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I HAVE WRITTEN THE BELOW CODE BUT IT IS NOT THROWING THE MIXEDDMLEXCEPTION AND I DON'T UNDERSTAND WHY. public class April22Task2 { public static void createUserAndAccount() { //...
Md Talib's user avatar
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Mixed DML occurring even in Finalizer in Queueable

We have a queueable framework where we have an object AsyncRequest__c Fields Are : ApexClassName__c, Content__c, AttachmentAvailable__c, Status__c etc So whenever someone wants to enqueue a job they ...
Nagendra Singh's user avatar
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HTTP Callout after async DML

I'm trying to do HTTP callout after DML in future method, but I'm getting System.CalloutException: You have uncommitted work pending. Please commit or rollback before calling out. What I'm missing? Is ...
edelrabe's user avatar
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Facing Mixed DML operation for apex class

I have written a scheduler for deactivating salesforce users who doesn't logged in for last 90 days. The code is working as expected if I remove exception logging into a salesforce object at line #14. ...
venky's user avatar
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DmlException Creating CMS Library/Folders

I have some Apex code written to create a new Account, and then create a new Library (ContentWorkspace) and new Folder (ContentFolder) within that Library to house assets for that Account. It appears ...
erik.ohlin's user avatar
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Getting mixed DML even in two standard objects "GroupMember" and "ContactShare"

Scenario -> Creation Contact share record and in the same transaction creating GroupMembers for one of groups related to custom object. Throws -> Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first ...
Nagendra Singh's user avatar
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Upsert DML Operation

Consider the below code. I thought the way upsert DML works is that if it sees that there is a new record with matching key (here in this case there is already an account with Name = Acme and ...
Krishnamurthy's user avatar
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How to avoid MIXED dml Exception in update operation? [closed]

I got System.DmlException in update operation. Can anyone please check the below code and help me to resolve the exception. I have tried to solve it for the last two days but I couldn't find a ...
Raghu's user avatar
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MIXED_DML_OPERATION : Can not insert a user record from account trigger even when User Role is null

I am trying to create a community user in an after update trigger of account. I am setting the UserRoleId = null but still am getting MIXED_DML_OPERATION exception. As per documentation: You can ...
Sarang's user avatar
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Is there a way to know if a setup object has been updated in the current transaction?

We have a custom error logging framework built that currently inserts records to a custom Error Log object. We also have a lot of (chained) Queueables in use because have to update some setup objects -...
LVS's user avatar
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Mixed DML causing test classes to fail to to Process builder

I have a Test class which was working fine but after a new process builder was created on user object to update a custom field created on user object, it started failing. In my test class code I am ...
Aditya's user avatar
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Does MIXED_DML_OPERATION behave differently in test methods depending on how you run them: Test Execution vs. Deployments?

We typically validate our source control nightly and run all tests. This is essentially a validate only deployment running all tests against production. All tests pass. However, if we were to run ...
Kris Goncalves's user avatar
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You have uncommitted work pending. Please commit or rollback before calling out even if we put DML in future method

I know as per documentation, we cannot perform DML and then callouts from apex class. In my scenario, I have a callout then I am performing a DML which is placed inside a future method and again ...
Pankaj Andhale's user avatar
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Update email address and profile on SandboxPostCopy MIXED DML OPERATION error

I've been trying to update user emails and profiles after a sandbox is created and using the SandboxPostCopy interface. However I keep running into the below error: Update failed. First exception ...
Minz's user avatar
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Just-in-Time Provisioning for Communities Mixed DML Error

We are trying to implement Just-in-Time Provisioning for Communities using custom handler class. There are 3 scenarios When Contact with the provided email (Federation ID) exist in salesforce and ...
Arpit Sethi's user avatar
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Apex method to find out if SObject is a setup object

Regular SObjects and Setup Objects can't be mixed in DML otherwise you'll experience a Mixed Dml Exception. How can Apex code find out if a given SObjectType is such a setup object? System.assert(...
Robert Sösemann's user avatar
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Is a single APEX test case considered a transaction?

I'm getting DML errors when trying to test some triggers: This error occurred: MIXED_DML_OPERATION: DML operation on setup object is not permitted after you have updated a non-setup object (or ...
Jake's user avatar
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Sudden MIXED_DML_OPERATION errors without code changes

So I have 3 orgs that are basically all on the same codebase. On the production org (the one that gets changed the least) some of the tests are suddenly failing - all with the same error message: ...
Semmel's user avatar
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Mixed DML conflict in unit test involving two queueable jobs

I have a complex Apex trigger that calls two separate queueable jobs - one job inserts Permission Set Assignments, and another job creates and deletes ContactShare records. I am positive that neither ...
David Cheng's user avatar
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