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Questions tagged [user-record]

This Tag is used to group all queries related to Salesforce user Record

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How to give Edit access for the records user owns?

Using Perm Set or sharing rules, how do I give Edit access for a record (say Product object or any custom object that has 'Public Read/Write' access in OWD) that they create? In the current org, the ...
Mahesh Raghuraman's user avatar
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Required fields are missing: [ProfileId]: [ProfileId] error when tried to insert User record from a Test class

When tried to call a user insertion method i.e. Util.insertUserWithRole() in a Test class, by using System.runAs(existing user in org i.e. thisUser2), not getting any error. When directly called user ...
Priya Reddy's user avatar
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Salesforce User Object do not update LastModifiedDate and SystemModStamp when LastLoginDate is updated

I just observed that if User.LastLoginDate changes every time user logs in. But the LastModifiedDate and SystemModStamp fields remain unchanged when the User.LastLoginDate is updated. Salesforce's ...
Json Bourne's user avatar
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I HAVE WRITTEN THE BELOW CODE BUT IT IS NOT THROWING THE MIXEDDMLEXCEPTION AND I DON'T UNDERSTAND WHY. public class April22Task2 { public static void createUserAndAccount() { //...
Md Talib's user avatar
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User Object - Unable to grant permissions to some fields in Profile

I have a flow in the Omnistudio stack where we extract and pre-populate the omniscript with information from the User object: name, phone, company, etc... This is not working in one of our orgs, so I ...
Jon Licht's user avatar
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How to fetch ParentRoleId in Validation Rule from a Custom Lookup to User

I need to compare the parentroleid or Name of the parent role, of two lookup fields to user however am able to get logged in user's parent role i,e ($UserRole.ParentRole.Name) works but [...
KrishnaGirinathan's user avatar
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Too many soql rows :101 for SOQL query on user object

I have an issue on running some functionality from the front end. while executing the user query, the system gives an error message Too Many SOQL rows:101. I have checked the code, it is not inside ...
SFDC LWC's user avatar
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"Unable to access page" error while trying to make user inactive

I have created a flow, where - when the user status goes to "inactive" - the contacts who the user oversees are assigned over to another user, who we will call "John Doe". When I ...
KSat97's user avatar
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Issue sending email using flow and email template with merge fields

I have created an email template on User object as below: Hello, A user registered successfully with below details: First Name: {!User.FirstName} Last Name: {!User.LastName} Email address: {!User....
Jason Rickert's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to get Salesforce UserId using REST API

In order to create opportunities thanks to the REST API, I need to get a few object ids. Is there any way to get a User's Salesforce Id using the REST API ? I managed to get user details using the ...
HzSeb's user avatar
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Extract a Contact's Mailing Country or User's Mailing Country on Case object

I am currently trying to extract either a Contact's mailing country or the User's mailing country onto the Case object. FYI : All our users are stored as contacts too. I used a formula field with ...
AlizehS's user avatar
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How to determine if Salesforce User Record is Active in a Flow

I am trying to build a simple flow and am getting an unexpected error. Background: We have 2 User Lookup fields on Account - Standard Account Owner and custom Account BDR. We also have the similar ...
NoviceAdmin80's user avatar
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How to create Record-Triggered flow with scheduled paths for sending email alert to user if last login is >30 days

Looking to create a flow with 2 scheduled paths to 1) send an email to the user if they have not logged in for over 30 days 2) thereafter to send an email to the Admin if the user's login is over 35 ...
AwesomeAdmin8's user avatar
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How to show a list of Direct Reports on a User Lightning page?

I thought this was straight forward but looks like the User object is built different. I'm trying to show a list of direct reports for a user if the current user is a Manager (can be taken care using ...
apz's user avatar
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How to bypass "Email Verification" in Salesforce during email value update action

I have already read this document and refer below questions in this website but still I have wonder if any other workaround available to update the active users's email (valid email) into "....
Raj's user avatar
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DON'T send welcome email from Node.js

I'm creating a Node.JS/JSForce/Express API to create external identity users in SF, but I don't want the user to receive the welcome email for the Experience Site they're enrolled in, although users ...
kevstev01's user avatar
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Checking if Territory has Users

Is there a way to check if a territory has a user assigned? I tried using UserTerritory2Associations to query by a TerritoryId and log 'doesnt exist' or 'exist' if the result is null or not. But it is ...
Vicky's user avatar
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The data you were trying to access could not be found. It may be due to another user deleting the data or a system error

I'm creating a user on a scratch org. When I try to add a role I get the following error.
jojo's user avatar
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Why can't I access a custom hierarchy field on `User`?

