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Extract Text Version of the email body with no html tags using REST API from SFMC

I was trying to extract the email body (text version) with no html tags from SFMC. But I had some hard timing on how to filter out the nodes in the email content to get the expected result, I couldn't ...
Yesh's user avatar
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Marketing Cloud Literal Content API Search

I am trying to use the Marketing Cloud Rest API to search content for a literal string. For example “make my day”. When I submit my request using Postman I receive a response that has content that ...
Paul Maine's user avatar
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Content Builder API Marketing Cloud - Embedded HTML Parsing

I am trying to read Content from "Text" type Content Builder Asset. The Documentation states that the Content of the Asset is Embedded along with Html Code. The Response from Rest API should ...
Sharath Jallu's user avatar
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REST API Content builder updating assets results in 404

REST API Content builder updating assets results in 404 I'm trying to migrate to REST API and according to SFMC documentation in order to update of an asset using PATCH I should use https://...
Joseph's user avatar
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How Do I Delete an Email from Content Builder Using REST API?

I can create an email with the REST API but I do not know how to delete one and I cannot find any information about it. Thanks for your help!
Brett's user avatar
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Retrieving list of assets in a Content Builder folder using REST API call

I am looking to retrieve a list of all assets within a folder in Content Builder using REST API. I have the following endpoint: /asset/v1/content/categories/XXXXXX with no body. This returns a 404. I ...
yearofmonkey92's user avatar
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Email message from template not rendering content SFMC

I need to create a template based email using the Marketing Cloud REST API. From the documentation it seems straightforward and everything is working - the email message is created in the correct ...
Arthur Noort's user avatar
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Content BUILDER API bulk edit

It's possible to use API to bulk edit files in Content Builder? What about classic content? If so, is there an already built product that does that? In particular I would like to replace part of a ...
pabben's user avatar
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Assets REST API - target specific BU/MID [closed]

I have successfully downloaded and pushed an asset using REST API; I have my installed package enabled for 2 BU's now; How do I specify a BU/MID in my request?
jc_mc's user avatar
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File upload to content builder using SSJS API from MC landing page lead to 500 error?

I coded to upload image (png) to content builder from MC landing page form using HTTP.Post of SSJS. once it done, get file url from response to store in data extension. While using this page, ...
Karuppasamy's user avatar
8 votes
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SFMC REST API - Cloud Pages & Collections

I've successfully used the available REST API in order to create various assets in Marketing Cloud, like HTML Emails, Templates, and Landing Pages. The email assets are visible under the appropriate ...
Theo Kal's user avatar
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Migration to Content Builder from Classic Content

I mainly use an AMPScript email to create&send emails using Triggered Send. The AMPScript email (script) loads the required information from content html files and values from the Data Extensions ...
mario ruiz's user avatar
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Fuel-Rest API using Content Builder send to Data Extension

Is this even possible yet? I have gotten my script up to the point of creating HTML emails in Content Builder and as I understand it, I have three options from there: Send it to a Journey step. My ...
Matt Goldstein's user avatar
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Marketing Cloud sending Content Builder Email to List

I have created a list (using SOAP API) and know the ID of this. The HTML Email exists in Content Builder, I know the name and the ID. How can I send the email to the list. This is not a triggered ...
James K's user avatar
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Update the image in folder using REST API

Im using a rest api to upload images or text in marketing cloud content builder, i have created a folder inside the content builder(folder name: Content Area) and i want to push the data inside this ...
Abhishek's user avatar
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Is there any documentation for REST API

I'm trying to send Content Builder emails via the REST API and the best option looks like the '' endpoint. But there is little documentation on the API web site for ...
Jon Mitchell's user avatar
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How to retrieve a content builder asset by it's legacyId with REST API call?

When I fetch all assets, in assets response JSON there is a JSON object name lagecyData: "legacyData": { "legacyId": XXXXX, "legacyKey": "XXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXX", "legacyType": ...
Krishan Kant Sharma's user avatar
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Upload PDF to Content Builder using REST

Has anyone uploaded a PDF to Content Builder using REST? I think this is the Route, just not sure exactly how it works. POST /asset/v1/content/assets I see a few properties: Data object ...
victorcorey's user avatar
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How to get Content Builder categories with REST API call?

I am digging into Marketing Cloud documentation and can't find anything about how to retrieve all categories or create a category with REST API call. Can anyone point me to a right direction or ...
A.G.'s user avatar
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How to get folder structure of Content Builder using REST Api

Does anyone know how to retrieve the folder structure of Content Builder using REST Api? I have read the documentation but there is no example or anything that can point me to the right direction. I ...
A.G.'s user avatar
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