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Questions tagged [bind-variable]

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Is IN operator equivalent to Equal operator in SOQL when binding a list variable?

While testing some SOQL queries I noticed that the Equal operator behaves like the IN operator when using a list bind variable All the queries below run without any error and return the same result ...
benahm's user avatar
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Retrieve Journey Name using ampscript or ssjs

Does anyone know how to retrieve the Journey Name using either ampscript or ssjs? I want to populate the name inside of a variable when the email is sent through a journey? Something similar to ...
HHF21's user avatar
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SOQL RecordTypeName vs RecordTypeId

Id recordTypeId = Schema.SObjectType.Lead.getRecordTypeInfosByDeveloperName().get('ZS_Lead').getRecordTypeId(); List<Lead> leads = [Select Id, Name, LeadSource, OwnerId ...
GroundToCloud's user avatar
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are binding variables in dynamic soql not required to be in scope at the time of query? [duplicate]

This code works even though contactID is not in scope at the time of the query. Can anyone explain what is going on here? String query = 'SELECT Id FROM Contact WHERE '; if (true) { String ...
Phil B's user avatar
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Dynamically Pass Bind Variables to a SOQL Query With queryWithBinds Method

I was going through the new feature from Spring 23 release regarding Dynamically Pass Bind Variables to a SOQL Query With queryWithBinds Method. It seems like it is working when there is only one ...
Sudipta Deb's user avatar
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Set Salesforce LWC Variable from D3 data

I am able to visualize my D3 chart within a Salesforce LWC component, but now what I want to do is when I click on a selected node within the D3 code, I want to pass the selected node data ( to ...
Stephen's user avatar
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apex:inputField and Javascript

I am curious if there is a way to show/hide my <apex:inputField> once I start typing AND save the data to a custom object. Option 1: I am able to do this functionality with a <input> tag ...
Olivia's user avatar
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REGEX With bind variable inside flow screen not working

i'm doing a field validation inside a flow screen with the regex formula field: !REGEX({!CustomerNumberList}, **{!Account_Customer_Number}**) And it seems the second argument is not being binded by ...
Felipe's user avatar
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Using Python and simple salesforce with parameters “Bind variables only allowed in Apex code”

dict = sf.query("SELECT Id,FirstName,LastName,Email FROM Contact WHERE Id=:cid") cid is a variable defined by myself. I wonder how to use the simple query function to select the field. Any response ...
cheyrl's user avatar
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Bind checkbox value with controller boolean variable

I have checkboxes on my vf page <apex:inputCheckbox id="checkboxShowP" value="{!P}" onchange="show(this);"/> In the controller class public boolean P{get;set;} I want to bind this checkbox ...
Rimii's user avatar
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Is it possible to bind filename with javascript on apex repeat?

I have a simple apex repeat with add filename tag. When I add the following line "inputfile" the previous line shows no file chosen. Is it possible to bind the filename with the inputfile button with ...
Thomas's user avatar
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Binding input to a hidden variable with JS

I've got a datepicker attached to an input text, and I need to make the text value available to my apex variable "LaunchDate." It's not binding. I even tried putting onfocus="SetLaunchD()" in the ...
J.W.'s user avatar
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How to bind variable in .js-meta.xml file of LWC component?

Javascript : import { LightningElement, api } from 'lwc'; export default class ApcApiArticle extends LightningElement { @api prevPart; connectedCallback() { this.sfdcBaseURL = window.location....
Fark's user avatar
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How to get get filesize by id inputfile component

How do I get get the filesize by id of the inputfile component into javascript. Currently I get the error checkIfEmpty is not defined. Visualforce <apex:repeat ...
Thomas's user avatar
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How to pass parameter to recordEditForm on init

I have 2 child components in a wizard the first on the first page the second on the second page. I pass a recordtype Id from the first component to the second component trough an event how do I pass ...
Thomas's user avatar
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How to pass itteration id value to to another component

I have an iteration from where I want to display a component and cant seem to get the values displaying from my other component Error: Unable to get value for key 'opleiding.Id'. No value provider was ...
Thomas's user avatar
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How do I pass Aura v.recordId to a string literal attribute?

I am trying to call an OmniScript from a quick action. Documentation provides an Aura wrapper for this purpose. The Omni Script takes recordId as ContextId. Aura passes recordId as {!v.record Id} The ...
justicepsych's user avatar
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Apex class DML query using bind variable

The line "Integer days =" has an error, which I am trying to bind the Case record id to get "days" to be passed to the "createCase.Date_Due__c = + days; " ...
Pluto's user avatar
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How to Pass parameter value from controller to Apex:repeat getValue()

I wonder, how can I pass input variable to getValuesForRepeat in apex:repeat please. I.e, my apex:repeat renders different contents depends on inputVar1. Basically, <apex:repeat value="{!...
user2751691's user avatar
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I need to run a range of IDs into my query to get the name, Parent, and Primary Address from Accounts

When I enter the following code, I keep getting the error message Bind variables only allowed in Apex code I am unsure how to make it so I can enter multiple IDs and get back the information I am ...
Pbres's user avatar
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Is SOQL variable binding parameterization?

If you bind a variable in a SOQL query, is that equivalent to parameterization? And is there a difference in behavior between static vs dynamic?
Foo Bar's user avatar
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Dynamic SOQL with bind variable when variable equal to null

I saw some strange from my point of view behavior for SOQL in apex when tried to compare with variable that is null, like: Date notInitializedBirthdate; List<Contact> cnts = [ SELECT Id, ...
Aliaksandr Luferau's user avatar