I see in the documentation of Marketing cloud:

The MobilePush SDK supports three privacy modes that may affect your application’s usage of MobilePush.

Right to be Forgotten

Restriction of Processing

Do Not Track

Each mode restricts the functionality of the MobilePush SDK and may limit your customers’ experience.

I couldn't find a way to do that in the SDK itself. How do I go about setting the mode in the MarketingCloudSDK in my app?

1 Answer 1


@nsfeaster, I will point you to:

https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.mc-apis.meta/mc-apis/routes.htm . It's hard to find, but you'll see some routes in REST API > REST Reference > Contacts

There should also be some UI controls in the contacts section of Marketing Cloud's we UI.

The SDK does not offer the "upstream" control of a contact's privacy setting at this time.

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