I have a custom object, Sales Invoice, that has a custom formula field to calculate the number of days overdue. I want to send an automated email at XX days overdue to both the account owner and their manager.
My first problem is I don't think the workflow is going. I have it set to send an email alert when Days_Overdue__c = XX (formula is TODAY()-Due_Date__c) criteria is everytime created and edited to meet criteria. I also have two time based workflows that updates a picklist with either 1 or 2, switching off each day (if value =1, update picklist value to 2 in 24 hours and the opposite if value=2). I was thinking this would take care of needing to edit the record for the email workflow to send. If I manually edit a record, the email workflow works properly.
My second problem is the manager's email. I created an email field on the object which has another workflow to update to the contents to Account__r.Owner.Manager.Email when Sales Invoice: Manager's Email NOT EQUAL TO Account__r.Owner.Manager.Email. The manager email does populate when the record is created, but not if the account owner changes or on records that existed before this was created(which I thought would also be updated with the picklist 1/2 workflows).
Am I making this too complicated?