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Questions tagged [styleclass]

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2 answers

Apply css class based on specific condition in Lightning component along with standard Lightning Design System

I'm trying to implement a css property from the style class of the Aura component based on the value of Aura attribute along with certain other slds class as well, which will be static. Below are the ...
Vasu Gupta's user avatar
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1 answer

Displaying button group vertically

I'm using lightning-button-group in my LWC component however, by default it displays the grouped buttons horizontally - in one row. How would I change it to display vertically? Thanks.
newbiedev's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How to add padding to rows in Lightning-datatable in LWC?

I have created a datatable in LWC as below: HTML: <div class = "slds-m-around_medium"> <lightning-datatable key-field="Id" data={accountList} columns={columnList} hide-...
Akshay_SFDC's user avatar
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0 answers

Color of field Error in VFP

I am using the Standard field Email of the Standard object Contact in a VFP. In Salesforce when I enter an invalid email address, I get the error message like this However When I enter an invalid ...
GroundToCloud's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How to hide page header in lightning component

I want to hide a page header from an appHomeTemplate I have looked at several similar questions but none of them give an answer. I have used .THIS.slds-page-header { display: none; } in my page ...
Thomas's user avatar
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How to add the css in lightning component style class

I am using a third party lightning component in 'lightning Flow' to display dynamic questions. Some checkboxes are getting displayed via that lightning component but their width is set to 100%. I ...
Student's user avatar
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1 answer

Style apex select option in Bootstrap theme

Please help me to style custom picklist in bootstrap theme. So I have a controller with code: public List<selectOption> getSettings() { List<SelectOption> options = new List<...
Viktor's user avatar
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1 answer

styles are changing in <li> , If I put <li> in outputpanel

I am looking to display labels based on the condition for that I am trying to use Outputpanel. But, If I use Outputpanel "li" tag styles are changing and Underline is coming on labels when we put ...
Ravindar D's user avatar
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1 answer

Custom Style on lightning:textarea

I want to add custom styling to text area height, border, color etc This is Component <lightning:textarea name="notes" value="" class="topText" label="Notes" maxlength="300" /> This is css ...
SFDC shaikh's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

border-radius table visualforce page

I am trying to put some styling to my table with a border-radius in my visualforce page but when rendered to pdf I dont see the rounded corners. Is this not possible with render to PDF and if not are ...
Jenssen's user avatar
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2 answers

What could be the reason for app.css overriding external styles. How can we prevent it from happening

I have a external CSS stored in static resource. I am referencing style class from that CSS in many places( lightning components and visual force pages). After winter 18 update,few of my styles ...
Bhuvnisha's user avatar
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Lightning supresses custom classes in VisualForce page

I ran into an issue where a VisualForce page containing custom style classes (in the head tag), and which displays fine in Classic, gets the custom classes supressed in Lightning. If raw styles are ...
Ordos's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Setting Dynamic style classes for Aura components

As in doc it should be possible to set style classes for #[Lightning] components using a Ternary operator. <div class="{!v.IsTest ? '' : 'slds-hide'}">test</div> But it seems when I do ...
Pasan Eeriyagama's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Shift Command button position to float center

I have a requirement to shift an apex command button to middle or center position. I can get the feeling that if I can achieve float: center then it would be my desired location for the command button,...
Testing_SFDC's user avatar
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Styles not coming up perfectly on dependent picklists used as input-fields

I am creating a visualforce page using lightning design system style classes.The issue which I am facing is that I am using styleClass attribute in my two picklists shown using These picklists are ...
Shobhit Saxena's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Bootstrap Nav Tabs Becomes Inactive on ReRender

I have a Bootstrap Nav Tabs (2 tabs) with some content in both tabs. The first tab has PageblockTable with StandardSetController Pagination. When I click on Next button. The next set is rendered ...
SFDC FanBoy's user avatar
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1 answer

How to style radio button labels in VisualForce Page

I am having a lot of trouble styling the radio button labels in my page. In the image below you can see that the style of the radio button labels is completely wrong - they should all be the same as ...
Our Man in Bananas's user avatar
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1 answer

Add styleclass to selectlist same as the style of the first select option child on page load

I have a selectlist with selectoption styled individually. I want to show the background color of selectlist same as the first child option on page-load. I've this code which is not working on ...
user59759's user avatar
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2 answers

How to use outputField in a query string

I am trying to take the value of an outputfield in a query string but not sure how. What I have works for an inputField but not outputField. Any ideas? VisualForce Page <apex:page ...
Micheal McGowan's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Change background color of one of two VF forms on page

I have a VF page in which I have a form (Total two forms) which includes a pageblock section. I want to change the background color of the form using CSS. How do I do it? I have tried creating a CSS ...
happy's user avatar
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2 answers

Background colored column headers in a pdf apex page without using pageblocktable

I have a requirement to show colored backgrounds for column headers of tables. Can someone suggest a way out without using pageblocktable? Please find my controller class here. public class ...
Testing_SFDC's user avatar
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Using Salesforce style/css for table sort order

I've created a custom page which apes the standard related list layout. I want to use the same CSS styling to indicate that sorting is on a particular column. This is what it looks like on a standard ...
powlo's user avatar
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1 answer

Multiple styleClass for a VF component

Is there a way to put in multiple style classes? I want to take the btn class and add on a custom style class on my page called additionalStyle.
Louis Pujol's user avatar
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