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I HAVE WRITTEN THE BELOW CODE BUT IT IS NOT THROWING THE MIXEDDMLEXCEPTION AND I DON'T UNDERSTAND WHY. public class April22Task2 { public static void createUserAndAccount() { //...
Md Talib's user avatar
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Is it possible to create user and assign permission set in same flow?

I am trying to create users and trying to assign permission sets to them using flow. Since we get MIXED DML error when we try to do both of these tasks in a single transaction, I tried to use the ...
Ashik Shetty's user avatar
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Best architecture solution for Mixed DML Exceptions inside a Batch

I am writing an apex Batch First I am updating a few EmailTemapltes and then I need to write to a custom object. public void execute(Database.BatchableContext context, List<EmailTemplate> scope) ...
Marko's user avatar
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Mixed DML occurring even in Finalizer in Queueable

We have a queueable framework where we have an object AsyncRequest__c Fields Are : ApexClassName__c, Content__c, AttachmentAvailable__c, Status__c etc So whenever someone wants to enqueue a job they ...
Nagendra Singh's user avatar
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HTTP Callout after async DML

I'm trying to do HTTP callout after DML in future method, but I'm getting System.CalloutException: You have uncommitted work pending. Please commit or rollback before calling out. What I'm missing? Is ...
edelrabe's user avatar
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Facing Mixed DML operation for apex class

I have written a scheduler for deactivating salesforce users who doesn't logged in for last 90 days. The code is working as expected if I remove exception logging into a salesforce object at line #14. ...
venky's user avatar
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DmlException Creating CMS Library/Folders

I have some Apex code written to create a new Account, and then create a new Library (ContentWorkspace) and new Folder (ContentFolder) within that Library to house assets for that Account. It appears ...
erik.ohlin's user avatar
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Setup and NonSetup object insertion in Test Class

we've a factory class method to create sObject: Class: DataFactory: public static SObject createSObject(SObject sObj, String defaultClassName, Boolean doInsert) { SObject retObject = ...
Krishna Chaitanya's user avatar
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Getting mixed DML even in two standard objects "GroupMember" and "ContactShare"

Scenario -> Creation Contact share record and in the same transaction creating GroupMembers for one of groups related to custom object. Throws -> Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first ...
Nagendra Singh's user avatar
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MIXED DML Exception Custom settings + UserPackageLicense

I am trying to update a Custom Setting record and insert an UserPackageLicense record in the same transaction, however I am facing MIXED DML exception. Why do I face this exception? I thought custom ...
Gabriel Serrano Salas's user avatar
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Upsert DML Operation

Consider the below code. I thought the way upsert DML works is that if it sees that there is a new record with matching key (here in this case there is already an account with Name = Acme and ...
Krishnamurthy's user avatar
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How to avoid MIXED dml Exception in update operation? [closed]

I got System.DmlException in update operation. Can anyone please check the below code and help me to resolve the exception. I have tried to solve it for the last two days but I couldn't find a ...
Raghu's user avatar
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MIXED_DML_OPERATION : Can not insert a user record from account trigger even when User Role is null

I am trying to create a community user in an after update trigger of account. I am setting the UserRoleId = null but still am getting MIXED_DML_OPERATION exception. As per documentation: You can ...
Sarang's user avatar
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Is there a way to know if a setup object has been updated in the current transaction?

We have a custom error logging framework built that currently inserts records to a custom Error Log object. We also have a lot of (chained) Queueables in use because have to update some setup objects -...
LVS's user avatar
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Error: MIXED_DML_OPERATION Very Confused

I'm very confused about MIXED_DML_OPERATIONerror. Following test case fails in production but passes in uat. @IsTest private class MyControllerTest { private static final String USERNAME ='test@...
Isuru Buddhika Herath's user avatar
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Mixed DML causing test classes to fail to to Process builder

I have a Test class which was working fine but after a new process builder was created on user object to update a custom field created on user object, it started failing. In my test class code I am ...
Aditya's user avatar
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Does MIXED_DML_OPERATION behave differently in test methods depending on how you run them: Test Execution vs. Deployments?

We typically validate our source control nightly and run all tests. This is essentially a validate only deployment running all tests against production. All tests pass. However, if we were to run ...
Kris Goncalves's user avatar
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You have uncommitted work pending. Please commit or rollback before calling out even if we put DML in future method

I know as per documentation, we cannot perform DML and then callouts from apex class. In my scenario, I have a callout then I am performing a DML which is placed inside a future method and again ...
Pankaj Andhale's user avatar
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Update email address and profile on SandboxPostCopy MIXED DML OPERATION error

I've been trying to update user emails and profiles after a sandbox is created and using the SandboxPostCopy interface. However I keep running into the below error: Update failed. First exception ...
Minz's user avatar
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Batch method making callout: uncommitted work pending

My app is an SMS lightning component, so in many situations, I'm doing DML updates AND making a callout. I have avoided the "uncommitted work pending" errors by using @future (callout=true) on all the ...
PatMcClellan__c's user avatar
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Just-in-Time Provisioning for Communities Mixed DML Error

We are trying to implement Just-in-Time Provisioning for Communities using custom handler class. There are 3 scenarios When Contact with the provided email (Federation ID) exist in salesforce and ...
Arpit Sethi's user avatar
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Apex method to find out if SObject is a setup object

Regular SObjects and Setup Objects can't be mixed in DML otherwise you'll experience a Mixed Dml Exception. How can Apex code find out if a given SObjectType is such a setup object? System.assert(...
Robert Sösemann's user avatar
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MIXED_DML_OPERATION when updating User.Username in a trigger that also updates Contact

I have a Contact trigger that, after update, checks to see if some fields (Email or Team) were changed, and if they were, it updates the fields on the Contact's associated User record. These two ...
Morgan Marchese's user avatar
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Why inserting a user object and making callout in a test throws CalloutException in Production?

I stumbled upon strange behavior when executing tests on deployment to production organization. In the test, I first insert a User object, some other objects and then as the last one, a CampaignMember ...
Andrej Lucansky's user avatar
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Is a single APEX test case considered a transaction?

I'm getting DML errors when trying to test some triggers: This error occurred: MIXED_DML_OPERATION: DML operation on setup object is not permitted after you have updated a non-setup object (or ...
Jake's user avatar
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Sudden MIXED_DML_OPERATION errors without code changes

So I have 3 orgs that are basically all on the same codebase. On the production org (the one that gets changed the least) some of the tests are suddenly failing - all with the same error message: ...
Semmel's user avatar
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Mixed DML conflict in unit test involving two queueable jobs

I have a complex Apex trigger that calls two separate queueable jobs - one job inserts Permission Set Assignments, and another job creates and deletes ContactShare records. I am positive that neither ...
David Cheng's user avatar
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