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6 votes
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Query for Emails sent in the past month, unsubscribes opens, clicks for each

Ok this seems like it should be a fairly simple query, but I'm not getting anywhere. What makes it worse is that all the data is stored in several tables. I basically need to recreate the monthly ...
Stan Alachniewicz's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Customer Communities Plus Users Can't See Reports

having trouble showing reports to users in a community. Has anyone done this successfully? Steps I’ve followed so far: Created a dev org (also tried all these steps in a trailhead playground to the ...
Toby Curtis's user avatar
3 votes
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Lightning force:recordView Edit Event on Pencil Icon Click

The force:recordView Lightning component shows pencil icon edit buttons next to each field, however clicking them doesn't appear to do anything and there's no documentation on how to catch a click ...
Daniel Flippance's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Error in List View Unique Name when deploying to new org

I'm trying to create Ant tasks to make it easier to implement Continuous Integration in the company I work for, and I'm facing one annoying issue when trying to deploy the package to the new org. ...
Renato Oliveira's user avatar