When you configure Sychronized Data Extensions in Marketing Cloud, an Attribute Group is created in Contact Builder for the Synchronized Data Extensions, where cardinal relationships are created based on a predetermined priority (as unlike Sales Cloud, Contact Builder supports a single relationship between objects).
Note that 'Contact Alternate Identifiers' are used within the Contact Record (for User Id, Lead Id and Contact Id) to create the relationship back to the Contact record (it doesn't use Contact Key).
These Attributes (within the Attribute Group) are then available for selection from within a Decision Split Activity:
This works fine. However, what if you have an account with child Business Units? As Sychronized Data Extensions are only available in the Parent BU, you need to configure shared Data Extensions and use Query Activities in an Automation to populate the DEs, so the data can be used in other BUs.
I get that bit, but the Contact Builder Attribute Group isn't created in Child BU's, and you can't really replicate it either, as it uses Contact Alternate Identifiers, which aren't available when manually linking Data Extensions to a Contact Record:
So, while you might be able to create simple cardinal relationships for one Object type (for example, map Contact Key to a Lead Id) within Contact Builder in a Child BU, you can't replicate the same relationship that's created in the Parent BU.
It seems a bit crazy that the only real solution is to send these Journeys from your Parent BU?!