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Questions tagged [mail-chimp]

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Will there be a conflict if the account in salesforce is dormant in synching to mail chimp? [closed]

What is the effect of Salesforce dormant account in synching to mailchimp. Will these dormant account can receive emails from mailchimp?
Jeric Rivera's user avatar
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Mailchimp URL parameter disappears after landing to Lightning Tab

I need to authenticate Salesforce with Mailchimp. Through quick action, I am calling an aura component which then calls LWC component. I am able to login to Mailchimp from salesforce as per the login ...
Jigar Trivedi's user avatar
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I am not geting data in contact object but i am geting in Lead while integrating with mailchimp

I am trying to integrate my developer org with mailchimp. i mapped the fields of Lead and Contacts. When i am creating contact on mailchimp i am getting it as Lead in salesforce but i am not getting ...
divay's user avatar
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Intelligent email campaigns with SalesForce

I'm wondering if I can get some help in the email campaigns & newsletter topic: We want to implement some automations regarding newsletter subscriber TO hot-lead conversions, and I'm curious if ...
Laureant's user avatar
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MailChimp Campaign Hourly Stats taking up too much data in the Storage Usage

I am having an issue of MailChimp Campaign Hourly Stats taking up too much data in my Salesforce environment. When I open my Salforce Storage Usage nearly all of my storage data is taken from ...
lemdev's user avatar
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How to create a button to generates a text list of all emails from a related object

Very new to Salesforce but not new to SQL guy here. I'm just wondering what method I could use to create a button in a custom object that would query a junction object for the other related object's ...
Spencer Belleau's user avatar
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Am I able to restrict access to a group of records while also keeping the Objects Sharing Settings to Public Read/Write?

I am currently admin for an org which uses installed packages that are essential to business processes. As a caveat to having these packages I must keep my Sharing Settings to Public Read/Write for ...
Malaki Toleafoa's user avatar
1 vote
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Can I customize MailChimpforSalesforce App of AppExchange?

Can I customize the MailChimpforSalesforce App? I am using MailChimpforSalesforce app to integrate Salesforce and Mailchimp(MC). The MailChimpforSalesforce app is designed to offer a two-way sync ...
Archita patnaik's user avatar
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Find string in a field, find account with same first and last name like that string and add that entire field to activity history field

Here's the problem: Every time a contact gets updated, I need to go to Notes&Attachments of that contact and fetch JUST the first line of the BODY field for every individual entry if it ...
Jurica Dujmović's user avatar
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MailChimp for Salesforce

Is there an application that can integrate Mail Chimp reports with Salesforce ? We have installed mailchimp however it doesn't show the amount of clicks, opens for each campaign or list
DominicSeb's user avatar