I am using the Standard field Email of the Standard object Contact in a VFP. In Salesforce when I enter an invalid email address, I get the error message like this enter image description here

However When I enter an invalid email in the VFP, the error displayed is like this enter image description here

Here is the line from VFP

<apex:inputField style="width:150px;" id="ContactEmail" html-maxlength="40" styleClass="slds-input inputHalf reqInput contact-email" value="{!wrapperRecord.contactrecord.Email}" />

When I replace the above line with

<apex:column headerValue="Email">
                <apex:inputField value="{!eachRecord.record.Email}" required="true"/>

I see the error message like this

enter image description here

My question is - why isn't the Field Error on VFP with SLDS style displayed in Red? How can i change the color from Black to Red.


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