I have a pre chat form and the app is configured to open a VF page when the chat request is accepted. I want to pass parameters entered in the pre chat form to this VF page. Thanks for your help in advance.
1 Answer
You have to use getDetailsByPrimaryTabId()
method available in Salesforce Console Integration Toolkit. This will return the details of the chat associated with a specific primary tab ID. See this Salesforce documentation for more details.
Example VF page provided in the above mentioned link.
<apex:page >
<apex:includeScript value="/support/console/29.0/integration.js"/>
<a href="#" onClick="testGetDetailsByPrimaryTabId();">Get Chat Details</a>
<script type="text/javascript">
function testGetDetailsByPrimaryTabId() {
//Get the value for 'myPrimaryTabId'from the getPrimaryTabIds() or getEnclosingPrimaryTabId() methods.
//These values are for example purposes only
var primaryTabId = 'myPrimaryTabId';
sforce.console.chat.getDetailsByPrimaryTabId(primaryTabId, getDetailsSuccess);
function getDetailsSuccess(result) {
//Report whether accepting the chat was succesful
if (result.success == true) {
chatKey = result.details.chatKey;
alert('The chatKey for this chat is: ' + chatKey);
} else {
alert('Getting the details was not Succesful');
You can get all the pre-chat form details from the result JS object as below.