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13 votes

How deep can nested Maps go, and how do I properly add data to those nested maps?

There is a nested limit of 7 collections. If you attempt to go beyond this, you'll get an error: Nested type exceeds maximum level: 8 First question: Is this even possible? Am I exceeding any ...
sfdcfox's user avatar
  • 502k
11 votes

Lightning component event not fired or handled

When you use the pattern of: <c:parent> <c:child name="xyz" /> </c:parent> Then you must use includeFacets="true" to make a component event from the child bubble to the parent ...
Aidan's user avatar
  • 14k
11 votes

SOQL: Comparing two custom relationship fields in a nested query

Ahh, Salesforce doesn't allow direct field to field comparisons in a query. Source: Field to field comparison in WHERE clause of SOQL Knowledge Article Number 000187460 Description ...
ZAR's user avatar
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9 votes

Formula Field - Case Function

If function will work inside the case statement in formula You can do like this:- CASE( sa_nket__case_text__c , '00', 'Member', '02', 'Member', '03', 'Member', '99', 'Member', '23', IF( ISBLANK(...
sanket kumar's user avatar
  • 15.6k
6 votes

How to parse nested objects in JSON response

I think you can address this effectively with a mix of collections and custom classes, like this: public class countryLocale { public String preferredLanguage; public String preferredLocale; ...
David Reed's user avatar
  • 93.7k
5 votes

Nested IF with PICKVAL

You had a spurious parenthesis resulting in closing an IF too early. I think this is what you're aiming at here (note the comment, which you shouldn't include in your formula): IF( ISPICKVAL(...
David Reed's user avatar
  • 93.7k
5 votes

Why do I get an error on Quotes.Id in my SOQL query

You can't filter a child value like that directly, but you can use a subquery: WHERE Id IN (SELECT OpportunityId FROM Quote WHERE Id = '0Q00E0000004PEESA2')
sfdcfox's user avatar
  • 502k
4 votes

How can i create a Map for unrelated objects?

Your main concern shouldn't be the if statement, it's the fact that you've got a query inside a loop--if there's more than 99 shadow contacts on an account--boom, you get an uncatchable error. ...
sfdcfox's user avatar
  • 502k
4 votes

Nested query doesn't work

edit: So the question ended up being about simple salesforce (python) and thus running this query through the REST API. Having multiple levels of subqueries was introduced in Summer '23 (api v58.0), ...
Derek F's user avatar
  • 64.2k
3 votes

How to avoid nested loop in the trigger

let's assume, you have only one Support_Settings__c record per each Case RecordTypeId field value. In this case, in order to avoid nested loops, you can group Support_Settings__c records by ...
Oleksandr Berehovskyi's user avatar
3 votes

Avoid specifying an outer class when using its nested class outside

You can't, unfortunately. Apex does not have an "import" function that you might expect from another C-family language, Python, etc. ClassA.NextedInA is going to be called exactly that everywhere ...
David Reed's user avatar
  • 93.7k
3 votes

Custom Object Nested Query on Standard Object

You can find the relationship name by running a script like this one: for (ChildRelationship relation : SObjectType.Case.getChildRelationships()) if (relation.getChildSObject() == MyObject__c....
Adrian Larson's user avatar
  • 151k
3 votes

Nested For Loop and SOQL Best Practice

Three nested for loops are not a problem per se. The issue is how these loops have a multiplicative effect on limits consumption by either dramatically increasing the computational complexity of your ...
David Reed's user avatar
  • 93.7k
3 votes

Nested IF formulas for a simple logic field on the opportunity

Try this: IF( AND( Department_MQL__c <> 'SDR generated, relationship management', Department_SQL__c = 'SDR', ISPICKVAL(Account.Sector__c, '<>Supplier/Distributor')), ...
Boris Bachovski's user avatar
3 votes

Spurious parenthesis issue in Nested IF statement (continued)

You're missing one comma. IF( ISPICKVAL(Sector__c, "Supplier/Distributor"), "Supplier", IF( ISPICKVAL(Account_Region__c , "Middle East"), "Middle East", IF( ISPICKVAL(...
user1974566's user avatar
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3 votes

