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Enhanced letterhead - new button

I am not able to see button in Enhanced letterhead in salesforce. Can any one give me the solution on how to enable the new button Thanks
Lilly's user avatar
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Add logo image to html email template

I have a small (hopefully) issue that I'm not able to find a solution to.I've added a logo to Documents in SF Classic, to use in an html template for when users need to create and send emails from ...
Simona Croitoru's user avatar
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Footer and Visual Force email template

Hi SalesForce community, I've some difficulties to create a footer/letterhead for an Visual Force email template. I know you can't create a letterhead for an Visual force email template but is it ...
QuestionAsker123's user avatar
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Unable to add HTML snippet in a letterhead email template in Salesforce Classic

My requirement is to use HTML to display buttons on an Email Template with Letterhead, but I am not able to add html to a letterhead email template. Can someone please help? Right now it is as it is ...
Shobhit Saxena's user avatar
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Create email template with HTML and CSS with letterHead

I'm trying to create an email template with a letterhead. When I open the email with a computer its working great, but when I opening it from a mobile or other small screen device, it looks awful. I ...
Salvation's user avatar
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Classic Email Letterhead

Is there a way to create professional letterheads similar to Classic Email Letterhead with Lightning? If not is there a way to use a file in the Classic Email Template instead of a document?
Michele Kleinhomer's user avatar
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Is that possible to change Custom (without using Letterhead) to a HTML (using Letterhead) in a particular email template?

I need to update an email template which is initially created as a Custom (without using Letterhead) email template to a HTML (using Letterhead) email template. The reason for this modification is , I ...
Prasad Ruwanpathirana's user avatar