There is a similar question about this but it does not have helpful answer to solve my problem.

So I registered an event and set that event in the journey builder to send push notification once i have triggered the event.

This is the sample log that my app sends when i tried triggering the event, being Connection Error as the event i am trying to trigger. As i have mentioned, I have registered this event and created a journey builder when this event happened.

2022-04-08 01:30:22.620487+0900 Luna[15983:967597] [module] log: No triggers for key Connection Error in event <CustomEvent: 0x280496fe0> file: MarketingCloudSDKEvent.m line: line: 923

any ideas how to debug?

  • Open a support case.
    – Bill Mote
    Commented Apr 8, 2022 at 11:52
  • Hey, did you find any way to resolve this? Commented Jun 28, 2022 at 8:39

1 Answer 1


I asked the same question to support and was told to upgrade to Marketing Cloud SDK v8 which fixed the issue.

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