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44 votes

Lightning : Icon color is not changing using the fill CSS

Actually the issue is which element you are applying the "fill" property to. Meaning when you declare something like <lightning:icon class="icn" iconName="utility:favorite&...
Sumuga's user avatar
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25 votes

SLDS icon not appearing in visualforce page

You don't need to add lightning css as static resource. Just include this tag on top of your VF page: <apex:slds />. Pass the icon reference directly as shown below: /apexpages/slds/latest/...
Ayub's user avatar
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13 votes

What is the path to Lightning SVG icons in a sandbox?

There are two locations, one for Lightning, and one for Visualforce. Lightning Replace the /assets/ of any URL in the Lightning Design System with /_slds/. Example: /_slds/icons/utility-sprite/svg/...
sfdcfox's user avatar
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12 votes

How to use slds illustration?

I was wondering about it this weekend and I found out that you can simply use an image tag that points to a SVG file like this: <div class="slds-illustration slds-illustration_large" aria-...
POZ's user avatar
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7 votes

Lightning : Icon color is not changing using the fill CSS

By checking/copying the selector and scoping it down to the lightning-icon + my CSS class as follows you should be able to change the filling of the Icon easily. .THIS lightning-icon.some-indicator &...
glls's user avatar
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7 votes

Dynamically Render Toast Message With Icon?

This isn't a Lightning problem, but a generic element namespace problem. You have to create the element in the correct "namespace" for this to work. Credit to this question for pointing out the ...
sfdcfox's user avatar
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7 votes

Custom icons from static resource on <lightning:icon> not working

I had the same issue and ask in Trailblazer Community here. I got the answer from Greg Rewis: "You need to have an id on the <g> element of the SVG. Then, simply concatenate the name together ...
Fabien Taillon's user avatar
7 votes

Finding icon-names for Web Component lightning cards

In the salesforce lightning design system docs here
Jonathon Chambers's user avatar
6 votes

How to use progress ring with lightning component

You need to use custom rendering. This is not a complete example (it doesn't show any icons/variants), but this will get you started: Component <aura:component > <aura:attribute name="...
sfdcfox's user avatar
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5 votes

SLDS icon not appearing in visualforce page

The current correct method to reference images and icons is to use the !URLFOR($Asset.SLDS, '…asset path…') method as shown in this Trailhead. <span class="slds-icon_container slds-icon-standard-...
Lounge9's user avatar
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4 votes

Lightning design system - SVG disappears after rerender

Just set your apex:page attribute docType="html-5.0" and this will fix the rerender SVG bug
Magesh M's user avatar
4 votes

Don't understand the usage of <c:svgIcon> helper (Lightning Design System - Communities)

This is because "opportunity" icon belongs to standard set, "moneybag" is a part of utility set, change "standard" to "utility". "custom17" belongs to custom icons category. The easiest way to ...
Pavlonator's user avatar
4 votes

Does Salesforce Locker Service has full support for svg?

Locker should provide full access to the SVG APIs but it looks like it's missing some (e.g. SVGPathElement). There are no open cases/bugs on this currently however. If you open a support case and ...
Doug Chasman's user avatar
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4 votes

Lightning Design System SVG Path Issues

for icons I would recommend using standard salesforce provided components instead: <lightning:icon iconName="utility:right"/>
Luke Inman-Semerau's user avatar
4 votes

lightning:icon not lightning:button with iconName attribute is not displaying

If you are running the component in a standalone app(i.e, then you need to add extends="force:slds" to you custom aura:application only then the icon will be displayed. Eg: <...
Praveen's user avatar
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4 votes

SVG Polygon Shape in Lightning Component using SLDS

If you want to use SVGs in Lightning, you currently have to "render" them directly. This can end up being fairly non-trivial, but if you absolutely want this effect, you can do so. Here's an example ...
sfdcfox's user avatar
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4 votes

Lightning Icon Background color not changing

The .THIS.myClass, with the period attaching THIS and myClass tries to look for the root element and whether it has myClass associated with it. Assuming your icon is not the root element in the ...
Brian Miller's user avatar
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4 votes

LWC Lightning-icon color is not changing using fill Css

Because lightning-icon is an LWC, all its internals are protected within its own Shadow DOM. You cannot use CSS to impact its content directly. All you can do is use the properties specifically ...
Phil W's user avatar
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3 votes

Lightning Icons (SVG) not displaying in Lightning Out

The issue is exactly what Tony outlined above. Until this has been officially fixed by Salesforce, I suggest you move the SLDS folder to the location that's being referenced by the browser/server. ...
SF Jedi's user avatar
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3 votes

SVG Icon from Aura Bundle doesn't display in App Builder

Update below code in svg and verify. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?> <svg width="120px" height="120px" viewBox="0 0 120 120" version="1.1" xmlns="
brahma's user avatar
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3 votes

lightning:icon not lightning:button with iconName attribute is not displaying

<aura:component > <lightning:icon iconName="utility:add" size="large" alternativeText="sss"/> <lightning:button variant="brand" label="Download" iconName="utility:add" ...
Simonp's user avatar
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3 votes

Icon color <svgIcon> helper component (Community Lightning)

Have you thought of using CSS? If you have the ability to modify/append the CSS you could edit the CSS class for the "box" that contains the icon, then change icon color. For example: .slds-icon-...
Omar Salas's user avatar
3 votes

Lightning : Icon color is not changing using the fill CSS

lightning-icon can inherit color from the container it's in using slds-current-color. Top answer likely won't work for out of the box components as there is a shadow root intervention. This should ...
Peter Gillis's user avatar
3 votes

Getting: Invalid component 'use' when trying to use SVG

Replace svg with lightning-icon. <lightning-icon icon-name="standard:lead" alternative-text="Lead" title="Leade"> </lightning-icon> Resource: https://...
Piotr Gajek's user avatar
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2 votes

How to get SVG image coordinates in Lightning

You can not add onclick event on svg element in lightning but there is a way. You can wrap your svn inside a div and then add onclick event to that div. Then you can bind onclick event with that div. ...
Kiran Machhewar's user avatar
2 votes

Lightning design system - SVG disappears after rerender

I was able to overcome the problem of SVG images disappearing when their containing <apex:*> tag is re-rendered: Add docType="html-5.0" attribute to the <apex:page> tag; Put the xmlns="......
Andrew Stopchenko's user avatar
2 votes

SVG Icon not displaying in IE11

The script that should be included is the svg4everybody.legacy.js one. Mine was like so : <apex:includeScript value="{!URLFOR($Resource.svg4everybody, 'svg4everybody.legacy.js')}"/> You ...
S..'s user avatar
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2 votes

svgIcon doesn't work, url throws 404

The new, preferred method is to use lightning:icon or lightning:buttonIcon. If you insist on using svgIcon, make sure you have the right resource path. Static resources are available in Lightning, but ...
sfdcfox's user avatar
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2 votes

How to use progress ring with lightning component

There is also a great LWC implementation on Github here:
Robert Sösemann's user avatar
2 votes

Lightning button action in VF page

This is an HTML button and unfortunately, you can't call apex code using HTML buttons. Now you have few options here. As you are using custom CSS, you can set StandardStylesheet = false and add the ...
Tushar Sharma's user avatar

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