura iteration I want to limit of records to be displayed at 5 items per column

Please help me on how to display 5 records per column on aura iteration in lightning component. Let's say I have 10 records from Account object I want to display 5 records per column dynamically so ...
Kevin's user avatar
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Visualforce apex:column can't see record ID in rendered attribute; Hide empty column in pageBlockTable

I create a map in the apex controller to store whether or not a QuoteLineItem has related records: qliHasQimus = new Map<Id, Boolean>(); for (QuoteLineItem qli : qlis) { if (qli....
gNerb's user avatar
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Justify text based on width of column width lightning design grid (slds)

I have a lightning grid table in which I show some data. 1 of the values has a long text. How do I adjust this according to the max of the table width. Grid: <p><b>{!opleiding....
Thomas's user avatar
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apex:column header value not displaying with apex:inputField

The docs for <apex:column /> states that the default behavior of the headerValue displays the field label when using an <apex:inputField/> or an <apex:outputField/> tag. Note ...
TemporaryFix's user avatar
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table - style display none

I am trying to make a billing invoice with table. Using style display is great and working well. however, I would like to show whole column if there is at least one row isn't empty. so the second row ...
summer's user avatar
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Freezing column in visualforce page bageblock section [duplicate]

I have requirement to freez/lock firsrt 2 or 3 colums in a table which is implemented using pageblock table supose i have a page which displays all customer recrod details using pageblock table now i ...
ncmouli's user avatar
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inline edit support for column

I have a colum <apex:column value="{!}" rendered="{!IF( =,true,false)}"/> on which i want to do inline editing but I get the error: must be the direct ...
Jenssen's user avatar
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Why the subquery header column doesn't show

my controller is : public List<case> getCases(){ List<case> listCase =[SELECT (SELECT ActivityDate, Description,subject,Status,IsTask FROM OpenActivities where ActivityDate <= :...
Mus's user avatar
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how to change order of columns in data extension?

I have added several new columns in my DE but now all new columns shows up at the end. it will be useful if i can re-arrange the columns in a specific order. can i do that? how?
kuml's user avatar
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How to save table with all columns as pdf in visualforcepage?

I am trying to save table as pdf with all columns but it is only taking few columns in pdf, I also tried with different table width sizes but not getting, How to achieve this? Page 1 <apex:page ...
Ravindar Admin's user avatar
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How to save all columns of pageBlocktable in visualforce page as pdf?

I am trying to save my page as pdf, My page having Pageblocktable with 16 coloumns, When i try to save using code, it is just displaying only some columns in pdf. How to save all cloumns in pdf? ...
Ravindar Admin's user avatar
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Generating columns for pageblocktable through component

I need to design a table whose values in specific columns depends on values in a Case. My initial visualforce page controller filters the cases so that I end up with a list of just a single type of ...
Lily's user avatar
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Individual Column Filtering - Show 'All' in drop down and add a label to the filter dropdown

I'm using the following code to add filtering on one column in my datatable: "initComplete": function () { this.api().column(4).every( function () { var column = ...
vshake's user avatar
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how to display a table with dynamic columns in vf page based on the selection of picklist? [closed]

My picklist values: model,version model,version,option model,version,option,discount If I choose "model,version" the table displayed with 2 columns like model,version. If I choose "model,version,...
Nikitha's user avatar
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Tooltip for <apex:column> Header Facet

Is there a standard mechanism for specifying a tooltip for an <apex:column> header? I know that <apex:column> has a title attribute but that defines tooltip content for the table data ...
Matt Lacey's user avatar
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