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7 votes

Pre-populating checkbox fields in a CloudPage in Marketing Cloud

@TCassa, your approach appears correct. I've taken this approach many time before. I suspect it is just something minor in your code like a syntax issue or undefined variable. Suggestion: I've ...
David Devoy's user avatar
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5 votes

Autonumber in Marketing Cloud?

There's no auto-numbering in SFMC. You have a few options: You can assign them a GUID with the NewID() SQL function in a Query Activity. You can reference the hidden _CustomObjectKey column in a ...
Adam Spriggs's user avatar
  • 30.9k
5 votes

How to submit Cloud Form without redirecting

This is not a salesforce question. This is a question purely based on web technology. The fast answer: your web form has an attribute called target, this can be self or blank or ... . self will ...
Johannes Schapdick's user avatar
4 votes

Collect user form input data from a web site

As per your situation, I'd recommend using DE manager since it is really easy to implement. You'll need couple of things: 1) Setup the Data Extension in Salesforce Marketing Cloud with field that ...
Brad Sapkota -'s user avatar
4 votes

How to add lightning:input to lightning:recordEditForm

The best thing to do for your specific scenario is to 'hide' the lightning:inputField and add a lightning:input, similar to what Uwe Mentioned, however, you dont really need to do anything with the ...
glls's user avatar
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4 votes

Unintended Page refresh command button inside form

use reRender attribute on apex:commandButton here is a nice article Implementing Partial Page Updates with Command Links and Buttons where all required steps are listed First, create or identify the ...
Oleksandr Berehovskyi's user avatar
4 votes

Building a Salesforce Form using Sites that is Time-bombed

You could certainly create an expiring token to "time bomb" your page. The following steps should provide an outline: Add a field named Form_Token__c Text (32) Add a Time Based Workflow Rule to clear ...
Adrian Larson's user avatar
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4 votes

Collecting birth dates in an Interactive Email Form Block

You can break the date down into multiple fields which would allow you a bit more control over the format. For example, you could use a select input for the month and day and then have use a text ...
Matt S's user avatar
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3 votes

How to submit apex:form using apex:actionfunction

Yes, you can do this, just make sure you cancel the default action: <apex:actionFunction name="doAction" action="{!someMethod}" /> <button onclick="doAction(); return false;">Do Action!&...
sfdcfox's user avatar
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3 votes

Setting Tab Order in Lightning Component input fields

You cannot directly control the tab order in Lightning any longer. This is documented in the Known Issue. Please don't use tabindex values aside form 0 and -1. If you want to change the tab order on ...
sfdcfox's user avatar
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3 votes

Using AMPScript to Pre-Populate a Smart Capture Forms in Salesforce Marketing Cloud

There are 2 ways that we use to pass user information to Landing Pages: Option 1: QueryParameter In Email: %%[VAR @email,@name,@landingpage Set @email = '[email protected]' Set @name = 'Test' Set @...
Cameron Robert's user avatar
3 votes

How to post form data to custom object?

Welcome to SFSE! It looks like your standard controller is pointed to the Student__c Object, but all of your bindings are to the Contact object, like this <apex:inputField value="{! Contact....
Sebastian Kessel's user avatar
3 votes

How to get <apex:form> to have two INDEPENDENT columns with fields?

Unfortunately you can't specify columns that way with apex:pageblocksection, it's always left-to-right. You could just use one field set and just training people to put them into the field set in the ...
Ralph Callaway's user avatar
3 votes

Building a Salesforce Form using Sites that is Time-bombed

Another thought... You could store a secret key in a custom setting or custom metadata. When you generate a link, it will have an expiry timestamp parameter, a customer ID parameter and a hash ...
Charles T's user avatar
  • 11.1k
3 votes

Validate a form with Apex and server side controller

You should probably update your post with your last comment, additionally, based on all your recent posts, it would seem you could benefit from following Trailhead modules, such as this one -> ...
glls's user avatar
  • 20.3k
3 votes

Add data entered in a cloud page form into a data extension in marketing cloud

It's possible. You didn't specify where your custom form would reside, so I'm going to use a pair of CloudPages for a BARE-BONES (i.e., no fancy JS) example. We'll need: A page that contains the form ...
Mark G's user avatar
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3 votes

Using AMPScript to fill SubscriberKey in Smart Capture Form in Salesforce Marketing Cloud

You don’t need the %% signs inside of an AMPscript block. This is the correct synthax: %%[ VAR @SubscriberKey, @EmailAddress set @EmailAddress = emailaddr set @SubscriberKey = Concat('TEST_', @...
zuzannamj's user avatar
  • 14.4k
3 votes

Visualforce components disappeared after an action

I'm not sure about the "why" your problem happens, but I would try solving it by narrowing the scope of the rerender, e.g. try to rerender a panel around your <table> element: <apex:...
Francesco Pitzalis's user avatar
3 votes

Why is my recordId undefined ? LWC

I got it. I had everything right but was trying to retrieve the recordid from the wrong component. My component is inside another and it's this one which is on the record page. Hope I can help someone ...
chloe's user avatar
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2 votes

(Lightning) How do I get the selected value from a Select dropdown list & send it to a method?

I do not understand guys why everybody trying to get selected value by select aura:id. In theory you can make a typo and get value of other select. For me safer and the only proper way to get value ...
Yury Bondarau's user avatar
2 votes

(Lightning) How do I get the selected value from a Select dropdown list & send it to a method?

Use below Code snippet in Component 1. Bind using aura:id <ui:inputSelect aura:id="testing" change="{!c.addpicklistval}"> Controller code : Pass the element id to the addpicklistval : ...
Rohit Kala's user avatar
2 votes

Lightning clearing data form after submitting

firstname variable only contains the value of nameField variable. When you use firstname.set("v.value",''); you are not setting the blank value to nameField variable. So you should use nameField.set("...
Vigneshwaran G's user avatar
2 votes

Visualforce form, hide or show checkbox depending on the picklist

Below you can see a simple example that doesn't require the use of custom controller or controller extensions, so you can keep using just your standardController as you already are. You should be able ...
smukov's user avatar
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2 votes

Pre-populate text field in cloudpages form, if left at same value, use that

If you're already using jQuery on your page, then you can write client-side JavaScript with AMPScript to set the value of the drop-down once the page has loaded: <script> $(document).ready(...
Adam Spriggs's user avatar
  • 30.9k
2 votes

Send public forms to your Contacts

Your approach is fine, but site guest user does not have update permission on contact, so your flow will need to write to a custom object and you can use process builder or autolaunched flow to update ...
gorav's user avatar
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2 votes

how to change the CSS for a pardot form?

If you want to override the styling on the form you can add specific styling to the landing page template. Here's an example how you'd add background color for the calendar. <style>#ui-...
user1932879's user avatar
2 votes

Web2Lead RecordType

Based on your screenshot, it looks like your form isn't coded correctly. The field name is recordType, not recordtype. Always pay attention to capitalization when creating a web-to-lead or web-to-case ...
sfdcfox's user avatar
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2 votes

Lightning Component form field - hidden

@Michele-Kleinhomer - If you are trying to hide the field on the form so that you can use the value of that field in your logic, you can specifying the class attribute and set it to slds-hide. Let me ...
Vinod Agrawal's user avatar
2 votes

How can I re-render a visualforce form to collect different fields?

You can put the field sets into different output panels (apex:outputPanel) and then conditionally render them as needed. For example: <apex:outputPanel layout="block" rendered="{!showFirstPanel}"...
nbrown's user avatar
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