Wanted to hide the submitted information from CloudPages Interactive Email page
As mentioned, the Interactive Email Form submission occurs via a GET which is what is supported by email clients and results in the submitted data being appended to the query string. While you can't ...
Collecting birth dates in an Interactive Email Form Block
You can break the date down into multiple fields which would allow you a bit more control over the format. For example, you could use a select input for the month and day and then have use a text ...
Marketing Cloud Interactive Email Form Doesn't Render in Outlook, Shows up Fine in Gmail
The email client doesn’t support interactivity and the most common unsupported email client is Outlook.
Below are the supported email clients for the Marketing Cloud Content Builder Email Form block:
Triggered Send Email executing twice
As both @AdamSpriggs and @JohannesSchapdick mentioned, I am assuming that the issue is potential double post on the form or other similar double running.
How I usually handle this is to wrap the ...
How to detect email platform used with AMPScript?
AMPScript is a server-side language.
Once your email leaves the system, AMPScript is completely out of the picture. After the email has been rendered for a user, AMPScript has completely turned into ...
Cloudpage reloading causing duplicate triggered send
As one of the comments says (just what I understood), you could have an "auxiliar/intermediate" empty cloudpage, whose only function is to execute the trigger and then redirect to the "...
How to hide Interactive Email Form based on condition?
Workaround found: copy the part responsible for the Form Block rendering from Code View and paste it into a new Dynamic Content Block, there wrap it with AMPscript condition.
Will break if values (...
Capture Interactive Form Submission DateTime
There's nothing wrong with what you're doing if it works ;).
The "simple" way of doing it would be to add a field onto the data extension collecting the form data called InsertDate (or ...
Interactive Email Forms - Data NOT being stored in Data Extension Issue
Though all other features such as Interactive Form, and Landing page thank you message seems to work correctly. You may face ONLY the issue of the data NOT being STORED in Data Extension!
Here is the ...
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