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Questions tagged [usagemetrics]

10 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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What is the most effective tool to monitor customer usage of managed packages?

We are an ISV partner and have managed packages that our customers are using actively. We want to know some statistics on usage of our pages/components. We have installed the usage metrics app ...
Jorjani's user avatar
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How can I use Salesforce SOAP APIs to pull the org name for an org subscribing to my managed package?

Background: I threw together a quick script to pull AppAnalytics logs from my LMA programmatically via python. This part is working just fine. I am including my script here in case it helps someone ...
Robert Hyatt's user avatar
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Reading the Blob in metricsdatafile in UsageMetrics app for managed packages

We have installed the UsageMetrics App and want to be able to see the usage of our package components. However, we have been having issues with the app because when we try to query the MetricsDataFile ...
Jorjani's user avatar
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Troubleshooting missing metrics in the Lightning Usage app

As an admin, I am unable to locate the metrics for Active Licenses and Login Metrics when browsing the Lightning Usage app. Is there anything specific that needs to be updated? Could someone please ...
Ryan Chan's user avatar
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Unique opens is zero, but total opens are 3?

I run a report about a journey send at Marketing Cloud, and for one date, I have the total opens = 3 and the unique opens is zero. How is it possible?
Tamyris Ayumy's user avatar
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AppExchange Package Usage Info

I am looking for any API or Standard object or any way through which we can get Usage or Sign-in events for packages installed from AppExchange by the users in my Organization. How can I get this ...
Mayank Mishra's user avatar
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How to add the Custom metrics to the Sales Agreement Terms Mass update screen in Manufacturing Cloud?

How to add the Custom metrics(Custom fields) to the mass update screen?
Senthamizh's user avatar
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Report for Email Templates Used In The Past

We have around 3000 templates created since our Business Unit was set up and most of them were of one time use only and never deleted after the use. How/If we can pull a report in Marketing cloud to ...
Jitesh Goel's user avatar
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Lightning Usage/Adoption Reports and Metrics (e.g. most viewed pages, switches to Classic, etc.)

Salesforce's native "Lightning Usage App" app (Summer '18) includes several reports with metrics around page views, load times, mobile activity, etc. I find the "Most Viewed Pages" usage report below ...
Brent Bowers's user avatar
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Are there any recent tools to help find org health?

I am looking to get metrics using Apex PMD on the status of all metadata in our org. Are there any ways to compile all of this data or any other tools that will be able to compile this data and ...
J1593's user avatar
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