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DmlException Creating CMS Library/Folders

I have some Apex code written to create a new Account, and then create a new Library (ContentWorkspace) and new Folder (ContentFolder) within that Library to house assets for that Account. It appears ...
erik.ohlin's user avatar
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Upsert DML Operation

Consider the below code. I thought the way upsert DML works is that if it sees that there is a new record with matching key (here in this case there is already an account with Name = Acme and ...
Krishnamurthy's user avatar
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How to avoid MIXED dml Exception in update operation? [closed]

I got System.DmlException in update operation. Can anyone please check the below code and help me to resolve the exception. I have tried to solve it for the last two days but I couldn't find a ...
Raghu's user avatar
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You have uncommitted work pending. Please commit or rollback before calling out even if we put DML in future method

I know as per documentation, we cannot perform DML and then callouts from apex class. In my scenario, I have a callout then I am performing a DML which is placed inside a future method and again ...
Pankaj Andhale's user avatar