We have an LWC in our managed package that references custom fields and custom labels. I'm trying to use Translation Workbench with an English->English translation to alter the text as some customers want to customize it. But it doesn't appear to work.
Below is as subset of the code showing the use of one Custom Label and one Custom Field. I can use Translation Workbench to do an English->English translation for both. The field label does change when viewing a record on a page layout. But it does not change when rendered on the LWC. This as my baffled as the labels aren't hard-coded. I would think they would come from the same metadata as the page layout.
<lightning-card title={label.labelEngagewareSchedulerDetails} >
<lightning-record-edit-form layout-type="Compact" record-id= {meetingId} object-api-name={meetingObject} >
<lightning-output-field field-name={meetingStatusField}></lightning-output-field>
import labelEngagewareSchedulerDetails from "@salesforce/label/c.Engageware_Scheduler_Details";
import Meeting_OBJECT from '@salesforce/schema/Meeting__c';
import Meeting_Status_FIELD from '@salesforce/schema/Meeting__c.Meeting_Status__c';
label = {
meetingObject = Meeting_OBJECT;
meetingStatusField = Meeting_Status_FIELD;