I have a custom object called Banner that I'd like to allow portal users to view and portal administrators to create/edit all records. Currently the admin can create, edit, delete their own records, but not others. I have setup a sharing rule with that should allow members of the "VMS admin" public group Read/Write access, but it doesn't appear to be working.
How do I share all records of a certain type with a particular user/group/or permission set?
Here's my configuration:
The user, VMS admin is assigned the "Employee Portal Approval" profile and is assigned to the VMS Admin public group. The Employee Portal Approval profile has a Customer Community Plus license with CRUD permission on their own banner records.
The Banner object,
- OWD are set to Internal Public Read Only, External Public Read Only
- Sharing Rules allow members of the VMS admin group Read/Write access on records with certain field values.
The following is an apex test class. The adminCanEdit method fails with the error, "INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS_ON_CROSS_REFERENCE_ENTITY, insufficient access rights on cross-reference id"
//Test 3 - VMS admin can add banners
public static void adminCanCreateEdit(){
//vmsAdmin_user belongs to the public group "VMS admins"
User vmsAdmin_user = [SELECT Id from User WHERE username='[email protected]' LIMIT 1];
Banner__c b1 = new Banner__c(
application__c = 'vms',
Title__c = 'test3-11232jkljf',
Message__c = 'Test insert record on test3-11232jkljf',
Start_Date__c = Date.newInstance(2022, 3, 3),
End_Date__c = Date.newInstance(2022, 12, 9)
insert b1;
b1.Message__c = 'The VMS admin can change their own banner';
update b1;
List<Banner__c> result = [SELECT Id, Message__c, application__c, Start_Date__c FROM Banner__c WHERE Title__c = 'test3-11232jkljf'];
System.assertEquals(1, result.size(), 'could not find one record');
//Test 4 - VMS admin can update banners
public static void adminCanEdit(){
User vmsAdmin_user = [SELECT Id from User WHERE username='[email protected]' LIMIT 1];
String newMessage = 'The VMS admin should be able to update this banner.';
List<Banner__c> t4result = [SELECT Id, Message__c, application__c, Title__c FROM Banner__c WHERE Title__c = 'Banner1'];
t4result[0].Message__c = newMessage;
update t4result;
List<Banner__c> result = [SELECT Id, Message__c, application__c, Start_Date__c FROM Banner__c WHERE Title__c = 'Banner1'];
System.assertEquals(newMessage, result[0].Message__c, 'The message was not updated.');
Similar question, but not quite... Sharing Rule is not granting access to a public group