SOQL API query with custom objects and relationships. Returning a flat result - Not nested

That's how the API works. This is true for both REST and SOAP calls. If your software can't handle it, you need some middleware to translate the results. If you can call an executable, Salesforce CLI (...
sfdcfox's user avatar
  • 502k
3 votes

Json Unexpected character (':' (code 58)): was expecting comma to separate ARRAY entries at [line:1, column:83]

The error message is helpful here, line 1, column 83 puts you at "Name":"Java" From the previous entry in the list, it's clear that you're missing an object start { after the "...
Derek F's user avatar
  • 64.2k
3 votes

System.NullPointerException: Attempt to de-reference a null object on a Collection

When you create a new ArrayOfEntityReports_EntitySearchCriteria, it contains an uninitialized Data_Contract.EntityReports_EntitySearchCriteria[], which means that class variable is null. A null/...
Derek F's user avatar
  • 64.2k
3 votes

Dynamic nested soql - how to loop through subquery?

Given you have the child relationship name (i.e. "Contacts" in your example), my first attempt was to simply use SObject's get() method, like you would with any other field. String query = '...
Derek F's user avatar
  • 64.2k
2 votes

Compare Value of One Map with Key of Another Map to create new Map?

Yes, there is. You can use the containsKey() method of the map class. if(groupDefinitionIds.size()>0){ // Iterate over just one of your maps for(Id groupDefId: groupDefinitionIds.keyset())...
Derek F's user avatar
  • 64.2k
2 votes

Save a nested query into a Map

UPDATE If you want to group CaseComment records by Case.AccountId, the following makes more sense: Map<Id, List<CaseComment>> accountIdToComments = new Map<Id, List<CaseComment>&...
Adrian Larson's user avatar
  • 151k
2 votes

Accessing fields from nested SOQL and exposing them in Visualforce

There's a problem with the query you're asking us about. List<Object1> obLis=[SELECT Id, Name, (SELECT Id, Name FROM Object2), (SELECT ID, Name FROM Object3]; If the relationship exists as you ...
crmprogdev's user avatar
2 votes

Hot to get value of relationship dynamic Soql

sobjList is a generic List<sObject>. The sObject class has no property Case__r, and Apex does not resolve properties like this at runtime. The easiest way to handle this is to declare the ...
David Reed's user avatar
  • 93.7k
2 votes

How to deserialize object with nested query in a simply way

You are right. It does not show up on the logs when you check it. However, the reality is, if you try to reach to child object by following script, it does return you the record array for the child ...
umithuckan's user avatar
2 votes

SOQL UserName and UserRole

The error is pretty straightforward. If you want to reference a field from a queried record, you need to include that field in the SELECT clause. In this case, that means including UserRole....
Derek F's user avatar
  • 64.2k
2 votes

Create component used to include other components or static resources

Imported scripts are isolated to the component in which they were imported in to. This is a security feature. Behind the scenes, each component gets its own window object instead of the global window ...
sfdcfox's user avatar
  • 502k
2 votes

Nested tables with different headers and data LWC for:each

Here's what worked for me. I'm pretty green so there's probably a cleaner way, I created a child component with the products: <template> <table> <thead> <...
Carryonplease's user avatar
2 votes

SOQL nested query not working

you need to use a single "=" , not double "==" . Please refer to the SOQL documentation
glls's user avatar
  • 20.3k
2 votes

Invalid key error, when clicking on a combobox from a nested component

This error is coming from the lightning-combobox component rather than your custom component. I'd suggest debugging the code that creates the options array as it appears you haven't set the value ...
Mike's user avatar
  • 51
2 votes

Nested Query Dot Notation or Name Casting

You can use aliases to write shorter queries. The example in the docs say: SELECT count() FROM Contact c, c.Account a WHERE = 'MyriadPubs' Here, we specify Contact as c, allowing us to write ...
sfdcfox's user avatar
  • 502k

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