I have two custom hierarchy fields on User. When I access a user and click "Edit," I have access to one of these fields but not the other. I've double-checked the following: I'm logged in ...
Chuck's user avatar
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What are possible side effects of having fields on User object which should be frequently updated?

For integration purposes I would like to store a few custom fields on User object which should be updated 10-30 times per day. Is it considered a good practice to have such fields on User object? Are ...
Taras Shevchuk's user avatar
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Is there a way to hide the Standard NAME field?

Is there a way to delete/hide this field? It comes with object creation but I don't need it. Or is there a flow /formula field I can do to update this field with the user? This is for a tab called ...
123here's user avatar
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TimeZoneSidKey field in user object not returning entire list of picklist values in when executed in apex context but its working with workbench

code used in method to fetch all the timezone value list: List<DropdownWrapper> timezones = new List<DropdownWrapper>(); Schema.DescribeFieldResult descField = User.TimeZoneSidKey....
neeraj sathish's user avatar
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Difference between Tooling & Rest API when retrieving fields from USER object

I was trying to get the "User" object's fields list, So I tried to do it using an SOQL query via REST API: Select QualifiedApiName From FieldDefinition where EntityDefinition....
John.S's user avatar
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"Org doesn’t have permission to display chatter photos on component" when installing managed package

We're getting this error message when installing our managed package into a customer org: Org doesn’t have permission to display chatter photos on component It's related to the deployment of a ...
Guy Clairbois's user avatar
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How can I create salesforce user (not `Account` record) through salesforce CLI?

I want to create a User through Salesforce CLI. I know that I can create Scratch-Org users (DOC), but I want to create one in production organization; I know that I can create user through API (DOC, ...
user2475983's user avatar
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Flow not triggering from User object

I've got a autolaunched flow on the user object (create/update). The flow should run when user updates their profile picture but, for some reason, doesn't. In debug mode, the flow runs all the ...
Jean-Se's user avatar
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Change Lightning Record Page Template button Is not working

I want to change Template for My Account Lightning Record Page. However when I click on the Change button nothings happens. Did anyone have the same problem before ? Any help will be appreciated. ...
Vitalii Dehnerys's user avatar
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How To Find Out If An Admin Changed The Username On A User Record?

How do I find out if an Admin changed the username on a user record? There is no field history tracking for the User object.
сакиб али's user avatar
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How to get owner's photo in custom record page?

I made a custom record page, where I can get detail info about records. This includes the owner field. And next to the field I want to get a photo of the owner and maybe user's photo from "...
Valentin Romanov's user avatar
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How do you get Community User Contact Id in Aura without Apex

In an existing Aura component, I'm trying to get Contact Id of Community user without Apex. I'm trying to avoid having to create an Apex class just for this purpose. I tried below, let userObj = $A....
Pasan Eeriyagama's user avatar
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New User URL not displaying properly

I have a requirement to invoke the user creation page to prepopulate some fields. I'm using the following URL: /lightning/o/User/new?defaultFieldValues=LastName={!User.LastName},ProfileId={!User....
Raul Mora's user avatar
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email address not accepted in username of a particular user record, even though its never used

I need to add my company's email address to my user record in Company's Production org. While I am trying to do so, I am getting an error that this email address is already in use. I checked ...
Gaurav Sharma's user avatar
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How to reset Security Token of API Only User? [duplicate]

How to reset Security Token of API Only User ? I created a new user in salesforce exclusively for integration purpose. Got the welcome email,Verified Account and changed password. Prior to this, I ...
GroundToCloud's user avatar
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UserPermissionsMarketingUser is visible on the User Detail record for user records but it cannot be found in Object Manager

I can select or deselect UserPermissionsMarketingUser for User detail records manually. The field is visible. However, when I click on the Fields and Relationships for the User object using Object ...
Anthony Williams's user avatar
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Can you Mass Disable the Marketing User field (UserPermissionMarketingUser) for multiple User records using Data Loader?

