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Questions tagged [lightning-outputfield]

Represents a read-only display of a label, help text, and value for a field on a Salesforce object. This component requires API version 41.0 and later.

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1 answer

Translation not working on LWC

We have an LWC in our managed package that references custom fields and custom labels. I'm trying to use Translation Workbench with an English->English translation to alter the text as some ...
Ken's user avatar
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Detect which child was hover from parents onmouseover event

I have made a custom record detail page of the custom object and used lightning-output-field to display the value of a lookup field. Now I want a feature that when I hover the mouse over the value of ...
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Refresh Lightning Output Field on Record Update

I am displaying a custom field through a lightning output field, this works great until I update the field value through Apex. (I am using a modal and a combo box to achieve this) The field is ...
JLadage's user avatar
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1 answer

How to pass lightning:outputField value which is used in recordViewForm

I want to pass my lightning:outputField value to aura controller on hover the field. I'm not able to find a way to do it. Below is the code. <aura:iteration items="{!v.completeList}" var=&...
sfdcOwl's user avatar
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LWC lightning-output-field for email not respecting Email Editor Selection

I've created an LWC with a lightning-output-field pointing to an email field. <lightning-output-field field-name="myEmailField__c"></lightning-output-field> It appears to the user as a ...
Mike Paisner's user avatar
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Can't change font size of lightning:outputfield

I can't seem to change the font size of the lightning:outputfield. The unordered list text below is the font size I am looking for. <aura:attribute name="Impact1Title" type="Aura.Component[]"&...
Michele Kleinhomer's user avatar
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2 answers

Use lightning:recordViewForm to show related record data

I am using lightning:recordViewForm with lightning:outputField in my lightning component. Regular fields are shown correctly, but when I am trying to show a field of a related parent record nothing ...
Itai Shmida's user avatar
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Failed to save MyContactComp.cmp: No COMPONENT named markup://lighting:outputfield found

when i am using to show data using ourtputfield its not allowing to save the component file. error message is below Failed to save MyContactComp.cmp: No COMPONENT named markup://lighting:outputfield ...
cloudZigZag's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Binding lightning:inputField to a client-side SObject instance not an SObject Id?

My reading of the lightning:inputField and related lightning:recordEditForm docs is that the record is read and written based on the Id supplied via the recordId attribute. There is no option to bind ...
Keith C's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

Is it possible to use the new v41.0 lightning:outputField in huge numbers inside tables? Is it possible to extend it?

Today I'm giving the new v41.0 <lightning:outputField> a try. I want to use it massively inside an <aura:iteration> to build a data-table and want to accomplish the following: ...
Uwe Heim's user avatar
  • 28.5k
-1 votes
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How to use lightning:outputField and lightning:inputField inside an aura:iteration

How can I use the new v41.0 <lightning:outputField> inside an <aura:iteration>? I have tried this <aura:attribute name="Opportunities" type="Object" default="{}" /> <aura:...
Uwe Heim's user avatar
  • 28.5k