I am attempting to mass disable the User record's Marketing User field (UserPermissionMarketingUser) for certain user records that exist within a test SF org. The steps I used were: Create a report ...
Anthony Williams's user avatar
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Users able to edit records not owned by them inspite of OWD Setting Public Read Only

The OWD setting on Opportunity is Public Read Only Permission on Opportunity for User Profile is: Create, Edit, Delete, Read, View All. No permission to Modify All Sharing Rules are not defined for ...
GroundToCloud's user avatar
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LWC locale does not match Apex version

When I utilize the following in my LWC component: import USER_LOCALE from '@salesforce/i18n/locale'; I get this back: en-US However, when I run the following in Apex: UserInfo.getLanguage() I get ...
Michael Sobczak's user avatar
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Mobile User checkbox not appears in user detail in developer sandbox and UAT even user having API Enable permission in profile

and Production i am able to see mobile user checkbox. Mobile User checkbox not appears in user detail in dev sandbox and UAT but its appeared in dev 2 sandbox instance.
purna's user avatar
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Record dependency

I have a custom object to apply for leaves (such as Casual, Sick, Unpaid) for the users in my org. I have applied a validation rule to check different users cannot create or edit any record for other ...
Debabrata Jena's user avatar
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How to access the User object from Account object, via the Contact object. Error: No such column 'Users' on entity 'Contact'

I would like to write a SOQL query which goes from Account > Contact > User(s) Something like this: [SELECT PersonContactId, PersonContact.Users, PersonEmail FROM Account WHERE ...] But I get ...
Robs's user avatar
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Lightning Community: Current User ID as URL Parameter

In a Lightning Community, is it possible to reference the current user's contact ID as a URL parameter? I want to link directly to the community user's contact record so they can update their contact ...
Rochelle C's user avatar
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Error when adding Role to my user in a scratch org

I came across this issue when trying to add a role to my own user, in order to have the account serve as a community account for community user provisioning. I also tried creating another admin with ...
Glen De Marcos's user avatar
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User Creation in External System [closed]

Is there a way to automatically create a user in an external web application once the user is created in Salesforce? What are the different ways to go about doing it? If you have some examples that ...
user3810861's user avatar
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Field 'ProfilePhotoId' on object 'User' is not supported

I have been getting this exception when updating lead(Process Builder). While I do not see any issue with process builders update operation I get below exception. This error occurred: ...
Soberano's user avatar
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Use of ?noredirect=1&isuserentityoverride=1

Can you please explain me the use of setting noredirect=1 and isUserEntityOverride=1 and appending it to the url. I'm creating a custom link in Lightning which will open the user record. If I set ...
sfdcnewbie's user avatar
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Is it possible to create a user from one Org to another automatically?

I am trying to Create an Org to manage all of the user records for a POC. So from my POC org I have an Object called People (can also be the user record) and have a related list called Org Access (...
Jayson Labnao's user avatar
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Suppressing password generation when creating community user with API

I want to use the Salesforce API (REST or SOAP) to provision new Community Cloud Users. I have successfully invoked the API and created the user account, however the transaction automatically ...
Russell Shephard's user avatar
5 votes
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Documentation: Automated Process user/proxy user

I wanted to read more about the Automated Process user and what processes go through that user but I cannot find a salesforce's documentation page. Can somebody provide me with a link? I also read ...
Arthlete's user avatar
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Allow access to a user-type custom object

I have a custom object called 'Advisor' and for every single record, I would like to allow authentication access for that one Advisor to log in and view their record and make changes. For example, ...
BlondeSwan's user avatar
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Show View State checkbox on User record is missing

I have one client where the "Show View State in Development Mode" checkbox field is missing on the User detail screen, so I can't enable View State. The user has a full Salesforce license and is a ...
David Cheng's user avatar
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